Saturday, December 22, 2012

How do you keep the spark going in your three year relationship?

Q. What can I do to keep myself and him interested and to keep are relationship happy. We are still very much in love. Any suggestions for ways I can keep the spark going?
Preferably no ideas relating to sex. (I have plenty of those myself) I was thinking more about our deeper connection.

A. I've been married for 8 years and together nearly 11 so the spark has blown out and rekindled a couple of times already, but we are still going strong.

Ways to warm up your relationship when it cools:

1. Make sure you are still doing things together. Read a book out loud to each other. Watch a sports game. Share a hobby. Find something you both love doing, and do it together. This is part of being good friends, which is a big part of making it past the decade mile marker.

2. Touch each other a lot. Just as our pets like getting scratches and hugs, so do we. When we both get really busy and life starts running away with you it may happen that you find yourself not being as affectionate as you used to. Little touches make all the difference - nibble his ear first thing in the morning or nuzzle his neck. Sneak up and hug while you are cooking. Share a shower. Snogging and snuggling isn't just for sex!

3. Manage your time. If you have a busy schedule, and especially if you have kids, scheduling time to do romantic things together will be extra important. Make a regular date night or organise a picnic on your mutual off days. Try to make time each evening for you both to catch up on each other's day and to share matters of mutual interest. Don't let time be the boss of you!

4. Investigate new and exotic things to do in the bedroom. The web is rich with suggestions and there are more novel ways to spice up the physical side of things than you could imagine even if you don't go down the pornography or toys route - just playing around with melted chocolate and ribbons is high excitement if you've never done it before. Sometimes we get so used to doing things the same old way that it is like a huge adventure when you try something new and different, and it may just put a spring in your step if you do.

5. Work on your communications, particularly on how and when you express your needs and negotiate for things. Everything in relationships is about working together towards a bigger goal - in your case the long term survival of your relationship. Learning how to handle the secret of asking for what you want without causing a war, and reaching a mutually satisfying compromise is essential and will get you through a lot of troubles - even the toughest of times.

6. Remember that love is a verb. Anything worth having is worth working hard for. It won't always be easy to find a compromise, but try not to settle for less than happiness for you both. You won't always feel like cuddling, but do it anyway because you both need the comfort most when things are tough. Try not to go to bed angry.

7. Golden rules:
Never fight before breakfast, lunch or supper. Eat first. Same goes for being tired - rest a bit first.
Never discuss weighty topics before work or just as you get home - take some time to just relax after a hard day.

Ok thats kinda everything I've learned in the past 11 years.



What would I need to bring into a college dorm? Best list gets 10 points!?
Q. Also during orientation, do parents normally go with their kids? And do upper classmen usually stay in dorms or move into an apartment?

A. You should bring bedding supplies (sheets, pillows, pillowcases), bathroom supplies (soap, shampoo, towels, toothbrush, floss), kitchen supplies (silverware, cups), etc. (The obvious essentials). Also, plenty of clothing. On that note, most colleges do not provide laundry detergent or dryer sheets, so bring those, as well. A rug or carpet is good if your dorm does not have one, as well as a television. Hmm... Oh! Trashcans are a must, as well as garbage bags. This is gross, but having insect traps can come in handy if your roommate is kind of a pig. Maybe an extra lamp or something.

There is usually a family orientation which you and your parents attend, and one that you attend separately yourself. Upper classmen, it really depends on both the person in question and the school. For my school (I'm currently a sophomore) I'm still living in the dorms, but it's one of the nicer ones; a suite with three separate bedrooms and a shared common area and bathroom.

Moving with no clear options?
Q. So I am moving from Southwest Missouri back to Southwest Pennsylvania.

I have less than one bedroom worth of stuff and the only piece of furniture is a foot stool. It is just a lot of boxes.

I have no car or way to drive a vehicle that far.
Moving companies have a minimum of over a thousand pounds as a general rule it seems.

What can I do?

A. Really edit your stuff, get rid of all but the essentials. Then pack what you really need to keep into boxes and send them to your new location via UPS.

Each box must weigh less than 150 lbs and the length + width doubled can not exceed 165 inches for standard shipping.

We use this method when our kids go away to college.

Do you still lust for your spouse after all these years?
Q. Has the lust gone out of your marriage? If not, how have you kept it?

A. I have been married for 23 years and have known my wife for 25 years. We haven't
lost much of anything in that regard, even considering that we have two kids and
own a business together (which means we spend almost every waking moment
in one another's company).

One thing we have done to help preserve the passion is to be creative in the bedroom
(introduced new toys, had sex in unusual locales, etc).

Another thing we do is flirt with one another during the course of the day.

Plus, by now, we know one another's likes and dislikes, which buttons to push, which
nobs to turn, and all that fun stuff.

But really, though, all the tricks in the world won't work if there are any unresolved
issues between a couple. Happiness, security, trust, and, or course, love are all
fairly essential to (truly) great sex. At least in my marriage, anyway.

And don't forget health. As we grow older our bodies change, and hormonal imbalances,
injuries, and illnesses (among lots of other things) can really alter a person's sex drive.

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Title Post: How do you keep the spark going in your three year relationship?
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