Wednesday, December 19, 2012

What are the schools and houses like in Haiti?

Q. What is the housing like in Haiti? If there is a school, what is it like?

A. I have visited many schools in Haiti, A lot of them are one room. They have no supplies, no electricity, maybe a usable chalkboard. They kids are really squished on wooden benches. But they are lucky because they can go to school at all.

A lot of houses are very small, probably the size of your bedroom. They have no electricity, no bathroom and no kitchen. Cooking is done on a fire outside. Bathing is done in a river, and going to the bathroom, well, wherever.

How much weight do I have to lose for girls to like me?
Q. I know girls don't like fat guys well at least the ones at my school that I like don't I'm 5'4 110 ibs so how much weight do I have to lose to get girls to not think I'm a fat kid last year I was called fat do you I should lose some extra pounds

A. High school? Middle school?

If you are in middle school do push ups, pull ups, and situps. Find a routine online and stick with it. I suggest buying the perfect pull up and it should come with a weight chart. Installs in the doorway of your bedroom. I have one and if you follow the chart you should have definition by the end of the week. Do not start lifting weights until later on in high school.

Sounds like you may be a freshman or sophomore in high school. You still probably have some inches to grow and I can understand you may have some baby fat left which might make you appear a little chubby at 5'4'' even if it is only 110lbs. Although you do not need to lose weight. That is pretty small. Still do the push ups/pull ups and eat well... if you dedicate yourself to an every-other-night basis for a few months (and keep on going) you will see results IF YOU DO IT RIGHT AND IF YOU ARE DEDICATED.

Take weightlifting Junior and Senior year, dedicate yourself and eat well. Also, for right now go ahead and talk to your PE coach at a convenient time after class and ask how to get in shape flat out. They may write a routine going for you if they are nice enough.

I went into high school at 5'3'' 110lbs. Ballooned up to 5'5'' 158 lbs by the start of my sophomore year (chubby). Lost weight by eating healthy meals (lean cuisine) and going running, and the summer before my junior year I was all the way down to 120 lbs. Junior year took weightlifting, metabolism increased I ended up eating more got up to 145lbs. Was able to max out on the bench at 155lbs during my Junior year. Summer before my Senior year all I did was work out and drink protein. I myself was 5'6'' 155lbs and I maxed out on the flat bench at 215lbs. My bench max sophomore year when I was chubby was 100lbs. (Benching isn't everything but just to give you an idea that is a 115lb increase in bench max, all because I took weightlifting seriously). I am currently an average 5'7'' 150lbs.

You are going through changes and your weight will alter. Some kids are fat when they leave one year and they come back the next year amazingly skinny.

If you don't like to be called fat than use it as motivation and get in shape. And do it for yourself not just to get girls that is the wrong mentality. Girls are the bonus.

Good luck.

What steps have you taken to 'child-proof' your home?
Q. My daughter is 18months and into everything. I just can't seem to child-proof my home enough.

What steps have you taken? Do you still have things for older children?
No thumbs down from me...I have a TD fairy :(

A. lol my 14 month old is the same!! Its driving me nuts!!!

We have two door barriers. one for the laundry as I need to get in there to my food pantry all day long and the other accross the hall into my older kids rooms but its left open most the time because he is old enough to play in there now so long as i check there are no legos on the floor!

All my kitchen cupboards have locks on them and so does my ensuite cupboard. but he is learning how to unlock them slowly so i have to buy new harder to open locks!

we moved the rubbish bin into the laundry accross from the kitchen or he gets into it all the time.

My bedroom door is shut at all times now (unless the kids forget to shut it) cos he pulls things out the bedside drawers and gets into the ensuite bathroom cupboard, bin and toilet.

The toilet and bathroom doors are also kept shut at all times or else things get thrown down the toilet (last count we had 3 toothbrushes, my lipstick, other makeup and out cordless phone handset down the loo!!) and he steals the kids toothbrushes cos they leave them on the bathroom bench rather than stick them on the shelf!

The front screen door is always keylocked or else he can get out (and so could the older two as well mind you, so thats been done for ages now)

But this is to no avail most the time! He just finds something new to do! He pulls things off my two bookshelves in the loungeroom all the time and has learnt how to turn the TV on and off now which is going to blow our plasma screen any day now I'm sure! If the phone is left off the cradle he grabs that so that has to be pushed to the back of the desk, the computer keyboard and mouse also get pushed back or they come down to be banged happily on....

if he gets outside, which happens often as the door is always left open by everyone other than me, I often find him in the vegie patch picking strawberries.
If anything is left too close to the edge of a counter or table its fair game to him too!

Other than that he is a dream child lol! Don't get me wrong, hes beautiful and happy most of the time, but if he gets bored watch out!

you can only child proof as you go and do the best you can. everything else is out of your hands

short of living in an empty house with just mattress' on the floor, you'll never be able to 100% baby proof anything. There is always something they will be able to find and use as their private toy!

best of luck

Remodeling bathroom, will no tub prevent me from selling?
Q. We moved into the house I grew up in. We're fixing it up and remodeling a number of things. The bathroom is the current project, and we don't want to put another tub in.

From what I've been hearing though, I may not be able to sell the house without it. The house is 2 bedroom/1 bath. Is there anyway around this? Like maybe building in a tiled bench into the shower?

A. I don't think a tiled bench in the shower is the way to go, you might as well just put a tub in there. It all depends on how you do it. If the shower is just a regular shower and there is nothing special about it, it has curtains, etc, then that is the same as an apartment and will hurt people liking your bathroom I would say. If your shower is nice and big, with sanded glass door and panes around it, then I wouldn't see it being a problem with no bathtub. People don't really take baths anymore, usually for just small kids.

I would say, if the shower is a cut above, a very nice shower, then go for it, you don't really need a bathtub. I wouldn't recommend a tiled bench, as this may be costly, timely, not turn out the way you thought, may collect mold, etc easily. Realistically, do whatever you want to do with the remodel unless you are possibly downgrading from what is currently in there.

I know that the tub issue will hurt whether or not people like your bathroom or not, but as far as resale, people care about the NUMBER of bedrooms and bathrooms, not what they have, overall area of the house, area of the land, location within the community (safe, accessible?), year house was built, monthly fees. If someone doesn't like your bathroom they will just redo it the way that they want to.

It's why artists paint their paintings and simply paint the sides instead of framing them, or they frame them in pretty generic frames. Because they don't want to waste precious money or time when the next owner may just change the frame themselves no matter how nice or expensive the original frame that came with the painting was.

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