Monday, April 29, 2013

What would be a good decor scheme for a bedroom shared by 3 year old girl and baby boy?

Q. We're having a baby boy and for the time being (until we get a bigger place) my 3 year old daughter and he will share a room. My daughter already has everything decked out in pink and full of princess accessories. I haven't bought my crib set or anything like that for my boy yet. How could I have them share a room and have it all tie in together so it doesn't look like one side is for a boy and one for a girl? I'm also looking for relativley affordable options, since they will probably only share for one year at the most. And my paint options are limited. I would have to go with something nuetral so I can easily paint it back to white before we move again, or maybe put up a border to dress up the walls.

A. Try a nature theme. Blues, pinks, purples, greens and yellows with rainforest animals, farm life or underwater life is gender non specific. These themes will "grow up" with your kids and not be outdated in a few years.

How do i make my life for eventful or excitable?
Q. I'm almost 15. I spend most of my free time sitting around doing nothing or watching porn (Sorry TMI) I'm homeschooled so every day i wake up and sit at my desk for 6 hours then i eat and go to bed. It's the same thing every day and it's getting really old. I don't have any friends what so ever so i can't "hang" out with them or anything. And this weekend i sat in my bedroom, jacked off for a while, ate some food and then proceeded to take a nap. My dad said if i want to make my life for exciting then i'm the only person who can do that, but how? I don't mean to complain i just want some advice... Thanks.
I've tried finding a new hobby such as Playing guitar, working out, and doing some writing and what not but i suck at all those things so i'm at a dead end here.

A. i play guitaer. everybody sucks at playing guitar when they start. it feels so unnatural and yiou wonder how can anybody ever feel scomfortabel holding the left hand in that awkewrd posint o play. but through practice it gets easier and easier. you get sick of it becayuse you feel you are not nmaking nmore improvements and after awhile then yu pick it up again and you make more improvement until you hit the wall again with no improvements and the you set it aside and next week youll be picking it up trying it out again a. and just like this slwosly but surely yuo make improvements. and eventaully you start playing . i would say play a sound and enjoy that sound that you made. just enjoy the little that you acn do. really enjoy it. and you will nohjy learning and discovering things about t, as you knwo tharee is tons of videos on line. to inspire you look up paco de lucia mediteranian sundance. man you will be inspired, or look at the movie with antonio bandera called desperado, and once upon a time in mexico. they will inspire you to play. everybody sucks at anything they start doing. then they slowly progress to get better and better. this is just how it wrks. at first you suck at walking, you were crawling, and then slowly you learned how to walk, and here you are and you can walk and run. but it took you a long time to learn these things. its the same way with life there are tons of stuff you can do. also you can learn how to go about dating girls by looking at advice from girls online to show you and teach you. and then you kind of get an idea of how they think so then you know what the heck is happpening, and what that game is all about. about porn. i definitely recommend the book i will menion to you. the book is just fantastic and a great adition to your homeschooling and life. first let me tell you that it mentions the mind manipulations used in porn. and shows you how your ind works and how to free you r mind from this grabage. i used to be totally into porn then i gradually overcame it because of this book. next the book actually helps you in the question that you are asking also. because it shows you how to live a conscius life. and instead of living by habit.

i want to say something aboutthe envoronment that you spend much of your time. you definitely need a change of enviroement o stimulate you and enjoy life. so part of you r time you need to spend going to the park, and even to the local school. socializing is a big part of education. sure there is not much education happening in schools. but the socialiinzg is really great. honestly most peole feel left out in schools. they either get in trouble or mostly kids feel alienated and feel like they dont fit in with any crowd. this is just te regular phas eof teens , and they arelearning about themselves ad about life. so naturally they do not feel lke they belong to any socal group in schol . some poeple find a few friends. i had two, besides some other people who were like aquianences, and then there was the presence of the girls . totally distracting mentally and emotionally. then there are bullies and some idiots who are smiliar to the bullies who like to pick on people, makng their life quite miserable becayus you cant get away from them since you are in the same school. college is much better. its got the social apsect without the bullying. so its great.

your dad is trying to have you use your brain. your dad made a very smart comment. you should think about it. what can anybody do in life? for example if you go bowling nad have some excitementy tehre, notice that the bowling is becase someone took the initiative and built the place. so any placce that you coul dpossibly go to, to have excietement it is because someione built it. someone had the iodea to make it. so in this life you eaither go along with what fun and excitement is available for yuou by others who made it avauilable or you make it yourslef, and possibly youhave others come to your place of bussiness to have your type of fun. most fun is self generated. you dad is smart. but i agreew ith you , being at home most of the time does not help. so you need to devote some time to being outside. explore different parts of the city. learning t stay away from the trouble spots. and then you will fuind things that will generate interest in you and the exciteemtnt that you are looking for.

to hang around with kids your age and be social you could volunteer to be a tutor. that way you strengthen your communictaion an social skills, and have fun aswell. and not get into ay sort of trouble.

Why do girls like to boss their BF or husbands around?
Q. Like we arent afraid of girls (men i mean) but we just dont wanna hear them b*tch so we do whateva they say, just to shut them up. Why do women have to control things.. like whats their deal?
Im not hating on women, girls... Im just sayin... BTW im single ladies :p

A. In my case as it is so in most cases out there, I get frustrated with my husband because he does not comply with the routine I have set in the house. In order for everything to run smoothly on time, there is a routine we strictly follow in order not to lose track, especially if there are kids involved.
My husband "wants" to help, but I rather he doesn't because he messes everything up. I like things certain way and I'm set in my tracks.

I do yell at him if he leaves his underwear or dirty socks around the bathroom floor, or our bedroom. I also get frustrated when he leaves used floss on the bathroom sink. I hate it when he rinses his mouth and fails to rinse off any food residue off the sink.
I also don't like him in the kitchen because he uses dish rags on the floor and the counter.
I don't like disorderly closets, and he's the king of messing the whole closet up before he finds the right outfit.
He misplaces things whenever he "cleans" the house. Nothing goes back to where its suppose to be so I'd rather do it myself .

These are the frustrations especially if I've just cleaned the home and as soon he comes in, its like a tornado went through.

Can you blame me for nagging?

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