Saturday, April 27, 2013

What is that one south park episode where cartman smears poop on the wall ?

Q. He gives the kid a color pallete to see what color poo he wanted on the wall

A. Actually the chapter you want, exactly is called: "My Future Self n 'Me" is Chapter 16 of south park season 6, in Chapter stan "touches marijuana cigarette" in a forest and later in the night comes "your future self" as a lazy drug addict, alcoholic, failed and from that day and decided not to have anything to do with drugs and alcohol, unfortunately "his future self" is left to live in their home and his life becomes a living hell, with stan butters after discovering that everything was a hoax created by parents with the help of "motivation corp" (an organization dedicated to solving republican addiction problems of children, adults using like their children to help them with their problems) and pissed, are seeking revenge, they discover a "Parental Revenge Center" hotline with guaranteed results, so they decide to give it a try ,The address leads them to an office in a grungy alley, where they discover that the founder and proprietor of the business is Cartman. Cartman agrees to help the two, but Stan is skeptical. Sadly, Cartman's revenge plan for both boys involves going to both of their houses to smear all of the walls with feces. Butters is delighted by this offer and gladly accepts it, while Stan believes that it isn't adequate payback. Cartman then tries to convince Stan by taking it up a notch and offering to kill his parents and slice them into pieces. Stan refuses this offer as well, and decides to worm the truth out of his parents himself in order to force them to acknowledge they lied to him, Meanwhile, the Parental Revenge Agency does its job at Butters' house as Cartman and a group of Hispanic day workers smear feces all over the living room and bedroom of the Stotch Household. Upon returning home, Chris and Linda actually acknowledge that they deserve it for lying and finally tell the truth about the "future self thing" and apologize to Butters, which surprises Stan, seeing that Cartman's plan for Butters to get revenge on his parents has really worked, here I leave the links to the pages you see, along with the link of the chapter for you to enjoy, I hope I have resolved your question.┌∩┐(^_^)┌∩┐


What's the best way to improve your home's cleanliness and organization if it's in dire...?
Q. ...straits?
I work a lot and I just don't seem to have the energy or motivation to do much housekeeping when I do get home. The other people in my family (2 kids and hubby) are even messier than I am, plus they don't ever want me to get rid of anything. When it gets really bad that just makes it harder to face. I can't afford a housekeeper. Has anyone else ever had this problem and managed to improve it? Any suggestions?

A. First is to jump right in. Pick a room to tackle. If you can't do it on the weekdays then set aside a weekend. Pick the playroom, bedroom, garage whatever room you pick just pick one.

Second suggestion is to ask for help. If you have a friend who is very organized maybe she would be willing to help. It's easier for someone else to throw your stuff away. It's harder also for you to explain why you want to keep everything.

So whether alone or with help, seperate your stuff into catogories. Stuff you need! Stuff you can sell! and Stuff you can throw away. Seperate everything and then buy a few things to help organize your stuff you are keeping so EVERYTHING HAS A HOME- a place to put it away. Take one room at a time. Continue until you have tackled every room in your house. I would ask the kids to pitch in in their own rooms and the hubby to tackle the garage and outside-he can also put together all the shelves you have bought to help organize.

When your finished sorting hold a yard sale. If you don't want to do this donate this stuff to the salvation army. This will get rid of a lot of clutter in your home. If your kids are against throwing anything away do it when they are not around. Or do this - take some of this stuff - bag it and put it away. If they don't ask for it within a month or two-toss it out.

It's easy to get overloaded with stuff. We are attached to it so badly....but just remember the feeling of having a nice clean house to come home to.

Good Luck!
Have a good one.

My 13 year old daughter is so attached to me?
Q. I have a 13 year old daughter she is very attached to me. She now will never let me leave her she wants me to be in the bedroom at night with her, I have to be with her every where. But i am 2 month's pregnant i don't know if that as anything to do with it. What do i do? This is not like her she has never done this before.

A. There are times when you give in to what she wants, but there are times when u don't. In this case, u have to tell her that u love her very much, and that will not change, even after u give birth to another baby, but at night, she has to be alone in her bedroom. What is more important to you is not your togetherness with her all the time, but whether u can raise her rightly, whether she will become a True Leader or godly person of the world or not, that she has to love her brother/ sister as much as u love her.

This is the only foundation of “right” parenting: teach your children to do things, NOT to satisfy their own ego (self-happiness), but to make others happy (True Happiness). Meaning, teach them to practice True-Love: loving others is more important than loving yourself, not Self-Love: loving yourself is more important than loving others. All the philosophers in the world, including the Atheist ones, plus God and Jesus, believe this: to reach the highest level of happiness, True Happiness, or to reach completeness as a human being, is when u think as little as possible about others, and as much as possible about others, or when u eliminate your selfishness.

When you teach her to be selfish, that’s when she thinks it’s okay to bully others in school. The kid of my friend started hitting my legs, my back, when I visited him, that’s because my friend lets him watch Power Ranger, and my friend spoils (gives in to) his kid too much.


•Get a blanket for mommy. Help the elderly. Set up a table for dinner
•NO VIDEO GAMES: Self-Gratification.
•Tell kids stories, watch movies together about heroes, saints and leaders: moral bedrock of civilization. Summarize the essence of the stories: compassion, respect, integrity, and wisdom.
•Use everyday incidents, family conflicts, to illustrate the importance of having the highest principles
•No watching TV with Selfish messages
•The importance of greetings, card writing, present making, celebrations, calling them for birthdays
•Decorate some wagons/ cardboard boxes with messages/ images on loving the earth. Spend time with them picking up trash.

Volunteer Organizations: Red Cross, Kids Care Club, Teen Against Child Abuse, WillSERVE, volunteer firefighters, Hunger Relief, local library, church, etc.


•Respect for others starts from respect for the individual.
•Honor privacy rights.
•Regular time is scheduled to accept/ validate each person’s experience/ inner growth/ sense of being. Give them chances to talk about or demonstrate skills, creativeness, special faculties, imagination, and to feel affirmed by their accomplishments/ very existence: sing a song, tell a story, read a poem, tell a joke, etc.
•Don’t be critical in any way: be PATIENT, just listen, watch, laugh, be creative in supporting in a positive way. Clap enthusiastically.
•Be there when your kid performs at school, play baseball, recite their piano lesson/ ballet class, or do whatever they love.
•True Parenting is a two-way learning
•Encourage them to teach u something from school/ life.


•Nurse a sick child/ parent in the family: water to drink, food, enough blankets, company, making a sandwich, cooking soup, etc.
•Collect stories of people offering hope and help in times of crisis. Share stories about compassion/ passion of the great teachers: God, Jesus, Buddha, Gandhi, Mother Theresa.
•Study those people who devoted their lives for the True Happiness of others: William Wilburforce, Eleanor Roosevelt, etc.
•Send them to a relative’s house to help out.
•Serve food in homeless shelters. Write a letter to a legislator. Visit the nursing home/ hospital where your friend/ relative is treated
•Read newspapers together. Create a personal interest in the world, in other people’s lives, and in learning new things. Summarize the stories.
•Meet figures who helped society. How? Watch the movie:”Freedom Writers”, based on a true story. This story proves that with True Love, you can teach the toughest-to-be-taught children. Bring them to Museums. Every child needs someone they can look up to. Point out qualities of heros, leaders, saints. Go to children’s section in bookstores. Pick out books for them.

4. POSITIVE THINKING: movie Finding Neverland

5. RESPECT FOR OTHERS: the movie Amazing Grace proves that, with True Love, not only u can change the worst of people, but also u can change the world.


7. IMPORTANCE OF RELIGION: Read them passages from Illustrated Children’s Bible before their bed time. Discuss the stories. Ask their questions, opinions.

8. TRUE LOVE: a perfect way of living, that covers all aspects of life, all the ultimate concepts of:”True Happiness, True Leadership, True Marriage, True Parenting, True Purpose of Life, True Friendship, How To Be Romantic, True Relationship, True Faith in God, Kingdom of Heaven”,

God bless u & all your family.

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Title Post: What is that one south park episode where cartman smears poop on the wall ?
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