Wednesday, April 24, 2013

How should I rearrange my room?

Q. My bed is facing opposite the window and so is my sister's bed.How should I rearrange our room so it can look cool looking for my friends and feel at home at the same time.Plz someone send me a pic of a cool looking room so I can get some ideas! Btw our room is pretty big.

A. Well since two of you share a room, you probably "hang out" in there a lot, especially with friends. Why dont you put each of your beds long ways against the walls (across from each other) and get lots of big pillows and put them against the wall, so that it makes like two sofas!$fp$

Then get a big rug and put it in the middle of your room. Find some floor cushions and you'll have more of a "hang out" room, than a bed room.

If you don't have a TV already, see if you can get one. Put it on the wall that the beds are not on! So that everyone can hang out and watch TV from the floor or sofas(beds).

Good luck!!

Ideas for teen girls bedroom?
Q. My room is painted white with black furniture and pink accents. I have this poster in my room
and I want my room to go with it but still be fun, seeing as how I'm only seventeen.
I need new bedding. Suggestions?

A. Hey,
I've been looking for idea's for my room too,
So far I've only found ones for either adults or little kids -.-
I'm 17 too btw,

You could go for a romantic style bedroom...
Maybe red/pinky colour bedding with gold? that'd go nice something like this,r:30,s:21&tx=133&ty=64&biw=1440&bih=717

you could have black iron candle colders on the wall, with again redy/pinky colour candles, even if you don't use them, they still look nice,

you could have big plush chair your room, or a small sette, or even do what I've done and have huge pink fold out camping chair, with lot's of pillows/cushions on it, could buy cute cushions easy enough, you could keep with the whole romantic theme with going for soft cushions with detal on them or you could get bright colour ones to keep it fun, or ones with captions on/ funny quotes or even cartoons. You could even but a cheap t-shirt with something odd on the frount and cut it up and stich it on the frount of a plain cushion.

(the camping chair I have is actually really comfy + Looks good, to stop the metal legs from showing at the bottom, I've thrown a blanket over it

it looks like this but pink )

You could have a feature mirror like this,r:17,s:0&tx=66&ty=69

or even a gold one to tie in with the bedding?

you could have photo's of you and your friends or things out of magasines wedged in the corners of the mirror,

You could get a another poster to match the one you've already got, or even have a cluster of posters in your room

you could have a rug, to make things look cosy

Oh, and I advise getting lots of knick nacks
jewelry holders out on the side with things dangling off it,r:0,s:0&tx=57&ty=60

That's kinda cute

Or you could have jewelry boxes/ other boxes around your room, just odd little things,

Oh, and for at night time, you could buy some pink fairy lights, it sounds childish but they make your room seem so cosy, it really pulls everything together, to keep in with the romantic theme why don't you get flower ones, something like this,r:5,s:90&biw=1440&bih=717

I hope I've helped,
also sorry about the crappy spelling/punctuation, I usually type alot better, but I'm ill, I feel like death and I really can't be arsed.

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