Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Do you let your young toddler wander the house or do you confine them to one room?

Q. I have gates and keep my son in the living room (he is 15 months old) but sometimes I feel like he should be able to wander and explore the house.

What do others do?
And if you let them wander, do you follow them around telling them "NO" for all the things they shouldn't touch? I know my son would destroy everything and get into things he shouldn't!

A. My house is pretty much baby proofed. All the kitchen cabinets are locked, we have outlet covers, things they can break are placed out of their reach, etc. I keep my bedroom door closed and the bathroom door closed. My kids are 15 months old and 2 1/2 years old. They like to play in every room of the house (except master bedroom and hall bathroom). Their favorite room is my son's room. They love to play together in there.

Things that are baby proofed in my home (to give you a few ideas):

1. child locks on all the doors that lead outside.
2. bifold door locks for closet doors.
3. outlet covers
4. outlet covers for outlets that are being used.
5. Wire Guard
6. Brackets so furniture won't tip.
7. Cushion guards for the edges of tables.
8. Medicine in a locked cabinet
9. Surge protector cover
10. Toilet lock
11. toilet paper roll lock
12. Keep the bathroom door closed
13. Keep the master bedroom door closed
14. Window wedges so the kids can't open the windows
15. Cord windups for mini blinds
16. Oven door lock
17. Refrigerator door lock
18. Locks on every cabinet
19. Door guards so that fingers aren't pinched
20. Things to make area rug not slip.
21. Sliding glass door lock.

That's all I can think of for now. I'm sure there is a few that I am forgetting to mention.

Ii have 6 kids what is the best way to get organized ?
Q. we live in a 3 bedroom house there seems to be stuff eveywhere want to cut down on the clutter
i have 4boys 2 girls boys are 15, 13, 8, 2 girls are 6 and 5 months old

A. IKEA! It's inexpensive and they have lots of great organizational furniture and items. They sell plenty of various kids things too, especially for storing books, toys and project supplies. Under-bed storage is a great place to store lots of clothes or bedding.

With that many kids, things will never be perfect, but the best way to be organized is to make sure that everything has a place. That way it can always be returned once it is used.

Additionally, teach your children from a young age to pick up after themselves and to clean up before they switch from one thing to another. Never go to bed with a messy home and it will become a habit.

Lastly, unless an item has sentimental or monetary value, if you haven't used it in a year, throw it away or donate it. Unused items can take up so much space in a home that can otherwise be used for storing and putting away items that you use each day.

Would a female Golden Retriever be suitable for a 3 bedroom apartment?
Q. It's a fairly large apartment, one level. The dog would get a half hour walk twice a day outside the apartment.

A. Yes, it's OK for most. They love to run and swim but aren't really hyper dogs, and make pretty good housedogs. My brother lives in a 3 br. mobile home with one. She gets walked about a 1/2 mile 3 or 4 times a day, and is content to lounge inside playing with her chew toys otherwise. (She NEEDS the chew toys to entertain herself or will get in trouble chewing shoes, furniture, etc) Main problem with his dog is the shedding. Literally about a gallon of hair comes off her every day. So unless your obsessive about brushing/grooming the dog and house cleaning, expect lots of huge hairballs floating around the place. Another big problem with his dog is water. She drinks over a gallon a day. To keep her out of the toilets they have to keep several very large water bowls full for her at all times. Otherwise she is a total sweetheart, great with kids, and good with other animals (they also have a cat, rabbit, and hampster inside). My only suggestion is that you try to walk it at least 3 times a day, especially if it's a younger dog. Early morning, afternoon, and before bed would be better than just twice daily if you want to avoid potty accidents.

What are the disadvantages or advantages of a two story house?
Q. I need to know the advantages or having a two story house or some of the disadvantages

A. I'm house-shopping myself so I've been having to consider these, too.

Two story houses can be bigger for the same amount of land. They might even have more yard on the same size lot because they take up less "acreage" as some of the square footage is UP. Stairs are a nice feature, aesthetically pleasing especially if they have a nice wooden rail.

It's also a nice separator from living room/kitchen/dining room from bedrooms. Often times there is more storage space, including under the stairs, but that is largely dependant on design.


Stairs are hard on the aging body. Are you getting older, or is someone who will be at the house a lot getting older or have bad knees, bad hips, or something wrong with the legs? Stairs are rough on such people.

Stairs are also a pain to clean- they need to be vaccuumed like anything else but often the vaccuum only reaches halfway up at best, then you need to haul that sucker UP the stairs and clean the other half. Not fun. It's a real hassle trying to move furniture up into the bedrooms, too. Especially if it's heavy furniture like a big heavy armoire, dressor, or desk!

Stairs are a safety hazard if you have or will have small children. Usually people get by without problem using installed baby gates, but accidents can happen and injury involving stairs can be serious. I knew of a child who suffered permanent brain damage due to a fall down the stairs, and heard of another that broke his neck and never could walk again. Very sad- so safety is not something to be taken lightly.

As far as property value goes- the value of the house declines if you have elderly looking to buy but may increase if you have younger folks looking at it.

Ultimately, what do you like better. There's something fun about having a two-story house, kids usually love it, and they look nice. So balance the pros and cons of stairs or no stairs to decide if they'll be right in YOUR life.

Good luck and hope this helped.

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Title Post: Do you let your young toddler wander the house or do you confine them to one room?
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