Saturday, January 19, 2013

decorating ideas for a girl and boy playroom?

Q. I have an extra bedroom and we are looking to decorate it for the kids. Need help any ideas would be great. My daughter is a 1yr and half and son is 3. So I am looking for something unisex. Paint ideas (colors) anything. Thanks.

A. transportation



princess and knights castle

cartoon characters

this site is filled with ideas, have a browse through

Is it okay to have 2 kids share the same room?
Q. We are expecting baby #2 here soon. We live in a 2 bedroom house (moving is not an option). My husband and I in 1 room and our two year old daughter in the other room. My question is, would it be "okay" to have our 2 year old and our new baby (even if it is a boy) share the same room? They'll probably be sharing a room for at least the next 6 or 7 years too, as moving is not an option for us for at least that long. Also, how would you decorate a shared room for a boy and girl? Anyone in this same situation? How did you make it work? Did your other child bother the baby? How do nap times work at your house? Thanks in advance everyone and God bless!

A. I have three kids, a 9 year old boy, a 7 year old girl and a 2 year son. They all sleep in the same room at the moment as my daughter does not like to sleep alone even though she has her own room. The boys are in a bunk bed(2 year old at bottom of course) and she is in her own bed. Her room at the moment is the playroom and they all love it. When my older two were much younger we were in a 2 bedroom home and they shared then. The baby did not disturb my toddler son and I was even able to get them to nap at the same time during the day for awhile which was bliss.
We have told our daughter that when she turns 8 and my older son is 10 (Their birthdays are a month apart) she will need to go back to her own room as I think privacy is important at those ages. She agrees now and I can only hope she agrees then LOL.
I would not stress too much about your kids sharing a room for awhile as I think it brings them closer together. At night my husband and I can hear them talking together and they are quite insightful topics about school and family and what they want to do when they are older.
Good luck and enjoy this time. They are only little for such a short time. There is plenty of time to worry about the moral side of it when they are older!!

How to train a dog to NOT chew on everything?
Q. We have a Jack Russell about 7 months old. She has a bad habit of chewing everything the carpet, blankets, food/water dishes for some reason she even chews on the bottom of bedroom doors. I've never owned a house dog before so I'm unsure as of how to train her to not chew on things. We have given her her own chew toys and bones. If anyone could offer any advice it would be greatly appreciated.

A. Read this:

Make a point of encouraging her to chew on the right things. Don't just give her chew toys and bones -- if you see her pay any attention to them, praise her. Pet her. Give her a couple treats. Play with her. Make it clear to her that it's good to chew on her own toys.

Rotate her toys and bones instead of always leaving them around, which allows her to quickly bore of them. Keep them interesting and new by creating some sort of toy rotation.

Exercise her. Jack Russells are energetic, inquisitive, lively dogs, and puppies are just more energetic and curious. You need to exercise the heck out of her every single day -- stimulate her both physically and mentally. Play with her, walk her, go jogging, play fetch, play soccer, go swimming, run around like loons in the back yard. Have several short training sessions every day; they should be made into games so that she can have fun and look forward to exercising her brain. If she already knows the basics, then teach her more complicated tricks.

Make the things she shouldn't chew on less appealing. There are various products you can use, ranging from Bitter Yuck and Bitter Apple sprays to Tabasco sauce.

She's a puppy who doesn't know any better, so YOU do need to step up and constantly supervise her. She's like a little kid -- being able to trust her alone comes with age. You don't leave a four-year-old home by herself and let her get into all kinds of havoc, while you should be able to trust a mature teenager not to get into too much mischief, right? So, you need to keep an eye on her!! If you can't, she needs to be crated or put into a pen:
If you are unfamiliar with crate training, here's how to get started:

Good luck! Remember, be patient, be consistent and be calm.

How much would it cost to finish a basement?
Q. I just bought a house and was wondering if someone has a rough idea how much I'd have to spend finishing a basement. I already have a toilet and everything in the basement. It's not too big. About the size of a large living room and a big bedroom - sorry, don't know the dimensions yet. I wanted to either put a carpet or titles so the kids can have a bi playroom. It's just an idea. Thanks guys!

A. We spent $1500 for good-quality basement wall-to-wall carpeting (and liner) for about a 20' x 20' area of floor plus steps to the first floor. We use the area for our exercise equipment. Our new sump pump, plus backup safety and battery (which we got after learning the hard way that, just because the basement of your 11 yo home has never flooded before doesn't mean it won't flood if there's a big storm and the power goes out) cost $650. My husband did some nice overhead lighting, plus he partitioned off a wall and put in 2 louvered french doors to separate off the storage area for I think about $400. We'll ultimately put in a ceiling.

You can, of course, do it much less expensively. But the critical factor to keep in mind about a basement living area is, "Is it inviting?" If it's not inviting, then you and your family won't use it. Speaking for myself, carpeting was a must--tile would have been too cold and too hard for my tastes, especially since I'm most comfortable being barefoot.

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