Friday, December 7, 2012

How do I get my cat out of the way, when I'm trying to get some action?

Q. I kid you not, he is actually my gf's cat and he is never more then a few feet from her. And, I think he hates me and gives me a glare whenever we get close.

A. Ok, seriously, when things get hot and heavy, there needs to be a solid door between you and the cat. There are some sayings you don't want to test the truth of, and "so hard a cat couldn't scratch it" is one of them. (I think I was more freaked out than my boyfriend was, talk about ruining the moment. And really, the bedroom door had been closed, but it was a cheap accordion style folding door, and the cat wormed her way under it. After that, she got shut in the bathroom.) I don't know how intimate you and your girlfriend are, or are planning to be, but this is definitely something that the two of you should decide beforehand - whether to shut the cat in the bathroom, or if there is a stout enough door on the bedroom, or whatever.

As for the cat hating you, well, from his point of view you are not only making the moves on his mom but you are also encroaching on his territory. If you were a cat, you would very likely be planning to evict this cat from his home and sources of food, by force. What you want to do is convince him that you want to be his hunt buddy. It's like when two young nomad lions team up, after having been evicted from the pride by the dominant male (usually their father) - they work together to hunt and will share kills, they watch each others backs during fights. You can imitate this by feeding him - if you are around when it is time for him to be fed, make sure to make a big show of how you are giving him food. If mealtime does not coincide with your visits, ask your girlfriend if it is ok for you to give him some treats. Another thing you can do is to play with him - not with your bare hands, but with toys. If he's got toy mice, throw them for him. Fishing pole style toys are really great too. It can't hurt to buy some cheap cat toys to give him - again, make a big show of it, so he knows they are from you. It may seem ridiculous to you to go through this fuss and bother, but it can make a big difference in how he sees you. And I'd bet that it would make an impression on your girlfriend, too, that you make that kind of effort.

What is a typical day in the life of a flight attendant?
Q. I want to be a flight attendant really bad. I dont want to be a pilot because then you have to learn how to fly a plane and go to school .I dont want to be a airmarshal because it is just way to boring so I think I could be a F/A.
you get to serve stuff and show the emergency exits but then I cant see my wife or my kids. Anyway i just wanted to know what it was like

A. Typical day? Waking up in a different city, missing home, yet traveling to different cities and not having to pay for a hotel room, working on an airplane dealing with smelly bathrooms and rude passengers- yet having 24 hours in cities like San Fransisco where you get to walk around, or spending 30 hours in Munich, Germany on the hunt for the perfect beer.
Sometimes having to be "on call" 24 hours a day- just when you finally fall asleep- scheduling calls- get up and get to the airport- you are going to Mexico City!
Thinking that you are going to sleep the night in Vegas but then you get re-routed to Salt Lake City.
Working a very smooth flight then suddenly someone has a medical emergency and you have to administer first aid.
Waking up in NYC one day and having NO CLUE what city you will sleep in that night!
Living in a "crashpad" with 8 or 9 people- in a two bedroom apt!
Trying to commute from your hometown to your base- you keep getting bumped off the flight and have to spend two extra days in base instead of home.
But then- you get all kinds of discounts for travel- hotel rooms, cruises, car rentals-
Just be prepared to spend little time at home unless you are lucky enough to be based in the same city you live.
I am single and find it very exciting!

What are some good party games for 3-4 year olds?
Q. My daughter is turning 4 and I want a few games for her party where the kids can win prizes. But it has to be simple enough so the kids don't get frustrated or distracted.
I'm thinking pin the tail on the donkey and candyland. Any other suggestions? It's a princess party. Nothing messy because all the girls are gonna be wearing pretty dresses.

A. For my daughters 4th birthday we had a princess party. all the girls dressed in there princess dresses the pictures were amazing great minds think alike ;) I made cupcakes and tinted frosting and put different candy types in bowls and let the kids decorate there own cupcakes! THEY LOVED IT! you could even give prizes for different types of cupcakes... ie... cupcake with the most sprinkles, cupcake with the most mnm's ect... till all the kids have won a prize. I know what you might be thinking what a mess but it really wasn't a big mess at all. parents help. also set up a karaoke machine.... kids love nothing more than to be able to feel like the center of attention. use your computer and find fun kid friendly songs and let them sing along. another fun idea is to follow the dora theme and let them go on a treasure hunt and hide things throughout the house and have them look at a map and they can go to the bathroom say... and in the bathtub they might have to drain it and put aside the toys before they can go to the bedroom and in the bedroom they might have to pull pinata strings before they can get to the dinning room to decorate the cakes ect... you get the point. have fun with it!!

My husband is away for a week for a hunting trip. How can I keep from getting creeped out at night?
Q. I hate staying in the house by myself. I get so creeped out.

A. when I used to live alone (just me and my kids) I used to keep a baseball bat next to my bed and a crow bar underneath. I checked to make sure that all the windows and doors were closed and locked and only closed my kids bedroom doors. I left my bedroom door open and the bathroom light on. Oh and I also did a bug check to make sure there weren't any spiders and such in my room.

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Title Post: How do I get my cat out of the way, when I'm trying to get some action?
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