Sunday, December 9, 2012

How often do you clean your house?

Q. Just wondering, cuz I clean every other I a neat freak?

A. I clean daily, like the dishes, sweeping, light mopping, a load of laundry or two, dust something, pick up papers, clean the toilet, etc. The really top to bottom, like doing the bathroom, the kitchen, the dining room, the bedrooms and living room are done once a week for about 2 hours, we clean, disinfect and launder. But I find by doing the basics daily, the Saturday 2 hour house cleaning is really not that hard, cause we eat breakfast, strip the bed sheets, read a magazine, throw in a load of laundry, watch some cartoons, go clean the bathroom, pay some bills, read the paper, sweep, vacuum and mop the kitchen, dining room and living room, eat lunch, and so on. So its not that hard, once its organized of course! I would think the time spent doing your cleaning every other day might be more of an indicator of being a clean freak. I mean, we may spend a total of 20 minutes DAILY just picking up, sweeping a floor, doing the dishes and so on, but I don't think that is excessive, it just keeps it from flying out of control! And the two hours on the weekend, are lazy.....not all at once, usually, unless we have something planned at noon or something, then we can step it up for something fun! I don't think I am a neat freak, but I do like things clean. I can take messy if I don't trip on it and it doesn't make me want to vomit. But anything else, requires some effort. If you are spending like 3 hours every other day cleaning, well, that may be a bit much, but if you like it clean and it makes you happy, do it! I have some friends, they have a little 6 yo girl now, he cleans, top to bottom every day when he gets home from work (he makes a ton of money) the wife cleans before leaving the house, insisting on vacuuming right to the front door in a certain way, says it makes her feel better to come in and see the straight lines and know no one has been in her house since she left. Now on top of this super cleaning nonsense, they have a maid that comes in DAILY! Go figure! Its too much if you ask me.....but then again, their kid can eat off the floor in ANY room in the house, not like they'd LET her, but she could, if they would! LOL! Hope this helps you! Good luck!

What is a resonable price to charge to clean houses?
Q. There is a lady going to start cleaning my house but first she is coming to meet me and dicuss price. What is a reasonable price for this that wont make me decide to look for someone different? I need the help yes but don't want to be charged out the wazoo for a simple house cleaning that is only once a week.
My house is fairly big, over 2600 sq ft. I have 2 kids under age 2 that typically scatter toys around if that helps. I have 1 cat inside and 3 dogs that live outside so its not filty from animals. I figured this would be discussed as well. I need the help because I hurt my knee and am unable to get around as well as I used to.

A. It depends on things like how much you want her to do, how much you mess it up in between, etc. Just as a starting place, I've paid $80 for someone to come in once a week for basically the following:
- clean 2 bathrooms
- change sheets in 2 bedrooms
- wash towels and sheets, and fold
- collect dishes from around house, load dishwasher and run it (did not include any hand washing)
- dust (about 2200 sq ft.)
- vacuum
- sweep and mop kitchen
- take out trash
- scoop 2 cat boxes

The cat boxes added about $10/week, but the guy who did it eventually reduced it $5 because I would scoop it in between times he was there. This only took him a few hours, and if he finished everything before the towels and sheets were dry, I didn't make him hang around just to fold them.

I also know people who pay only $50 for about the same thing, but they live in a different area than I do. Your location will affect it. Also, whether or not you pay them in cash may affect it. Some people don't have checking accounts and have to pay a service to cash any checks. And, I was willing to pay a little more because this person had worked for people I know, and I felt comfortable with him in my house.

You might also try calling a local "professional" house cleaning service, like Brittany Maids, and getting a quote from them - just to get a ballpark idea.

I would suggest a few things:
- you make a list of what you both actually agree to
- ask if she's open to doing "special projects" every now and then for an extra fee, to be negotiated for each thing (like cleaning out the refrigerator, or helping you get the house ready for a party, or cleaning up after a party, or swiffering the walls and baseboards)
- determine who is going to provide cleaning supplies - and if she does, make sure it's okay for your circumstances (allergies, pets, kids, etc.)
- ask if she's willing to re-negotiate the price in a few weeks, after she sees how you take care of the house in between visits (if you plan to keep it picked up and relatively clean). House cleaners usually price things based on the idea that they are the only people who will ever perform any of their tasks, and that nothing will be done in between visits.

Good luck! Having a house cleaner saved my relationship - ended the arguing, being tired and unable to spend any time together, etc. - and left us time for house projects like painting, building bookshelves, etc.

How do you give a carpet a really good clean?
Q. Years of grime and food have caused the kids' bedroom carpets to look worse for wear. Some food has even caused the carpet to become matted together in some parts. How would I clean this as I tried with standard stain remover and it didn't do a thing?!

Many thanks in advance!

A. Go to your local Grocery store and rent a Rug Doctor (about 20-40 dollars) for the day. This works great for getting all of your carpets looking brand new.

how to make your house look clean with out having to do much cleaning?
Q. so i gotta clean my house today and am very tired how can i pretend that my house is clean without having to do much.
no am not marry and i don't have a husband am just a teenager. who mom ask her to clean the house like every other week.

A. Well my favorite way that saves a lot of time is to get a bunch of baskets like those pop up laundry hampers you can get at the dollar store.

I set up about ten of these and then I run around and throw all the things that are out of place into the baskets. I do not care what order; books, laundry, garbage, mail, magazines everything gets tossed in; pillows, cats, kids, etc.

The result is that the room is cleared of disorder and all the disorder is neatly in the baskets.

Now when you have the time, or the inclination, you take a basket and put things away one item at a time. Just work one basket at a time, one item at a time.

In this way you can sort laundry or rooms.

If you have help then you can assign a basket to each helper.

This allows you to get the house in order and the mess out of the way, the chairs cleared and the floor picked up. Now you can sweep or vacuum and wipe the table very quickly because all the stuff is not obstructing you.

While your helpers clean up the baskets you clean up the house.

Sometimes there is just too much mess and not enough cupboards to put things away. While your friends are there you have no problem just storing the baskets in the basement or some other place out of the way.

This is a great method for organizing the house to serve large crowds. Instead of folding all the towels just set up a basket for clean towels and for dirty. Use the basket system to organize the playroom for toys, the bedroom for laundry, the living room for magazines and newspapers and the kitchen chaos.

To deodorize the air leave out a bowl of vinegar.

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Title Post: How often do you clean your house?
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