Friday, December 7, 2012

Is it torture to not let your kids read as a punishment?

Q. Thats the worst kind of torture i can think of right now! Why, how can people even think of doing that to their kids?!

A. It might have been a torture when WE were kids! But with all the electronic gadgets and kids having the attention span of gnats...I think the TORTURE would be to MAKE kids read as a punishment....and that is a QUITE sad fact of life.

I can recall staying up until 2 or 3 AM to finish a good book, even as a kid...and getting away with it because I'd shove a blanket under the crack of my bedroom door...and then read with a flashlight...nothing bugs me more than to hear a kid say, "I HATE to read!"

Just my two cents...

Any Ideas for a James Bond or Spy themed Room?
Q. I want to make my Bedroom Spy/James Bond themed but I have absolutely no Ideas. Can Anyone help?

A. You totally need gadgets. Maybe a mural with the spiral thing at the beginning of James Bond. You can also click on the links below for some cool ideas about books that are hollow and so forth. You could find a way to hide the bed (the old murphy beds?), Maybe find a way to hook up some red LED lights across the room so it looks like trip wires from movies. You could also make him a little desk that hides or turns into something else, somewhere he can put his spy gear. You can paint the door so it looks liks just part of the rest of the room. A bookdcase that turns into something else. I don't know. Some of the ideas are out there, but it is a good place to start. Maybe do his bedding like a tux that James Bond would wear. I am getting out there. Good Luck. Check out the sites.

Why are elderly Americans more likely to end up in rest homes?
Q. You look around the immigrant communities and you always see old grandma with the kids, and grandpa walking around every day. Yet, many of our grandparents are in rest homes. What are we doing that is so different? Is it better to put the elderly in rest homes or let them live out their days with family?

A. Because for the last two generations, we have raised our children without the proper respect for their parents and grandparents. We have worked too many hours, leaving children with child care professionals who "care" for our children the way "plant sitters" care for our plants.

In lieu of the time, love, and nurturing we should have provided, we gave them every gadget and all the brand name clothing we could jam into their private bedroom closets.

We have raised generations of self centered people who have no attachment to family, no backbone, no motivation, except money, no direction for their lives, and worst of all, no belief in the Creator.

It is extremely sad, and all adults are to blame, for we have failed our children either by sins of commission, or sins of omission. May God have mercy on us all! ><>�<><

I'm a kid who wants to make spy gadgets?
Q. I want make gadgets that will make me aware of my surroundings and mabey like boobey traps too.

A. Wow, this is a really god question.. this is what i asked myself when i was ten. Then i looked on the net for plans and other stuff for traps and under-door snake scopes. I made traps to stop my brothers stealing my stuff out of my room and some snake scopes with night vision goggles to look into their bedrooms but i had to buy the night vision goggles and the snake scope/cam

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Title Post: Is it torture to not let your kids read as a punishment?
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Author: Unknown

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