Tuesday, December 18, 2012

How can I get a surfer style bedroom?

Q. I love brands like Fat Face, Billabong, Roxy etc. and the whole surfer look but I was wondering how to get that style in my bedroom? I've only got a tiny bedroom but I'm up for any suggestions - please add photos if you can.

A. I would definitely stay away from creating a too cheesy surfer room. For example, I was looking up some pictures for you and there were cheap grass skirts as the bedskirt for the bed and little tiny surfer lamps and stuffed monkeys and dolphins and stuff....cheesy. To make a gooood surfer room, I'd choose a bright color that you like for the walls or maybe two as in the picture provided below. The room below has lime green and orange but if you like other bright colors better, that'd be okay too. When you look for room examples like this, I always just use the picture as a shell and interchange my color preferences, etc. So paint the walls a bright color, I actually like the blue in the second picture provided for the walls. You'll want to keep white in your room too..the molding around the room, in the bedspread, maybe the bed frame, the dresser and anything you can really. Because you have a really bright wall, you need that white to offset it and make it more beachy and light. So chose your bedspread. There are plenty of bedspreads that are actually billabong and roxy beach spreads if you want that. You can also chose a hawaiian print theme, but I feel like that's borderline cheesy as well. If I were you, I would choose a full white bedspread in a light fabric. Choosing a completely white bedspread will also make the room and your bed feel and look bigger. It's really your preference though, as I know some people love the hawaiian print. I love the wicker in the first room provided. And I love how they painted it, but I also just love wicker plain. So if you're tight on cash or you just like the wicker not painted, just keep it like it is. Wicker just reminds me of outdoor furniture you'd have at a beach house though. I'm not sure what color your carpet is or if you have wood floors. It'd be ideal if you had wood flooring and then I'd add a straw beach mat as the rug at the foot of the bed or at the side of the bed, depending on the positioning of the bed. I'd get white lamps like the one in the first bedroom provided, the two inbetween the two beds on the nightstand. Again, I'm not sure how you are on money, but if you can afford it, I'd definitely splurge on a full sized surfboard to put somewhere in your room, behind a wicker chair or in a corner by itself. I'll provide a link to a cheaper board (in the world of surfboards it's considered very cheap.) I'd also get some beach themed decor. I like the word beach spelled out above the bed in the second picture. I also love the wood nightstand in the second bedroom, you can see the top slats of it, but I would paint it white. I was recently at Marshalls and they had extremely nice and sophisticated beach themed decor that could fill up probably two to three rooms. If you have a Marshalls by you, you should take a look there. Also, TJ Maxx. If not though, I'm sure you can find really cute beach stuff online. Even if you went to a craft store and bought a hurricane candle holder, a pillar candle, and sand and/or shells, that would be awesome to put on your nightstand. You could also buy a cheap starfish and shells online too to put around your room. The options are endless!! :) Here are all the links:

1st bedroom (bright walls, wicker chair, white dresser, white lamps)... http://www.thedesignfile.net/thedesignfile/2010/05/a-colorful-kids-room-you-can-emulate.html

2nd bedroom (the color blue I love for a beach room, beach letters over bed, slat nightstand)... http://www.bedroominteriordecorating.com/teenage-girl-bedroom-ideas-teenage-bedroom-designs/

Beach Mat for Rug... http://www.amazon.com/Simple-Natural-Beautiful-Yoga-Mat/dp/B000UK6VQ2

Landshark Board suggestion if you can't find something else... http://compare.ebay.com/like/350433809099?ltyp=AllFixedPriceItemTypes&var=sbar&rvr_id=213510046901&crlp=1_263602_304662&UA=M*F%3F&GUID=5ec409fa12e0a47a2fa73f07fb4737ad&itemid=350433809099&ff4=263602_304662

Beach candles (LOVE the different colors!!)... http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://img4.realsimple.com/images/0903/candles_300.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.realsimple.com/home-organizing/new-uses-for-old-things/summertime-new-uses-00000000016188/page37.html&usg=__DFVeZEITqeVDmvMb6BvECLlisug=&h=357&w=300&sz=20&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=t8VJsv_DLEYs8M:&tbnh=156&tbnw=121&ei=eSRoTcTlJ4yCtge1-IXoAw&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dhurricane%2Bcandle%2Bwith%2Bsand%2Band%2Bshells%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26sa%3DN%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D622%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C42&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=1035&vpy=204&dur=726&hovh=245&hovw=206&tx=165&ty=142&oei=eSRoTcTlJ4yCtge1-IXoAw&page=1&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:13,s:0&biw=1280&bih=622


How can i make my room punk like?
Q. my room right now is painted green, and purple, yeah i know not so punk-ish.....anyways what is some bedding, rugs, and other types of furniture i could get....no posters though, unless you could tell me where i could get either a Cure, Sex Pistols, or Siouxsie and the Banshees posters............

thanks in advance
EDIT and i want REAL punk like the 70'a and 80's NOT todays.....

A. Graffiti your walls, put a couple of holes in the drywall, get a hold of some old fliers (all the real bands are no longer around; the fliers have to be "old" by default) and tack them up randomly around your room; go to the thrift store and buy some vinyl records, then put them in a plastic milk crate (it won't matter whether the albums are punk rock or not- you're going for the ambience, and let's face it- most kids are so danged stupid nowadays, they wouldn't know a REAL punk album if it walked up and kicked them in the face...);make a noose and "lynch" your favorite stuffed animal; start smoking and drinking, making sure to leave the ashtrays always full, and the empty beer bottles laying around; buy or steal a cheap bass guitar and just lay on your bed and play; finally, don't clean it- voila! you will then be the proud owner of a genuine punk rock bedroom.

Ideas for nursery, bathroom, and my bedroom?
Q. My fiancee and i are 19 and have a baby due jan. 30. we just moved into a new home and i am trying to decide on themes for all of the rooms. i find out the sex of the baby next month so thats no help right now. i want the bedroom a sea blue color but im not sure and the bathroom i have no ideas at all so any are welcome

A. Your bedroom a sea blue or the baby's?

Anyway, I like the bathroom as light as possible to be cheary and have a clean and fresh appearance. Anything else you'll get tired of quickly.

You could do light colors in the bathroom, such as white tile, white countertops, etc., a white shower curtain (fabric) with a clear plastic liner.
Do the walls a light green-blue color or aqua or teal.
Have light green, light purlish pink, and light blue towels.

Get a fun garbage can/bucket of a matching color.

Use white rugs/flat towels for the floor. (the towels are more cheap and easy to clean and replace as needed and still look nice and fresh and clean for a bathroom).
Or one big bathroom rug that matches the pain on the walls exactly, or a little bit darker.

Do your bedroom in the most relaxing shades as possible. Having kids is stressful and you'll need your room to help you relax.

Do white, flowing drapes of sheer or cotton that go to the floor and that can "blow in the wind" lol. sounds funny, but it's really relaxing to watch.
Do your bed linens in white and the comfortor in either a blue shade or really light yellow or light green.

Have lots of big accent pillows (go all Martha Stewart! lol)

Do your walls that blue color you're talking about (match the comforter to it, or visa-versa).
do the trim in white or a very soft color of that blue.
Get a big natural weave rug/mat for the floor to go under the bed but big enough to stick out several feet around the foot of it and the sides of it. (like bamboo or something).

Use black as an accent color.

The baby's room will depend on what sex the child is, or do neutrals of light yellow, light blue, light green, white and maybe some light purple.

Pretty much all the ideas I've given you will make all these rooms tie in together. They'll match yet won't be axactly the same. Will make the place feel cleaner, lighter, friendlier, softer and more relaxing. You'll need it after having a baby!!

(be sure to get pedicures and foot massages too!)

good luck and congrats on your house and new little one that's coming!! Babies are the best things ever!

Looking for cleaning tips. I am the worst house keeper ever. Easily distracted into organizing and making one?
Q. tiny spot really clean where the rest of the house suffers.
Do you have any tricks besides the 15min trick to help me get my house sparkling like I dream of? By the way, I have 4 kids 17, 15 and twins 11 that can help minimally (school, sports etc.)

A. laundry baskets! Lots of them!

Get one for each kid, one for you and hubby and one extra.

Clean the house by going thru and throwing everyone's stuff into their respective laundry basket. Then, line the baskets up on the stairs so nobody can get by without taking their upstairs.(if you don't have an upstairs, then put them in front o f their bedroom doors. Tell them to empty it and put it outside their bedroom door. Then the mess is in their room.....not the rest of the house. Shut the door and pretend they are paying guests.

Take the extra basket and put anything in it that is not where it belongs. Start in one room do one room at a time. When you get to a new room, check the basket to see if there is anything there that belong in that room and put it away first. Then pick up the stuff that doesn't belong in that room and put it in the basket. Don't do anything else, just deal with picking up stuff and putting stuff away.
That should take care of all the "stuff".

I'm sorry, but no matter how busy they are, those kids can find time to do SOMETHING around the house. With four of them, you are just as busy if not MORE so. So they need to chip in. ?Assign each of them one task they have to do every day and one task they have to do every week. That's not a lot. IF they don't do it, then take away their computer privledges or cell phone until it gets done. It only takes 3 minutes to scrub out a toilet and wipe down the seat. I'm sure that they are not that busy that they can't at least do that once a week.

Buy products that require little effort. they are worth the extra money. Get Clorox cleaning wipes for the bathroom and kitchen. Get the Windex wipes for the shiny parts, mirrors and windows. Buy a Swiffer Flicker for the carpets to use inbetween vacuuming. (they work best on low nap rugs an floors), a regular swiffer for the floor (buy cheap thin washcloths instead of the swiffer pads. you can wash and reuse them. if you spray them with Endust, they work even better anyway) If you have products that are easy to use, the kids will be more likely to do the work.

If find that our house is the worst on Thursdays. It's what I call the Thursday phenomenon. I don't know why but by that day, everything seems to be a mess. So we try and do the laundry basket thing Wednesday nights before bed. That make the mess seem a lot less.

Don't expect the whole house to be clean all at once. It never happens. Keep the common areas clean (kitchen, den, bathroom) and deal with the private areas when you have time.

Once in a while (once a month if you can afford it) have someone come in and clean your house for you, top to bottom. It is so worth the money! Ask around and find someone that comes recommended. I thing local people are better. The big companies don't do as good of a job because they don't care about referrals.

And finally, don't beat yourself up so much. If the house is relatively clean who cares? Who are you trying to impress? If you are comfortable, that's all that matters. If you're NOT, then get those kids in action and get cleaning! :)

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