Thursday, December 13, 2012

Does anyone know a cool way of teaching my 4 year old son how to recognize his alphabets?

Q. I have tried flash just seem like it is taking a lot of time...he is in pre-k this year and I want him to start reading? He is smart kid that catches on quick, any suggestions?

A. Take a walk..look at street signs

Pick up a stick..what letters can you make in the sand, dirt or wet and write on the pavement


magnetic letters on cookie sheets (they will stick)...what words can you cook up...

sing the ABC's but use the sound version of the song (sound each letter makes)

Alphabet Bingo

Alphabet basketball (with rolled up tube socks) . Use duck tape and a permanent marker (make a letter on the sock). Have him pick up a the letter and then shoot it into the laundry basket or nerf hoop when he says it correctly.otherwise it goes back in the container (to try again later).

Turn off lights in bedroom...Make sure room is dark...use a flashlight and letter stencils (individual ones) and shine letters on the wall. Can you name that letter?

Take index cards. Write a letter of the alphabet on each one (x2). Play go fish but using the alphabet letters. Make a cheat pad to help him learn letters...see what it looks like

Make letters out of dough..and then bake in oven..and eat

Make playdough..make letters by rolling it out. Talk about how to make a letter...up, down, up down..makes an M. etc.

Cut out letters using sandpaper. Rub crayons over them (on a piece of paper).

Practice writing..make a card for a love one..dictation..make the letter "M" or "O"..etc.

Make it fun...

use other objects to make a many rocks do we need to make a "M" or use shells..toothpicks, sand, cottonballs, etc.

feel the letters

How do I tell my husband his decision to delay having children another 2 years is breaking my heart?
Q. We have been together for almost 9 years married for 6 months. We have always talked about having kids we even picked out names. Recently in the past couple of months his attitude about it has changed. He will get angry if I bring up the subject or ignore any baby related comments or questions. He even just moved us into a condo and signed a 2 year lease and there is no place for a nursery. It�s a 1 bedroom with a very small office/Den.
Now that this has happened I feel like I�m stuck he has made the decision for both of us. Any ideas on what I should do???
He always had a goal of us both to be able to stay home to raise the kids. Its a wonderful idea 5 years ago when we first talked about kids, But since we are both turning 30 and nowhere close to be able to work from home full time this seams unrealistic. In the meantime my doctor said that he is getting concerned about the fertility aspect and that after 30 my odds of having a child will start to drop. Basically the clock is ticking and my husband doesn�t seam to care.

A. Before trying to make your case you may ask him what concerns him. Do this at a time when you are both relaxing. It might be financial, or that he does not feel ready. Listen without being judgemental.
The fact that he is not only getting uncomfortable, but angry when you bring it up sounds like something of a red flag to me. I'm sure you have explored your own reasons for having a child, and want to make a wonderful mommy. It is fair for your future child that you address your husband's concerns as well, so that he can be as ready as he can be to also be wonderful on his role as a daddy.

Have you ever experienced any negative repercussions from expressing your belief in Astrology?
Q. If so, please share.


A. At first I wrote that yes, I have had repercussions. As I continued I realized that I hadn't really had many negative experiences because I only have a few friends, neighbors, and family which truly know of my strong interest in astrology. And I didn't know how much I would learn through this web site too. There are so many gifted astrologers everywhere.

Most of the God-fearing people in the town that I now live in would probably label me a witch. Of course it is a small town. My Grandma used to tell me that it was witchcraft and I needed to leave it alone. I didn't let my Dad know that I was into astrology ever. I thought he might not have approved. I have worked for churches for over 10 years and I also kept my interest hidden. My Dad and Grandma have both passed on (God Rest Their Souls)

One of the truths that I believe is that astrology predated astronomy. I am not alone in this belief. Before electricity our ancestors closely watched the sky at night. They began to notice correlations between the "wandering stars" (which were actually planets) and the events in their lives. They planted crops according to the phases of the moon. As they watched the sky each night they gained wisdom that was helpful to their self-preservation.

And how was Baby Jesus found? The Three Wise Men followed the Star of Bethlehem. I find it ironic that Christians never even think about this fact.

When I taught piano lessons in my home I always made sure that the students never went into my spare bedroom, which held my astrology library. I was living in a large city then but it still was within the Bible Belt.

I wanted to rent a space at a huge flea market years ago and interpret natal charts but the ones in charge told me that there were firm rules against renting a space to astrologers, palm readers, and the like that were strictly enforced. So I guess that would be the worst and only negative repercussion!

It is so refreshing to have a place to exchange and share our knowledge with others. One of the main reasons that I have had practically no repercussions is that I was good at hiding my strong interest in astrology. I believe in Linda Goodman's Star Signs (awesome book) she wrote that Joan of Arc is a strong case for the phrase "Silence is Golden." In other words, had she not told others of her spiritual gifts she probably would not have been burned at the stake. God Rest Her Soul.

There is a tiny tiny town called Dekoven in our area. It has a creepy name (The Coven?) and is extremely creepy at night. No lights, pitch black, tiny blacktop curvy road, few homes. I often wonder if that is where the witches (and who got to decide they were witches anyway?) were burned, tortured,. Needless to say I quickly knew that I was living in an area where "Silence is Golden"

It is a privilege when my mother or sister call to find the best time for business appointments, doctor appointments, dental work, and surgeries. They call me their spiritual advisor. I also use numerology in combination with astrology. This has been

I always report to my neighbor when the Full Moon is in Aries because with her heavy emphasis in Aries she appreciates the advance warning. I used to hear her yelling at her kids at the top of her lungs and she always looked so wrung out. Now she is better prepared to choose her battles wisely.

I guess in the final analysis that more people today are accepting of astrology than thirty years ago when I began my studies. Most people have no idea how much time, commitment, and dedication the astrologer spends in learning the art of astrology. But I have gained much wisdom through my study. I had no idea when I picked up that first astrology book thirty years ago that I would learn so much about myself and others.

Does anyone have any insights on becoming a Foster Parent?
Q. I am 53 years old and reside in the northwest suburbs of Cook County. I have a 16 year wonderful daughter. We have talked it over and I have applied to become a Foster Parent. I would love to get some insight from current or retired foster Moms. Thank you!

A. I am a retired Foster parent of 34 yrs and am an active Support person for the foster parents in my area. I advise FP's all every imaginable issue that can and does come up in foster care. I also advise caseworkers on open homes and resources available in each county I cover.

Be prepared for caseworkers and children's service workers coming anytime of the day or evening--without notice. I sometimes meet workers coming or going when I'm on visits so I know that at times things get very hectic.

You will have a homestudy, fingerprints and background cks all everyone in your home 13 and above.
You will need to provide references from people who know you outside of your family or relatives. You will need to attend FP training---usually held at a DCFS office in your area---they train for both private and state agencies. If you go with a state agency you will have a trained Foster Parent Support Specialist who works and represents you.

If you take placement of a baby --or newborn---you will have to find someone that the agency approves to care for the child if and when you are provide that person's name, address, and SS# for the agency to run to approve that person for caring for the child while you work---if you do.

You will receive a monthly board payment that included a certain amt for clothing and allowance---even for a baby. You will document clothing, allowance, any and all medications,behaviors out of the norm, and lots of other documentation. Remember---If it isn't written down--it didn't happen! So write it down. Keep current with ALL paperwork---I did it nightly after the kids were all in bed and sleeping.

You will need CO2 and smoke alarms. You need so may Sq.ft. per child. Bedrooms will be measured. Corporal punishment is prohibited. There are many services out there to help you and many resources available ---the little ones all get WIC--and visits are required. You will receive a clothing voucher and a medical card----and all doctors, dentists, etc will not take the medical card.

If your agency has a good FPSS she is worth her weight in gold. She will attend anything you ask her too and will accompany you to doctors. team meetings, ACR's, school staffings, court hearings,
grievance meetings---whatever you need.

Expect to get calls anytime during the day, night, or at work. Confidentiality is Extremely important---and one of the most disregarded rules that I know of. Do not post anything on the internet re: foster kids.

If in doubt---don't. Always have a plan. Be prepared. Your state also has an internet site called D-net.

Every year we took at least one or two foster children on out of state vacations with us---approval is easily gotten from her or his caseworker. You get no extra money to do this but they are part of the family and it helps with bonding for certain---and they enjoy everything. Be sure and their health passports and their medical cards with you EVERY TIME you leave your home.

NEVER SIGN A FORM AT THE HOSPITAL IF THEY NEED TREATMENT! First you do NOT have that authority and if anything goes wrong the parents can and will come after you. They have the state number they need to call and it's up to them to get permission to treat---not you.

Thanks for caring for the children.

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Title Post: Does anyone know a cool way of teaching my 4 year old son how to recognize his alphabets?
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