Wednesday, December 19, 2012

What to put in sitting room outstide kids bedroom?

Q. We are in the middle of renovating and we are wondering what to put in a sitting room area outside our kids's rooms. They are 19, 17 and 14 years old. It is upstairs so we don't want a ping pong table or anything like that. Any creative ideas? (They are not big readers).

A. I like the idea of hang-out spot with lounge chairs, music, books, magazine. A good spot to get together with friends or relax by yourself.

what's the quickest way to strip paint off a chair?
Q. I'm trying to re-finish 5 chairs that have green paint on them. I really don't want it to take forever and it seems like the way it's going that it might. I got scrapers, but they're plastic and didn't take long to wear away. I've already had the stripping gel on for about 16
the stuff worked well on the protective coating on the seat, but the green paint on the back is hard to scrape off and almost impossible to remove from the nooks and crannies of the chair back.

A. Find a product called Naval Jelly. This stuff will eat through just about just be SURE to spot test on an inconspicuous area of a chair (the underside??) and WEAR GLOVES. I'm not kidding...this stuff works great. I used it on my son's bedroom furniture when he was a baby and it worked CRAZY fast. Of course it's labeled a "rust remover" but it works on paint too...I promise!

Good luck.

Ideas on how to turn a basement into a little place for kids?
Q. I was thinking on creating different spaces for them. A kitchen/dining room, living room, office, and possibly a bedroom area. I was thinking of dividing the "rooms" with king size sheets, hung in a neat manner. Our basement isn't finished or anything (drywall/paint, etc) but is in good enough shape to have a little fun with it. I don't know if I am allowed to paint or put anything on the floor (except carpet...not tacked down) And ideas, thoughts, tips? It doesn't have to be little ones are just happy to have a place to play. Budget is small~creativity is limitless. THANKS!

A. A table or old desk for a craft area. Then hang baskets or an old shoe organizer to put craft materials in:glue, paint, brushes, crayons, markers, scissors, glitter, stickers,etc.

Old file cabinet painted a funky color to hold materails like paper and finished projects. you can also hang a clothes line for them to clip paintings on to dry and to display finished works of art!

Maybe in one area, you could put a bunch of thick blankets and floor pillows down for a cozy pallet/nest to nap on.

Not sure how old your kids are or if they are boys/girls, but you could have an area with books, and puzzles, another make believe area with dress up stuff and "props" (umbrella, old high heels, old halloween wigs, feather boa, purses)... I loved to play "kitchen" when I was littel. If they have a play kitchen then when you run out of food, save the boxes/jars/containers for them to play "kitchen" with. Any old plastic dishes you don't use anymore... or if they don't have a kitchen, 2 chairs and table will work! A big box or set of shelves can hold the "food".

Lots of mirrors since I doubt the basement has many windows...Let the kids create the art and frame it in an old frame and decorate with those! You can even create with them and hang your work on the wall too!

My kids sneak to our bed early in the morning?
Q. Some times my son refuses to sleep in his bed at all. He will just keep coming down the stairs to our room. I have tried everything to keep them in their beds all night. I have promised a day at a amusement park to a small toy every night that they sleep in their beds. Does any one have a suggestion or a technique that they have used for their kids? Any websites or books?They are 7&8. They are to old to be doing this. Thanks.

A. For those early morning visits try this. Put digital alarm clocks in their rooms and cover up the minutes so they can't be seen. Explain that they are not to leave their room until the hour shows (pick a time) and if they do then they will have to go to bed that much earlier that night. Make sure they have some books to read/look at in their rooms to keep them entertained or some thing else like coloring books etc....

For middle of the night wake ups tell them that they may bring a pillow and blanket and sleep on the floor but they are NOT to climb into bed with you. Gradually increase the distance they are allowed to come into your room until they are outside the bedroom door. This worked with my son when he was about 5.

You can also give them choices. If they chose to come to your room then they are choosing an earlier bedtime, the loss of some television time, outside time, to sit in a chair with no talking or t.v., or something they value.
You can also make a chart. One side has nights stayed in room and the other has nights out of bed. Give them stickers for whichever action they performed and have a consequence that they understand. 3 consecutive nights in room and they get an extra 1/2 hour to stay up on Friday night, or a trip to McDonald's, making cookies or something they would like. 3 consecutive nights of out of bed and they loose something they value like a t.v show, a toy etc.... As they learn and gain more control over their actions you can increase the consecutive night numbers for both rewards and consequences. Make sure the children know that these are choices they are making and the consequences are the direct result of their choices and has nothing to do with you. It makes them responsible for their choices and they have to own their behaviors.

For this to work you MUST be consistent. If a child wakes up with a genuine nightmare then you go their room and sit with them for X number of minutes.

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