Wednesday, December 12, 2012

What is the best way to stay organized in a small space with 3 kids ages 3,2,and 1?

Q. They all have different personalities and all make messes. I feel like all I do is clean and it gets trashed five minutes later. Im a stay at home mom and my husband thinks I stick to schedules too much and I am always cleaning but it doesnt seem to help. Any ideas how to keep everything tidy.

A. Three under three is certainly going to put you in the position of cleaning all the time. While organization is a good goal, applying it will be very different at home than in an office -- or a home without children.

Keeping everything tidy is not a reasonable goal and you'd do well not to put that kind of pressure on yourself. With three toddlers, you'll maintain more of your sanity if your goal is to keep up with them.

I had three under three. Now I have three in college. The "mess" doesn't go away, it just changes shape.

Keeping a schedule (this happens at this time, that happens at that time) can be daunting with three little ones. A routine (this happens after this -- regardless of the time -- and then we do that) might be more accomodating for everyone, especially you.

Mornings can start when everyone wakes, not necessarily at 8AM. We eat, we clean up, we watch a program, we play outside, we snack, we play outside some more, we eat luch. This doesn't have to happen by the clock to go smoothly and successfully.

Do remember, "Stay at home Mom" doesn't mean you have to stay at home. Check into your local resources for playgroups and parks. Network with other moms about scheduling playgroups and exchanging babysitting.

Children cannot mess up what they can't reach, see, or know is there.

Keep breakables and other valuables up and away. If necessary, put them out of sight completely. While it may seem like you'll never see your things again, the reality is that the days are long and the years are short. This means you'll be bringing your things down and back into view before you know it.

Safety devices work in theory. In practice, small children are geniuses. Block outlets, unused radiators and cords with furniture. All lower kitchen cabinets should be child proofed with one exception. Here you would keep plastics the children can play with. Cooking around kids is dangerous. Cook in advance (when they're sleeping) and reheat later; tell your husband to keep the kids occupied; create meals out of raw fruit, raw vegetables and sandwiches. Puddings are great -- and much fun in the tub (see below).

Keep a minimum of toys available. A child with too many choices (more than 5 toys) can be become an overwhelmed child. A child with a toy that contains more than 5 pieces can also become overwhelmed. Simple blocks go a lot further than a box of action figures.

My rule of thumb was that if a toy couldn't go in the dishwasher or clothes washer, it wasn't a toy for my kids. This helped immensely on many levels, the least of which was cleanup.

If your kids have more than 5 toys each, stick the rest in storage. When you bring out all those "new" toys, put the other toys in storage. Change them out about every three months.

Messes will be made no matter what. To consolidate messes, never dismiss the wonders of the bathroom.

If you have a hand-held shower nozzle, explore the possibilities. During the colder months and during rainy days, I fed my baby during the day by putting her in her high chair and the high chair in the bathroom while the two older enjoyed their lunch on the tray that fit between the sides of the empty tub. When my baby was done eating I washed the older two and let them dress themselves. I then put the baby (still in the high chair) in the tub and washed her up along with the high chair. I'd take her out and let the high chair dry.

On warm days I used an empty inflatable kids' pool instead of the tub. After eating, I'd fill the pool with water and bath bubble mixture. If you have a sprayer on the end of the hose, you can get some rockin' bubble mountains going.

The beauty of inflatable pools and pool toys is that they can go inside in a bedroom (without water, of course). The inflatable toys that have slides and palm trees are great, but if all you can afford is a moderately sized inflatable pool, this can double as a napping place (with pillows, blankets, stuffed animals) and as a place to play or look at books. Very small pools can hold books or toys and make it easier for small children to learn organizational skills (books go in the pink pool and toys go in the blue pool).

The important thing is your peace of mind. Three small children are exhausting no matter what you do. Don't put extra (and unnecessary) pressure on yourself to do more, more, more. Keep it simple. The simpler things are for all of you, the more fondly you'll remember them at the end of the day, the more accomplished you'll feel, and trust me -- they'll remember the time you spent with them, not how tidy everything was.

How can I find out if I am bipolar with out going to the doctor?
Q. I believe I may have bipolar disorder as I fit most of the symptoms but I do not want to visit my doctor as my mum works at the doctors surgery and will know I am there. Is there any way u could go about finding out if I have the disorder without going to the doctor? Bearing in mind I am 15 so I would need parental consent for most things.

A. Most people think that bipolar moods are constantly switching, but in fact, bipolar moods last weeks to months. In a bipolar mania, a person will go weeks to months needing very little sleep - like just a couple of hours, or maybe 3 or 4 hours, or maybe NO sleep, and they are not tired, do not need naps, do not have insomnia - they just don't need to sleep. It's rare to get bipolar before age 15, and AT age 15, it's VERY unlikely you would already have enough data to diagnose bipolar anyhow. Child bipolar was made up by some psychiatrists at Harvard in order to expand the antipsychotic market, and those doctors have been disciplined, I've read on psychiatry blogs written by psychiatrists. Bipolar before say, age 14, is REALLY rare, if it ever happens (maybe a brain injury could cause it). Usually, it's kids who are being abused, or in an unstable home, and they are drugged into better behavior, at the cost of their physical health and ability to think. Few cases of child bipolar ever developed into adult bipolar, which is how it's become clear it's been a scam.

If you have bipolar, your mother would KNOW it. You would lie in bed for months, lose interest in all your friends and hobbies, and your grades would go down dramatically (mine went from all A's my whole life, to all F's, my first bipolar depression!)

The library has self-help books on depression.

Many meds cause or worsen depression, including birth control, blood pressure, pain, acne, antipsychotic, anxiety (benzos) or sleeping medications, alcohol, illicit drugs and MANY others.

Hypothyroidism mimics depression . Too little sleep, or sleep disorders like sleep apnea, or interrupted sleep (crying baby, barking dog) can cause depression.

If depression is worse in winter, use a light box (10,000 Lux (light intensity) at about 20� - about $300 online, you don't need full spectrum, Sunray is a good brand). I have extra windows, painted the walls peach & yellow & have a skylight. There's a link to a cheaper lightbox & more info at Also you can try 1000 to 2000 IU of Vitamin D in winter. It may work, or may be placebo treatment.

Try meditation like progressive muscle relaxation or guided imagery. See The Anxiety & Phobia Workbook by Edmund Bourne. Free 15 minute guided imagery at and many free meditations at youtube.

Go out with friends, & if you don't have any, join a club e.g. hobby club, bowling league & MAKE yourself go. �Isolating� makes depression worse!

Exercise 1/2 hour a day, & anytime you feel depressed or anxious. LOTS OF RESEARCH SUPPORTS THIS as the most effective depression treatment of all.

Insomnia?: Go to bed & get up the same time each day, even weekends. Don't use your bedroom to watch TV, read or use the computer. Don't do stuff that revs you up before bed, like exercising & using the computer. Light from computer screens & TV wakes you up. Blue light is the worst offender � dim the lights and use an old-fashioned incandescent bulb the last hour. Make the bedroom very dark, even cover up the clock. Mask disturbing sounds with a fan or try or youtube, etc. Avoid caffeine after noon.

Put colorful, happy things around the house. Do nice things for yourself. Make a list of things that make you happy, like: bread fresh from the oven, the crisp sound of a saltine cracker breaking, fresh sheets on the bed, touching frost on the windowpane, etc. Read that list when you are down. Use comforting scents. I like vanilla & cloves.

Work on time management if you are overwhelmed. Cut back on other responsibilities so you can spend more time with friends & family. Ask for help with chores.

Spend more time with your pet, if you have one.

DON'T listen to sad music! Listen to upbeat stuff- same with movies & novels.

DISTRACT yourself. Read a novel, watch a comedy, go out with friends, play cards or a video game, whatever keeps your mind busy.

Volunteer. Helping others makes you feel better about yourself & you make a difference, too. If you are religious, your religion may help keep you involved in the community.

Put a half-smile on your face. Changing your expression is proven to help change mood.

Try free computerized cognitive behavioral therapy at Also, if you have an abuse history, it is likely to be a major cause of your depression.

Where can I get cheap things to decorate my sons room?
Q. Ok I'm moving to a new apartment and my son is going to finally get his own bedroom. He just turned 4 years old and I have no idea where to look for cheap things to decorate his room. His favorite characters are disney cars and thomas the and my husband are on a budget...and we all know disney cars and thomas are not cheap. so any ideas?

A. I would avoid the actual Disney charecter stuff. Not only is it a little expensive, there is a good change he'll complain it is too babyish in two years. Plus, he already had toys with those charecters.

To save money, get stuff you could see in an 8 year old's room.

Bedding I think works for a 4 year old and an older boy:

For wall art, posters make a big impression. I reccomend picking posters that will fit in frames the same color as the furniture. That way later on you can just change the posters.

If the furniture is dark brown in his room, you can get this frame set for $30 You could get these:
for $44.00

Why are people so against cosleeping?
Q. I understand that you shouldn't for newborns because it's simply not safe but when they are older. There has been so much research that states it's better for the child emotionally. It's wonderful to wake up in the morning and just stare at your beautiful child sleeping and as they enter toddlerhood they are really snuggly! It's beautiful! I have heard people say that you will never get them out of your bed.....I truly can't see a 16 year old still wanting to share a bed with their parents. As for sex life there are plenty of other opportunities otherwise parents who cosleep with child number 1 wouldn't have child number 2, 3 or maybe 4!

So why?

A. This was my answer in another question in the Toddler/Preschooler section but applies here as well:

I know some people won't agree here, but it's just an observation from my life and what I've noticed around me.

Kids who are constantly pushed out of their parents bed want to keep coming back the older they get. My sister snuck into my parents room nightly until she was almost 12. My dad would pitch a fit and make her leave... she was almost 12!!! I have noticed this similar behavior with friends' kids and other family members.

Yet the kids who were welcomed w/ opened arms into their parents' bed - even purposely created a family bed w/ no intentions of buying a crib from birth - they're the ones who decide on their own as toddlers/preschoolers that they're ready to have some stretching room. Or they're at least more receptive to transition to their own bed, then their own room.

The latter is what happened in my house. My daughter slept w/ us pretty much since birth. With our encouragement at 18 months, we started her in a toddler bed (pinched between our bed and the wall). At 20 months our bed started moving further and further away from her bed to the opposite end of the room. By her 2nd bday, she claimed the master bedroom and we took on the other room (worked out because she had more room to play, and we hardly have any bedroom furniture anyway). She's now 4, sleeping in her own room, only coming to our bed when she's sick or there's a thunderstorm.

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