Friday, January 18, 2013

What are some good activities for a 3 year old and two 20 months olds to do together?

Q. My kids don't seem to play together very well. Is it just age difference? I'd like to foster some good sibling time, so please suggest activities that are age appropriate for all my kids and don't require an extremely long set up or clean up- With kids these ages, I don't have a lot of time for it.

A. My daughters are 3 years and 21 months, so I'll tell you some things that they like to do. (They're 17 months apart in age and don't really play together as much as they play side-by-side. However, my 3-year-old will often tell my younger daughter what to do, and sometimes she listens.)

- Play dress up. I have a box full of hats, shoes, dresses, magic wands, bead necklaces, bracelets, etc. that they can put on and take off by themselves. I set a full-length mirror nearby so that they can admire their various outfits.

- Play house/babies/kitchen. We have a toy kitchen (got for free from a friend) and lots of dolls, doll clothes, and doll accessories set up in a guest bedroom. The girls can play that for quite a while. They love to stir dry macaroni or rice in a big bowl with a wooden spoon. (I just vacuum up any spilled noodles/rice.) And they love to push their dolls in strollers (in the house or outside).

- Color with crayons. I also love our Aquadoodle mat b/c there's no mess -- kids are just using water-filled pens to draw on it.

- Play with play-doh.

- Go to the playground.

- Play in a baby pool in the backyard.

- Go to the zoo, library, or children's museum.

- Kick or toss balls around.

- Draw with chalk in the driveway.

- Blow bubbles (a little messy for the younger ones, but still fun).

- Dance to music on the radio or a CD.

- Play follow the leader with the older one leading the way.

- Listen to books.

- Sing songs.

- Have a "marching band" with each child playing a different instrument.

Hope that gives you a few more ideas! In just a couple more years, they'll really be able to play together!

How can I convince my mom not to get a dog?
Q. I know that this is a very uncommon question, but for once the kid doesn't want a dog. Nothing I try is working, and she's experienced with ownership so throwing costs and such at her is ineffective.
The dog in question is a Shih-Tzu cross whose name is Pearl. She's our foster dog at the moment, and we're unfortunately close to adopting her. She's not bad for a dog - she's quite small, relatively quiet, and has decent behavior. Everyone else in the family loves her, particularly my mom and younger sister, but I really can't stand her.
She yips and yaps in an incredibly irritating way when I get home, and she has issues with her digestive system (or something like that) so she regularly urinates and/or defecates in the house. She knows that she isn't allowed on furniture or in my room - she gets off the couch or my bed whenever a human comes near, but she persistently breaks these rules. She's supposedly obedient, but she hardly ever listens to real commands, all she can do are tricks like rolling over. She gets underfoot a LOT, and she begs at the table, and she's really annoying in general, to me at least. It's approaching winter, so I feel that there will be a lot of reluctance around walks, and my sister is already forgetting to feed her as the excitement wears down.
I don't understand why mom likes her, and she feels the same way about my dislike. We argue a lot, and we're both really stubborn, but this is one of the few things I feel strongly about. I really don't know what I can do, and I don't want my last four or five years here to be marred by this dog. Please help.
EDIT: My mom is a vet, so she knows about costs and things, she has owned dogs so she really does have experience with these things - she knows how expensive it can be.

A. You're right, this is an uncommon question, lol.

Unfortunately, not much you can do about it. Your mom knows how you you think you can get her to agree that you don't have to do ANY chores for the dog (walks, feeding, brushing etc.)? Of course, if your mom is sick or something, it would be *nice* of you to offer to do those chores. But bottom line, your mom is the one who makes the rules, so as long as you live under her roof, try to make the best of things.

As for your bedroom, keep the door closed. Everyone should respect your privacy. In return, you respect your family's right to have a dog even if you don't like it.

Arguing with your mom won't do any good. All you can do is hope that she gets fed up cleaning up the messes and having the dog be disobedient. And as you said, your sister, being a typical kid, is already realizing dogs are work and just wants to do the fun things.

Though if it were me in your shoes, I'd train the dog myself, and take her to obedience classes to get her to mind better. I'd "practice" her down-stay in the hallway during meals. If anyone piped up that the dog was missing out on treats, I'd just turn it around and rave proudly about how well the dog's training was coming along for her to remain there during meals....

And who knows, you might find that you actually like the dog if she's trained. So keep an open mind.

How to tell if my son is ready for potty training?
Q. My son is about 18 months old and he keeps on taking his diaper off problem is when he takes it off he'll pee on the floor. I try to keep it on him but he takes it off again. How can I tell if he is ready for toilet training and if he's not how the heck do I keep his diaper on? I wake up in the morning to see his diaper on the floor of his bedroom.
My son is only 18 months he cannot control his bladder. The first answer acts like he's going to go to high school really soon. My oldest son wasn't even starting to potty train until he was around 2.

A. My Dr. said tho wait until my son was putting on his own shoes and socks and his clothes - it is easier to take things off. As far as the diaper coming off goes - have him sleep in a onesie or a sleeper with feet - he might not like having a full diaper so you might need to change him in the middle of the night. Have him see you and your husband use the potty, read books about the potty, watch videos about the potty. I believe that when they are communicating well and understand you well then you can attempt it if it seems to be an interest to him - he is interested in the toilet - not just flushing it. He needs to be mentally ready - pushing him when he is not ready can be frustrating because it is just not a priority in his life yet. I am sure that he has just found that taking the diaper off is fun and it gets a rise out of you. Does he say Uh oh when he pees on the floor - or does he just run away since he knows he is upsetting you. My son just popped in the bath tub last night and he kept saying Uh oh like it was a hug disaster - he knew that it was not right - he is starting to recognize. Watch for little indicators. Talk about big boy pants - heck go buy some and talk about when he is a big boy he can where them. These are just what has been going on with my son - not just a cut and paste, but real life experience from myself and friends that have kids and my Dr.'s advise. Good luck - remember to make the toilet fun and exciting not frustrating

I want to clean my whole house tomorrow ?
Q. Ok Here is a list of all I want to do when I wake up. I am going to bed after this it is 10:56pm and I will rise at 8am
Help with what first. Do's and Don'ts ...
Household cleaning and organizing tips would be great... Thanks

Yahoo answers 1rst of course .
Do Dishes , Organize Kitchen cupboards including junk drawer and also clean in and out of fridge
Vacuum everyroom Have 3 bedroom and living room and dining room
Clean all windows and mirrors.. have 3 children 13,4,and 3. Lots of handprints. Few helping hands
Clean 2 bathrooms
do about 4 loads of laundry
organize bedrrom closet. especially shoes on closet floor need new location or something
clean out car
clean kids room . mostly toys everywhere. well at least where you would like to step.
shop for new curtains for bedroom and maybe hang them.

A. <>Well, that sounds like more than one day, but:
1. Start 1st load laundry. As each finishes, start next one.
2. Clean out fridge and do dishes
3. Put kids to work picking up toys.
4. Clean bathrooms, washing bathroom windows and mirrors.
5. Help kids finish rooms.
6. Vacuum.
7. Remainder of windows/mirrors.
8. Kitchen cupboards.
9. Clean out car.
10. Shop for curtains and shoe organizer.
11. Hang curtains.
12. Bedroom closet.

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Title Post: What are some good activities for a 3 year old and two 20 months olds to do together?
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