Tuesday, January 22, 2013

How do I organzie my kids bedroom? 3 year old and 5 month old share their room. Any adivce?

Q. It is also a tiny room, so it is hard to fit all there stuff in there. They only have a few toys in their room (they have a toy room). I mainly need advice for the room stuff. They have tons of blankets and I don't know how store them in their room, I don't want they stored away because they use them all a lot! How do you have your kids room that shares a room organized? Thanks!

A. What I do with blankets is hang them up in the closet on a hanger. All clothes are fit into a dresser, I have a open front changing table that has 6 of the collapsible boxes with things like diapers, wipes, burp rags, extra sheets for cribs, etc.

What can I do to keep my marriage happy and not angrily driven?
Q. We have 5 kids. 3 are my stepkids and two me and her had together. She lets them run all over her and I seem to be the only one who disciplines. We are an interracial couple. DOES THAT MAKE A DIFFERENCE? What should I do?

A. The two of you have to come to an agreement. Otherwise, if she countermands your orders or your say-so, it won't do you or the kids any good. They know all they have to do is run to mom and she will say "YES." So the way to fix this is to talk to your wife and come to a mutual agreement and STICK TO IT...if one of you says NO, then the other one says NO and if there is a difference of opinion, you have to go to your bedroom or somewhere where the kids will not hear you disagreeing and talk it over. If in this case, you talk it over and come to an agreement, you BOTH must sit down with your kids and tell them, "this is what mom AND dad have agreed to." This way, the kids cannot play the mommy-daddy Can I thing on either one of you.

I don't think race has anything to do with the problem. Behavior is not racial. Behavior is learned. And children will push your boundaries to the limits - that is how ALL kids, over every race, are. What you have really, is a difference of opinion between yourself and your wife about how to parent children and how you use discipline in order to maintain sanity and safety in your household.

This will only work IF your wife agrees to this plan AND sticks to it. The moment she gives in or violates the agreement is the moment YOU AND HER loose. That is what you have to make perfectly clear to her...

If she does not agree or will not comply with the agreement, then you have a much bigger problem of an undisciplined mother and undisciplined wife, and that is when you need to go to marriage counseling, because the problem is not between the kids and you, it is between you and your wife.

which room in my house should i clean first?
Q. my living room,bathroom,kitchen,bedroom,kids bedroom,laundry room,computer room?

which one should i clean 1st,2nd,3rd...etc & Why?

A. I think it should depend on which room you use the most. I have several children, so I'm always in the kitchen. I like having the kitchen cleaned first.

If you work at home, and spend alot of time in your office, then clean that one first.

I have found that I feel really good about myself when I wake up to a clean bedroom, so I would recommend to clean that one before you go to bed at night, that way you don't wake up feeling overwhelmed.

Bathrooms get used alot, but I only clean mine when I actually use it. I wipe off the counter and swish out the toilet first thing in the morning. Throughout the day, I just put one or two things away as I go in. It stays clean that way.

In sims 3 can you make the foundation half like a triangle?
Q. Ok so im remodeling the alto house. It has a foundation already and im just adding onto the kid bedroom. The foundation needs to be a triangle instead of a square. I don't think i can make that any clearer sorry.

A. I've had this problem before, I know exactly what you mean. :)

-First, create your foundation as a square.
-Next, choose the 'diagonal foundation' option.
-click near the foundation sqaure so that your diagonal foundation basically intercepts the square founation in the corner.
-Then, hold ctrl while dragging your diagonal foundation so that it deletes half your foundation corner.
-It will delete it diagonally, leaving a triangle foundation.

I know it sounds confusing, but try playing aroung with the diagonal foundation option until you get it. But remember that you have to start out with a square foundation. Good luck!

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Title Post: How do I organzie my kids bedroom? 3 year old and 5 month old share their room. Any adivce?
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