Sunday, December 30, 2012

Bedroom furniture for 15 year old male?

Q. Long story short. Im 15, Male, and my bedroom furniture is well taken care of, but from when my dad was a kid and is out of date. Can someone help me pick out a new bedroom set, that isnt girly? all the one's i keep seeing look kinda girly to me, and i cant find one..

The set needs:
-To fit a Full bed
-Needs to be of the following colors
Needs to have:
-Chest(can have a mirror or not, if it does, i probably will take it off)
-Bedside Table

If i find a good one, at a decent price, probably near 1,000 maybe a little over, i can get a new one... I'm just sick of the crappy set i have now.
Oh sorry! im from the U.S. id prefer a store like wolfs furniture or something because any non U.S. places my dad won't buy from because he is nuts... ahahahh

A. Where are you from? (need to know in order to choose websites to stores available to you)

Anyways ill assume your from USA.

This set is very masculine and neutral

Here are some separate pieces to a collection, it is affordable and has many coordinating pieces and choices in color:

Here are some other very nice/ quality sets, you may need to click on the coordinating items below, either way it will be around $1000 or under.


Hope you like any of the sets i chose :)

Where do I find AFFORDABLE Toddler/Kid Furniture?
Q. Im trying to find "Affordable" Toddler/Kid Furniture...My daughter is 13 months old and Im trying to find some "Affordable" furniture for her room like an AMOIRE and a COMBO HUTCH (which is like a dresser with a bookcase attached on top) and I need these in ESPRESSO! My parents bought her an espresso color crib when I was pregnant, they paid 1300.00 for it and I dont want to pay that much money for the rest of the pieces in that collection! When I say Affordable Im looking for something under 500.00...Around the 200-300 price would be awesome! Please reply only with experience. I already looked at all the "furniture stores" and they are out of my price range. I reside in Dallas Texas

A. If you have time to be "choosey", craig's list is a great option.
We got an entire bedroom set for our daughter, including a headboard, a dresser, mirror, desk with hutch and a chair for $900. It's beautiful, too - not something that was from Montgomery Wards circa 1975.

You can expand how far out you want to search, based on how far you feel like driving. But you will want to be quick if you find something good. ;)

New room remodeling help?
Q. I've had the same things in my room since I was 13 (currently 21) and decided that I'm going to sell EVERYTHING. I want to use that money and buy: Twin bed, dresser, and a nightstand.

I plan on shopping at IKEA(budget shopping) I'm looking for ideas on what to get, have my room actually have a style to it. Any suggestions?

A. Dark espresso/chocolate or black furniture for a modern masculine bedroom. -or use your existing mattress -set of 2 $15 -free shipping

URGENT, PLEASE READ! Can't sleep at night, what can I do to reset my schedule?
Q. I have been like this for a couple of months now. We just moved to a new city, away from all our friends and family. We moved for my husband's job. He has a weird schedule, he works Sunday-Thursday and Sundays and Mondays are his night shift. Then Tuesdays switch back and forth between night and day shift, depending on when his trainers decide they want him there. (He is an air traffic control specialist, so his schedule for the first 6 months are based on which trainer is available to train him and when.) Wednesdays and Thursdays are always day shifts for him. I stay at home all day with my two toddlers. I never go anywhere because I don't know anybody here, I don't know where to go and I have no friends since we moved. I can talk to people back home on the phone and that's about it. I haven't even met anyone that my husband works with, though he has seemed to make a lot of friends who apparently have families. I also suffer from mild seasonal allergies. Put all this together and I am in ruins when it comes to sleep! I don't have energy during the day to keep up with my kids because I can't sleep at night. My husband snores so if I can't fall asleep before he does then I usually go out to the living room and rest on the couch. But I can never stop thinking or get myself to a state of tiredness at night! Don't get me wrong, I'm not lazy and I still take good care of my kids during the day but it's like even when I'm so tired through the day and I keep myself awake, at night all of a sudden I have this huge surge of energy and all I can do is clean and organize and rearrange furniture! Literally, that's what I do at night! And when there is nothing else to clean and I still can't fall asleep I end up playing computer games or watching TV. What is wrong with me?!?! Is it just nerves and all the mentally stress from moving and my husband's weird schedule? It makes me feel so depressed that I can't sleep! Even more depressing when we have no place to go and nothing to do because we have no friends or family to go visit! What can I do to fix things? I can't seem to dig myself out of this ditch no matter how hard I try. I've tried keeping myself up for 24 hours to make myself exhausted so I'll sleep at night, but it only works for one night. I've tried taking melatonin, but even that doesn't work anymore! I can never seem to sleep in the same bed with my husband and I'm super depressed because I love being with him and he is the only one I have right now, but if I try to sleep in the bedroom with him I can never go to sleep. I always wake up when he does, whether I want to or not, I'm just a super light sleeper. Can anyone give me some good advice? PLEASE?!?!?!

I'm sorry this is so long I don't mean to rant or ramble, but I'm just so exhausted and I wish I could just pass out sometimes but I never can....... please help me. I'm desperate. Expert advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!
I HAVE been taking melatonin, pretty sure I mentioned that... it stopped working. I even upped the dose! All it does now is make me feel like I'm falling in the bed about to pass out or something but I never do. My brain and thoughts are apparently much stronger than any medicine, because no matter how exhausted I am physically, my mind won't go to sleep or shut down long enough for me to fall asleep! ='(

A. Were you able to sleep well before the move? It sounds as if your sleep wasn't so much of a problem before the move, so this would suggest that you will be more than able to sleep well again. I would suggest controversially that you don't take anything for your sleep, or at least don't take any more. The more you try to sleep and worry about sleeping, the less likely you are to sleep. Accept that your sleep will be disrupted for a while. Although it's frustrating and you feel awful, being desperate to sleep is actually part of the problem. Give up trying to sleep - it will come on its own and when you stop trying.

I believe you can, however, increase your chances of sleeping through various things. Firstly, I know you've said that you're tired during the day and have no energy, and I do know what you mean (I didn't learn to sleep until I was 19/20, so trust me when I say I understand), but there are ways you can leave your body no choice but to fall unconscious.

Firstly, if you're at home all day and have no interaction with others (as you say you don't know anyone), you have no outlet and again, I know how much this can weigh you down and frustrate you. Find out if there are any parks or play areas. If it's twenty minutes' walk away, all the better. Perhaps even some mums and kids groups? You didn't say how old your children are, but I'm guessing they're young if you're home with them all day? You could also take them swimming, which is a great workout and most kids don't want to get out of the water once they're in, so this will tire you all out, even if they push you a little bit. These and other places are great ways to meet other mums and parents. You need support so use your kids as friend magnets. I know that sounds a bit shallow or even a bit stupid, but looking after kids is hard work, so take advantage just a little bit!

On top of these activities, is there a gym or something nearby with a creche or child care where you can get really angry and p*ssed off on a treadmill? I'm not a massive fan of the gym, but that or a class that will leave you stiff and absolutely knackered is a fantastic way to induce sleep and also to feel great about yourself. Yummy mummy?

Also, I'll apologise now for being cliche and won't go on about it too much, but diet is important. If you eat a lot of wheat, drink caffeine, alcohol or smoke (I like all of these things but they don't like me so I'm not judging), this will actually make you less able to sleep. Alcohol makes you less able to sleep deeply and caffeine plays havoc with your energy patterns throughout the day. Stick to decaf if you love coffee and if you need an energy boost have an apple - this is actually much more effective for energy levels than an espresso.

There is also such a thing as 'sleep hygiene'. I learnt about this in my anxiety group a couple of years ago and it is really good! It includes things like bright lights being turned off at least an hour before bed, no loud music or noises (you've got kids so I reckon you're good at this anyway), no exercise in the five hours before bed, no washing up or chores before bed and just generally being calm and relaxing. Keeping a regular bedtime and getting up time, regardless of your husband's hours is important. Also, tidy house = tidy mind (I know this is difficult when you're running a house) and screens in the bedroom are frowned upon by the sleep specialists (such spoil sports!).

As for your husband, perhaps tell him you absolutely love sharing a bed with him, but his snoring is really affecting you and would he mind going to see someone about it? (If he hasn't already). Things that affect snoring are alcohol, smoking and weight, so it may be that he can improve this on his own.

And finally, before my keyboard breaks, I would like to remind you of something we all forget. Fun. Once a week, please go out with your husband, even if it's only for an hour or to the movies or for a walk, without your kids. And also, have a night off doing something for yourself. Try to make friends with other mums like I said before or see if there are any groups or classes. It doesn't have to cost lots of money. You need to remember who you are, as an individual, without your husband and children (as lovely as I'm sure they are).

All of this positive energy will make you more relaxed, confident and happy. Sleep will come. You could go to your doctor's to get pills to knock you out, but in this there is little achievement and you will not be facing the problem. You don't sleep because of what's going on in your life, not because you can't sleep at all.

I wish you all the best and let yourself off the hook a bit - such a big move is very difficult indeed and can really take a toll on how you feel. Take a deep breath and embrace your new life and start to build on it.

All the best xx

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