Thursday, December 20, 2012

What are some good tips for getting out of the parents house?

Q. Okay! Im 17 going on 18 on the 18th of this month.
I need some major advice as to how to save money, budget, and get the heck out. Im yearning to move out as soon as i graduate high school in may. I know it would be optimal to stay home but with only 3 bedrooms 2 baths and 5 kids and two adults this house is wayyy to crowded. i neeedddd out! so can anyone throw me some ideas, hints, tips, or anything! it would be greatly appreciated!

A. You can't get very specific advice without stating what your income and expenses are (not that I'm suggesting you should have, just saying), but saving money is simple: Spend less than you make. You know what your goal is, and you want to save at least a couple thousand dollars (or much more, depending on what the rents are in your area). So think of the things that you buy that aren't necessary. Cut things out. Try to make more food and drinks at home, if you usually grab food and drinks (especially specialty drinks) when you are out. If you spend too much money on clothes, throw away the catalogs as soon as they get into your mailbox. Don't tempt yourself. Don't hang out at the mall. If you don't see something you love, you can't decide that you can't live without it. Think of all the things you're already living without, and imagine how many cool things you could have owned but never saw them for sale. You don't need everything that's cute or cool.
If you don't have a savings account, you should probably open one.
The act of saving isn't so much about "saving" as it is "not spending"- so think wisely before paying for anything. If you really need something, comparison shop before you buy it. If you are really strict with yourself, you can watch money add up very quickly.
If you have a part-time job, you can see if you can extend your hours here and there for a bit of extra income, as well.
If you find a way to save $250 a month, you'll have $2,000 saved by the end of May. $250 isn't really that much, but of course, it depends on your income.
When you are close to moving out, sign up for your local Freecycle at . People are always giving away couches and TVs and plates and pots and pans... Some things may not be wonderful, but they are free and a huge help. You would need to go pick them up, though.
Good luck. :]

I do not want to clean this house, but I need to. Where should I start?
Q. Four bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, laundry room, living room, kitchen. 3 small kids. Divide and conquer?

A. I hate cleaning the house! I can really relate. The first thing I do is get a bucket and a basket and a garbage can. I go to each room and everything that has to go to the kitchen goes in the bucket. When the bucket gets full, take it to the kitch. and dump it out and go back and fill it up again untill there isn't anything left anywhere that has to go to the kitchen. Cool.
Go to each room and throw all of the laundry in the hall. Just chuck it. Get it out of the way in what ever room you're in. Put stuff in the basket that has to go to a different room. Like bathroom stuff or toys or whatever.
So now you should only have 2 things left to do. And that should be the kitchen and the hall. Oh ya, the garbage can goes with you every where because with 3 kids there has got to be just allot of stuff that really needs to go no where but the garbage.
So.......start doing laundry and doing the dishes. ta-da..
I hate cleaning the house!
Goood luck

which room in my house should i clean first?
Q. my living room,bathroom,kitchen,bedroom,kids bedroom,laundry room,computer room?

which one should i clean 1st,2nd,3rd...etc & Why?

A. I think it should depend on which room you use the most. I have several children, so I'm always in the kitchen. I like having the kitchen cleaned first.

If you work at home, and spend alot of time in your office, then clean that one first.

I have found that I feel really good about myself when I wake up to a clean bedroom, so I would recommend to clean that one before you go to bed at night, that way you don't wake up feeling overwhelmed.

Bathrooms get used alot, but I only clean mine when I actually use it. I wipe off the counter and swish out the toilet first thing in the morning. Throughout the day, I just put one or two things away as I go in. It stays clean that way.

should I turn my extra bathroom into a guest bathroom, or something for little kids?
Q. I live in a 2 bedroom, 2 bath bathroom is in my room..the kids bathroom is outside they're room which could also be a guest bathroom...should I turn it into fun colors just for kids, or more mature, yet pleasing for kids, for guest...I kinda don't want them going into my room, but it's ok....I'm a single mother - thanks
yes I have a boy and a girl sharing!
ages 3 and 5...the girl 3

A. More mature but pleasing. Like bright colors. That's a neutral way. Kids like bright colors, but the bathroom won't be kiddie like. Cause really, it's the kids bathroom anyways....they'll get more use out of it than the guests.

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