Friday, December 7, 2012

What things are “a must have” in a new home?

Q. I am going to be building a new home. Nothing huge, I�m single, no kids. I�m thinking a two bedroom one floor finished basement. Some sort of cottage or bungalow type deal. I�m starting a list of what it must have. As in a garage with a door leading into a mud room and then the kitchen? Or into an entry way next to the front door? Steps from the garage down into the basement? I guess I�m asking about basic convenient layout. What about your homes layout do you like? What do you wish you had? What don�t you like?

One thing I do want even though it will be a smaller home is a decent sized entry. I visit new homes, even larger ones, and all of the company ends up on this tiny bit of tile in the entry way falling over each other, the kids and the dog trying to put shoes on and off.
There are a lot of new homes on the market and I've looked at a few. They all tend to go for curb appeal and size, not quality. The trims no good, dry wall not skim coat, narrow hallways, cheap doors and banistors etc...Oh, and miles upon miles of wood floors. Not good when you like a boxer dog around.

A. There are plenty of websites online where you can find awesome floor plans. After you find one you like, take it to an architect, and have him or her adjust so that every thing is just the way you want it. One thing to keep in mind is that the outside of the home doesn't have to look like the one on the website attached to the floorplan you like. An architect will help you adjust the exterior of the home look the way you want also.

Before you even start looking at builders be sure you know what "extras" you want. Things to consider are walkout basements, garage door openers, garbage disposals, dedicated lines for dryers, and microwaves, dishwashers, doorknobs, faucets and shower heads, flooring. Think of the kind of kitchen cabinets/ appliances you want The earlier you decide on your extras, the more you'll be able to talk you builder down. If you are more specific now means that the estimate your builder will also be closer to the actual cost of your home.

I would go to the local library and take out magazines with home decor in them, flag pictures you like and take photocopies to show your builder when you're planning your house/ kitchen so they know what you want.

Be sure you spec your home out with a few builders. Don't just settle on the one with the best price, be sure to take into account the quality of material each builder uses for things like sheetrock (is it moisture/mold resistant in the bathroom?) and insulation. Make sure you ask for references, and check them out. Alot of builders change their entire demeanor the second you sign a contract, be careful and Good luck!

what is the best way to make space for a baby in a one bedroom apartment??
Q. we just signed a new lease and it isnt up until the summer, how do we make space for the baby and all the items ( crib, toys, stroller, etc..) ??

A. Get a small stroller that can fold up and be kept in the hall or outside the door or in your car. Don't get an infant car seat because you'll have to either leave it in the car or store it somewhere in your house. Get a convertible seat like the Sunshine Kids Radian 80 or the Britax Marathon--both can be used from birth-65 or 80 lbs depending on the seat. Plus, they both have better safety ratings than infant seats.

A bassinet is useless and you can only use it for a couple of months and then you'll have to store it. Or, if you plan to co sleep, that'll save space, too. If you get a crib, make sure it doesn't have a drawer under it. This way you can buy plastic drawers to stick underneath it and store toys, clothes, etc.

You don't need a changing table--just get a changing pad that you can slide under the bed, behind the couch, behind a bookcase, etc.

If you get a swing, get one that also has a vibrate feature so you don't need a separate vibrating seat.

Don't buy a full high chair, get one that attaches to a kitchen chair so it doesn't take up extra space. Wait to get an exersaucer or something similar until the baby's 5 or 6 mos old. That way, it's not taking up tons of space. Newborns don't have a lot of toys. If you get a gym, get the tinylove kind that folds up and you can take it down when you're not using it and it'll be flat and you can stick it behind the couch, head board, wherever. Get one of those organizers for the countertop for baby food and bottles and you should be set!

My mom wants to redo her room, but idk how to start it?
Q. She has a lot of clutter because she likes to buy a lot of stuff.
She is weird about getting rid of stuff
I almost want to sign her up for clean house:P but its just one room.
What should I do? HELP?

A. WOW,,, are you my daughter????

Actually, I have the same problem but I am the mom here...My daughter and husband always bugging me to get rid of my clutter...I like my stuff and I would be very upset if they called clean house...I just might move out for good if they ever did that!!!! I know for a fact ... It is an addiction or more or less a sickness that is sometimes heredity...My dad and my grandmother did the same thing...I help my dad and I think I am the only one that can...I just organise his stuff an put it in boxes nice and neat with his permission of course.. ( and he knows I won't throw out anything unless it is totally useless and a health hazard for some reason and even than he has to ok it with my help)....By helping him and seeing how much he is out of tune with others ,I see myself...
I really was out of control and learned to stop shopping.. I think that is why we are in a recession now ,LOL !
I actually had to PRAY because I didn't know what to do about it and I knew it was bothering others...I got better in the last 2 yrs about putting everything on the 3rd floor out of the way...I had my stuff and it wasn't in others way....I would suggest letting her have a special room to put her stuff in and not in any everyday living space.. I still have lots in my closets etc but nobody can see it with the door closed...I am gradually getting it under control ... I started volunteering and I saw how many people were in need and I find myself giving lots away ...I have had yard sales with things that I know I will never use or get around to using anymore...I actually made lots of money and I can't even remember what I sold...There was so much stuff I didn't even price it . I told people it was lets make a deal and they named a price and I almost always said ok...I figured I won't miss it and they wanted it...I made lots of friends that day...Made me feel good. and my house has less junk in it... I plan on doing it again this yr.

The condition is called hording,,,look it up on computer. I was told to by my sister and she offered to help me.. I need to do it myself but she helped sort it with me one day.. That was a help.. We didn't throw anything away , just started getting ready for another Yard Sale. I recently bought a CD on how to use EBAY...for. The things too good for yard sale... antiques and paintings .

It took me yrs to get in this mood, but I had to think about it.I didn't want my kids to have to deal with it all if something happened to me.. I am doing it more for them than myself. I still have lots to do and should be at it now...
My husband promised to redo the bedrooms totally with new carpet, paint , curtains etc if I clean it out... I did but now its all packed in boxes in a spare bedroom on the 3rd floor out of the way... Each day I do a few boxes at a time and the Salvation Army is going to have a field day...I can write it off and my husband is giving me the saving to buy new things I want for the new room or vacation....It is incentive..

I think the BEST THING TO DO ,,IS NOT NAG,,,talk to her and DO ONE BOX at a time and PROMISE you won't throw anything out, or give it away,Let her do that and the best thing is to PRAY!!!!!! that was how I got started..

GOOD LUCK!!! let me know how it goes...If she isn't ready ...just help her reorginize in nice boxes and put them in the basement or a closet..She will be upset if you NAG her. Believe me ,,,the horders know they have to do it,,but they find it hard and sometimes impossible.

is it ok to leave my cat for 2 nights, with someone coming in during the day?
Q. I have to go away for 2 nights. My cat is 18 years old. Will she be ok during the night? We do have a friend coming in twice every day for an hour at a time when i know my cat will be awake so that she has some company , cuddles etc. She has no access to outside. Please help as im thinking of not going but i really must go. Can someone put my mind at ease please. Thanks.

A. If your cat is healthy it is totaly fine. They are independent animals. They do not think as we do. I leave my cat all the time for the weekend, or a buisness trip. With no one coming in to visit. First you need to leave the tv on low...they actualy amuse themselves by watching the scenes change. In another room leave on a radio station with mellow music...NO KID CRAZY HEAVY METAL OR HARD ROCK STUFF. Leave your bedroom door open, so he or she can go sleep in your bed if that is what they uisualy do. Leave an extra bowl of waterout, just in case they are getting silly, romp around the kitchen, and accidently at the one time your gone....bump into it, and dump it out. Leave your pillow that you sleep with, and a soft shirt you wear regular (it has your body smell on it), and preferably one that is not washed, but not stinky either...that is better....put these on the couch by the tv set. Your cat will nap, hang out probably on top of those articles, as it watches the low tv playing. Finally and VERY important....Leave something on your front door, back door, sliding glass door, that the fire deptartment will see if by some bizarre reason you have a fire. They are great about animals and pets. If they need to go into your house, then they will actualy look for your pet. You don't put a poster size note on your door letting someone know that your gone so a burglur comes, Just a sign, a memo of some kind that indicates you have pets. I have these cute signs I bought that are funny, and it says "BEWARE CAT FAILED OBEDIENCE SCHOOL<AND IS NOW LIVING BACK AT HOME". I put those on my door in a cute frame, so a person will laugh, think I am goofy, but not indicate I'm absent from my home. Remember that this is really a secret message to the fire people in the event that they are at your door, and coming in. Go away, don't sweat it, the cat is going to be cool. She will be leaping all over you when you get back, but she won't be in distress as your gone. My cats have always lived with me leaving a few times a year in such conditions.

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Title Post: What things are “a must have” in a new home?
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