Sunday, May 12, 2013

What should I do about neighbors kids banging on the walls?

Q. I live in a Townhouse and unfortunately, my neighbors kids' bedroom is next to mine. They are constantly banging on the walls, it's literally every night and I'm starting to think they are doing it on purpose. I've banged back twice because it was so strong my mirror on my wall started to rattle and now when i have my tv or music on i can hear them banging, its almost like they're doing it when they know someone is in the room. I don't know what to do, sometimes it's at 11 at night and I have work in the morning I sleep pretty early. I never wanted to be a nagging neighbor but should I be? I shouldn't have to be uncomfortable in my own home.

A. When they start banging, walk over to the door, ring the door bell. Bring a picture (one you would hang) and tell the parents that you are sorry to bother them, however their children are banging to the point that your stuff is falling off the wall. You work in the morning and would appriciate if they would stop as it is not the first incident.

My mom lived in a semi and the neighbors grand kids would jump and bang so loud our fans would shake. We asked so many times nicely for them to stop. They never did. I put my speakers in our shared living room agianst the common wall, turned it up loud and went out for awhile one afternoon.
I think they got the point after that.

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