Monday, April 29, 2013

How to comfort our dog?

Q. Our Jack Russell Terrier passed away on Sunday. We have had him since 2004 and he was a little over eight years old. He passed away from IMHA. Our Boston Terrier is a little over six years old and she has been with us since she was she was a year old. We are all heartbroken and I know how to comfort my husband and kids, but how do I comfort her? She's been acting very strange. She won't come upstairs to the bedroom and has been laying on the couch shaking. She has also been jumping on my lap and practically hugging me with her arms while she shakes. I know she is sad, but what can I do? The vet had done all they could do and had sent our dog home with us and on Saturday he was showing signs he was getting better and the vet said they wouldn't put him to sleep because he was fighting and could possibly make it. On Sunday when I woke up, he took such a turn for the worst that he was gone in minutes. He died in my arms. I'm crushed and heartbroken. Do you think she knows he passed away up there? Everytime I go in there, I relive that horrible, helpless, sad memory of him passing. What can I do for her?

A. She knows that her friend in not there anymore but she doesn't understand why. When my Jack Russell "Tobie" was diagnosed with kidney disease and the vets prognosis was 1-3mos. He lasted 27 days. He was 11 yrs. and 8 mos. old. This happened a year ago this Valentine's Day. He cried in my arms the night before and the next morning he fell down trying to pee. I knew it was time. So, I took him to the vet with his sister Patches. I wanted her to somehow understand and mourn with me. I waited about 4mos. to get another dog. Her name is Lily. She is the cutest Chihuahua, you ever did see. No dog would ever replace Tobie but I also didn't want Patches to be by herself while I was at work. Tobie was my heart. And I know I will see him again at a place called "Rainbow Bridge". As will you. Just give your dog all the love you can. Play with her and cuddle with her as much as you can. And when and if your ready, you can get her a friend. As for you, I am so sorry for what you are going through. Just remember and cherish the memories that you shared together. They will never ever fade and will always keep you strong. My prayers are with you always.

Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author Unknown

Kids Halloween party ideas?
Q. My daughter is 3.5 and started her first year of school last month. I was thinking it would be really fun, and a nice way to meet all the kids and parents, to have a halloween party. I need some ideas though. All the kids would be around her age, I think there's like 15-20. I have some great ideas for foods, but not really any for activities for this age group. Suggestions? Thanks!

A. When my middle child turned 4, she had a Halloween-themed birthday party (since her birthday is just one week after Halloween). There were only 7 kids there (my 3 kids plus 4 guests) ranging in age from 1-5.

They all wore their costumes. They decorated treat bags. They put on Halloween temporary tattoos. They played "pin the face on the jack-o-lantern," and every child got a piece of the face -- an eye, a nose, the mouth, etc. I read a Halloween story. ("We're Off to Find the Witch's House" and "Humbug Witch" are both good ones as is "Five Little Pumpkins.")

Then, I had pre-arranged with 4-5 neighbors to have different treats/prizes (that I provided) at their houses. The kids got to "trick or treat" at those neighbors' houses to collect the items for their goody bags. You could do something similar inside your home by stationing a parent in each room of the house (bathroom, bedroom, etc.) and having the kids knock on each door.

None of that took very long, so they spent the rest of the time running around outside and jumping in the leaves. Honestly, at this age, I'd do fewer organized activities and leave more time for free play if you can. They'll have more fun, and it'll be easier for you.

Have fun!

haunted house horror movie idea?
Q. so its about a family moving into a farm house and their teenage son experiancing supernatural phenomena.
let me know what ya think

The story starts with Wade, his sister Kaitlin, their mom Mary and their step dad Jack driving down to their new house away from the suburbs. They arrive and a stubborn Wade is rude to Jack. They search the house, Kaitlin goes upstairs and thinks she sees something fly past her. They set up and Mary forces Wade to go out with Jack to get some pizza. At the shop Jack tries to get along with Wade but he just ignores him. At night Wade goes down to get a drink but hears something and sees Jack. The next morning Wade argues with his mother about going out and he and Jack clash but Wade storms out. He walks around town and sees a group of kids hanging out at a playground. One of the kids a girl called Summer talks to him and invites him to hang out with them. They hang out and Wade clashes with her friend. When he returns home he sees a man called David hanging out with Jack. Wade goes into the house and hangs out in his room. A couple of minutes later he hears Kaitlin scream and rushes down. He talks to her and she says there’s a man in front of her but Wade tells her there’s nobody there and all of a sudden he is thrown against the wall by an invisible force. He gets back up and tells Kaitlin not to tell anyone what they had just witnessed. Wade then rushes out of the house and is stopped by David and the two talk. Wade goes over to the local church and asks the priest about ghosts and the priest tells him they exist and they could even be in his house to cause havoc or because of a past history in the house. On his way home at night he meets Summer and she asks him why he is so upset and he tells her that he and his dad were driving home and his dad was drunk and crashed the car dieing himself. At home Jack and Mary question him and he argues with them. In the middle of the night Wade goes down into the basement and is lifted off the ground and pinned against the wall and dropped by a ghost. Jack then comes down and Wade tells him he slipped and dropped something. The next day whilst helping Jack chop some wood, Wade asks him if they can leave but he says no. After hearing a weather forecast Jack tells the family to stay indoors as a big storm is coming. Wade rings Summer and tells her everything and goes to the local library to research and discovers a picture of a man with long hair who killed his family in the same place and realises the ghosts are of the family. Wade then meets Summer at a shop and sees David there. He then realises the man was David and writes this on a paper and gives it to Summer and tells her to go his house. She then leaves and goes to his house but drops the paper and David finds it. Meanwhile Wade goes to the sheriff and asks for help but the sheriff is a good friend of David’s and says he doesn’t believe Wade. Summer goes to Wade’s house and tells his mother. Summer, Mary and Kaitlin then race to get out of the house but David arrives with an axe and they run upstairs. They hide in a room but he breaks the door down and attacks them. Jack then hears the screams and runs up and fights David but he is overpowered and stabbed with the axe. David then throws Summer against the cupboard and grabs Mary by the throat and tells her about his past family and how he killed them. Kaitlin secretly then runs downstairs and finds Wade who then sprints upstairs and tackles David and the two grapple in the bedroom. David punches Wade and drags him out of the bedroom. A wounded Jack then runs into David but is thrown off the top of the stairs. Wade recovers and hits a distracted David who drops his axe and throws him at the door. David pushes him away and goes after Summer. Wade then tackles David and they both break through the window and fall out in the drive. They both slowly recover, but Mary and Summer bring Jack out and head towards the car. They are stopped by David who fights Jack and kills him. Wade then smashes David’s head on the bonnet and realises he must get him back in the house. He then hits him till he gets dizzy and carries him back into the house. He takes him down the basement and tells the ghosts he is all theirs. Six months later Wade and his family are seen living in a house in a friendly environment as he and Summer are together.

A. i think you shouldn't post this online unless you want your idea stolen...

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Author: Unknown

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