Saturday, April 20, 2013

How long could i live a descent life style in the San Diego area with 100k and no job?

Q. I will have no dependants and will go out maybe once every couple of weeks.
I should say i just want to live comfortably instead of living a descent life style.

A. You could live for a little while, but let me tell you what happened to me. I had a $100,000 inheritance when my parents died. I used a few thousand dollars to pay several debts (my attorney fees from my lengthy divorce and trial cost thousands of dollars alone). I had just gone through a divorce and was starting life all over. I spent some of that money buying furniture and furnishings, including bedding, towels and sheets and appliances, dishes and cutlery. That can be expensive.

I had lost both my parents and my brother in just a few months of each other and I went through an ugly divorce. While I met and married my second husband over a year after my divorce was final, the stress from backstabbing co-workers at a job I hated, the deaths of my parents and brother AND the counseling my daughter had to go through after my divorce was too much for me and I quit my job to get some healing. When I quit my job, I had moved to a different suburb of my hometown, where the rent was more expensive. I figured I could take about 4 months off work and still have plenty of money to live on from my leftover inheritance (it was about $50,000 by that time - I had used much of it for many expensive debts). took me much longer than anticipated for me to find another job (the job I have now). I wasn't yet married to my husband and I ran out of money after paying almost $2000.00 a month for my rent on my 3-bedroom condo (I have a teenage son and pre-teen daughter - them sharing rooms was not an option, nor was it an option for my daughter to share a room with me since I would soon be getting married again). When you add utilities, food, car insurance, car maintenance, gas, groceries, medical bills/copays, sundry items, clothes and expenses for 2 children, and unexpected expenses, then the money can go pretty fast. My husband ended up having to move in with me and my kids before we were married, just so that we could keep a roof over our heads (with his income helping out). This was difficult for me because my value system goes against that. my opinion, if you want to live on $100,000 here in San Diego, you can do so comfortably for about a year if you have a lot of bills and high rent and about two years if you have cheap rent and less bills. If you have huge car payments/insurance and if you do a lot of shopping or spending, then the money will disappear quicker than you can blink. I lived frugally and was careful. I am not the partier type of person and I do shop when we need something and on occasion when the kids want something. I do eat out now and then, but I don't do any of these things to excess. I am pretty careful and the money that I had left just disappeared like a puddle on a hot day.

If you have no job and all that money, then you have a comfortable cushion. Still, it took me about about 5 months to find a job after I took 4 months off for "healing" (total 9 months of unemployment). I am a person with a good work ethic, lots of employable skills and experience and I interview well. I had a lot of competition however, and it was a huge shock to me that I had such a hard time finding a job again. If I were you, I would look for work now because we are in a recession and even major companies and employers are merging, reorganizing, folding AND laying off employees. The competition is high as it is when the economy is good. The economy is in the toilet now and those who have a job are among the fortunate and blessed. Who knows how long it might take to find a job. You could find one tomorrow or it could take 6 months. You never know. Even with frugal living, you will be amazed at how quickly the money can disappear.

Decorating Ideas for my new room?
Q. about me: im 15, almost 16. ill be moving into my new house in 2 months and my parents said that for my birthday they would give me the room of dreams, as long as it wasn't to expensive. im homhome schooledut i know a lot of kids who live in my neighborhood from when i went to regular school (my two guy friends, who are twins, live next door!). Anyway, my style is like pbteen mixed with shashabby chicy favorite colors are blue, green, and pink. My room will be kinda small, maybe 12x12. it has a beautiful view of san diego. i want to get rid of my closet doors and put curtains instead. got any other ideas, like what color i should paint it, etc?

A. Well, Congrats on your soon-to-be new bedroom. This is a great way to truly express yourself.

Interior Designer tip #1

Look at your favorite outfit or shirt for inspiration on your colors. Remember designers who design clothing also inspire home design trends. has some great stuff for rooms. I love the purple(lilac color) wall with the black and white comforter with purple accents. It's classy and moves away from the young girl look. Also, consider the tropical punch bedding from pbteen that has blues, pinks, green, orange, etc. Then you can go more funky like a pumpkin colored wall or lime green. In addition, consider some of the really cool furniture pieces they have.

A 12 x 12 room is a pretty decent size. If done right it can feel like your own little apartment. Take inspiration from pieces like some of the lounge seating they have available. Although, pbteen is a little pricey consider going to to get a better price for the same look.

Putting a love seat in your bedroom will give an adult apartment feel, and add seating for friends. Try the KLOBO love seat that sells for only $149.00 in a natural color. Put some really funky colored pillows on it to liven it up. Also, check out your local craigslist for love seats selling cheap

This will also be a look that as you mature you can live happily with the choices you have made if done smartly, and have some furniture pieces for your future as well that can be adapted to a different environment like when you move out when your older.

OPINION WANTED: From older adults who have experienced moving OR live in California?
Q. Hi, there! I live in Pennsylvania, I'm 21, and I live in a small town where people get no where in life. I have a degree in Interior Design. (Which a small town is not the place to be for that). And my friend and I are interested in moving somewhere different, such as Cali. I told him that it would be a huge change, including costs of things, living where our family doesn't, and so on. We just want to experience something new because life is too short, know what I mean? But, we're thinking about maybe in a year or two, after saving LOTS of money. We plan to visit Spring 2012, to check out LA, San Diego, and San Fran...See if we like it or not. Oh, I forgot to add, we would never be boyfriend or girlfriend and start our life together there, he's gay.

Is this something I should do? Just pack up and move away? I realize it's going to be tough. And we don't plan to live directly in the big cities because of course cost is ridiculous, but maybe on the outskirts? Any suggestions where??

But, like I was saying.. I'm young. And I don't want to regret things later on in life that I wish I would have done. I still live with my parents, but I do have bills to pay. What are your thoughts or suggestions on such a change like this? Is there lots of things to do around SoCal? Will I get a lot of job opportunities? Do you think I'll have to work 2 jobs, JUST to manage my rent? Ideas...?

Thanks guys, I appreciate it =)

A. I'm older than you so I suppose I'm an older adult. My job transferred me out here and they paid for everything. Yippee, for me.
Like everyone will say, our economy really does suck. Unemployment is high. My friends with Master's degrees are applying at fast food restaurants in desperation. Interior decorating is a luxury occupation. When the economy is booming you'll do great, when it's horrible, like right now, you'll starve. Although it seems like the homes that cost over $10 million are selling like hotcakes here. Somebody will need to decorate them. It's nice to know the uber-wealthy aren't hurting.
You can't rent an apartment without proof of employment or money. 1 bedroom apartments in somewhat safe neighborhoods (Long Beach) rent for $1100 a month. 2 bedrooms, $1400 a month. Rent is still expensive even out in the suburbs here.
To cut down on moving expenses, sell your furniture and buy new/used stuff out here. We've got plenty of thrift stores and flea markets. You're an interior decorator so you can make it work.
Your gay friend will be like a kid in a candy store if you move out here, especially if he's good looking. I've seen that happen a lot.

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Title Post: How long could i live a descent life style in the San Diego area with 100k and no job?
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