Friday, December 14, 2012

Ways to organize a small home?

Q. I have a rather small house and no closet space (just a little one in each bedroom.) I am really running out of places to put things and I hate having to throw stuff in my bedroom before company comes. Since I have two kids downsizing isn't really an option. I can't stand a bunch of clutter, but organization just doesn't come naturally to me. I would love any ideas!

A. Take a look at It is a free service that helps you declutter and organize your house. It has worked wonders for me. Even though you say organization doesn't come natural to you, you would be surprised at how organized and clean your house will be with this program. Try it. It is free so you have nothing to lose...except clutter. This program helps you keep your house so it is just 15 minutes away from company. I can say my house is 15 minutes away from company thanks to flylady. By the way I have 3 kids and have only been in the program for 2 months.

Any organization tips please?
Q. Okay, school starts in exactly two weeks and my office and bedroom are both complete disasters. I'm usually an organized person but with all the new text books and clothes everything's beginning to cram. I've already gotten rid of some stuff I don't need and sold it on eBay.
Any other ideas on how to organize it all?? I'd like to start the new year fresh =)

A. What I have been dying to do in my house, is take it one room at a time. Completely empty everything in the room (except large furnature items that you know will be staying in there). Put it all in another room, and pick through the stuff. Only put back the stuff in the room that is necessary in there. What you have left over, decide if it can go somewhere else in your house. If not, then pitch it, sell it, give it away, whatever.

That's if you actually have time to do that. It could take a few days, but it would be worth it in the end.

As far as school organization...

I bought a cubbie hole furniture piece from walmart for only like 35.00. I use it for my kids toys, but it would be great to organize backpacks, books, school supplies, etc...

My cubbie unit comes with 9 cubes in it. Depending on how many kids you have, give them a certain number of cubes to put their things in.

They also sell great closet organizers that have the days of the week marked on them. I am thinking of getting one for my daughter this year when she starts school. This way, on Sunday, I can put each day's outfit in the slot, and cut down on time in the mornings by picking out clothes. If your kids are old enough to pick out their own clothes to put in the slots, that works even better!

If you start with a clean house, it's easier to keep it organized. So give your house a good cleaning, and encourage your kids to put the things in appropriate places so they know where it is for the next day.

How do I better organize?
Q. I have 3 kids in my house, which is only 2 bedrooms and one bath. I am naturally an unorganized person so I need ideas of organization. Containers, storage, etc.

A. Do you have a spare room? put some toys inside and most outside. Put clothes in buckets for each child a different color. Make shelfing on the wall. Get rid of some furniture you dont need, like have a garage sale.

I Need Some Help And Advice?
Q. OK, here is the thing. I have 3 small children and my husband has been deployed 2 months ago. We live in a 1972 trailer with one and a quarter bedroom. My room holds my bed and the baby;s play pen. the kids room holds their bed and a dresser. We have no room at all and i cant find any help. I want to add on before winter so we can be comfortable. I have a tight budget and really need to add on. If any one knows how i should go about doing this or finding the help i would apperciate any ideas. Thanks alot

A. We have an organization that I help out from time to time called operation homefront for military families. They help match up military families that are in need with people who can help them. Check to see if they operate in your area and they will find you the help you need. Thank your husband for his service to our nation and God Bless.

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