Thursday, December 27, 2012

My children destroyed a life sized tree sticker that was on their bedroom wall, where can I find another?

Q. When we bought our home, the previous owners had a large life sized tree sticker or maybe wallpaper type decoration stuck on the wall and added fake leaves to it that stick out - my children tore it down, where can I find such a sticker or type of walllpaper again?

A. Hi there,
Lots of places now carry these great decals or stencils for your walls.

I think the Urban Outfitters (cool site for great room decor!)
one is super neat!;jsessionid=4FA3E2B9B697D823B3F18FF3AC8BAFA0.app12-node3?itemdescription=true&itemCount=10&id=13981998&parentid=A_FURN_WALL_DECALS&sortProperties=+product.marketingPriority,-product.startDate&navCount=56&navAction=poppushpushpush&color=00

This would be a good way to have a tree that the kids could not tear. Stenciling is actually not really difficult at all.
there are good resources online to show you how it's done.
Even if you're not an artist, it's pretty simple!

Or if you want a decal try:

Just to name a couple. Google "vinyl wall art", or "tree wall decals" to get more options.

Priscilla O'Kelly Wilkinson
Sanctuary Design
Portland, Maine

Does anyone have any cheap ideas for raising the resale value of my home?
Q. I am going to be putting my house on the market soon to relocate. Its an older 2 bedroom home. I can't afford to do any expensive remodeling (ie`new kitchen counters, gutting the bathroom). So I was wondering if anyone had any tips for what I should do to attract buyers. What are the big turn on's and turn off's when you look at a home. This is the only home I've ever bought so I'm feeling a little overwhelmed. We have done some updating while we lived here, but its all been plumbing, wireing, the type of thing you can't see. I'm looking for more cosmetic type advice. Thank you!
Wow, thanks so much to everyone who answered already. You all have really given me some great starting points! Now I can't wait to get started!!

A. We just put ours up, and we are on a tight budget.
We started by going to Lowe's or Home Depot and buying some of the lights fixtures that are on clearance and put them up in all the rooms. This is especially important if you have old outdated ones. Then we painted all the bedrooms and bath antique white (some people are picky if you have bold colors, it distracts them from the homes features). I shampoo my carpets every other month (4 kids, lol), and spottlessly clean every week. I also, put up window treatments in all the rooms, most from Family Dollar, which is also super cheap! And if you have alot of clutter, de-clutter! I don't mean empty out your rooms, but put everything where it goes, and keep your decorations to a minimum. Alot of people over crowd their homes. Good luck! :)

How to improve chances of selling a home?
Q. We've got a sign in the yards, and now an ad in the paper. We've had a few calls, but no one has come to look at it. We need to sell before the end of summer. We are 'asking' a certain price so we ARE allowing people to try to work us down in case we run out of time (it is a fair price; what the place is worth).
Anyways, the ad should begin running in the paper today. What can I do to this place to make it look more spatious and inviting? My BF is a pack rat; we've thrown away gobs and gobs of stuff, but still have a lot of things that should be in storage (we can't afford that). We've painted the back bedroom, and plan on painting the other 2 bedrooms, one of the bath rooms, and the laundry room. I've taken most of the pictures off of the walls to make the room look bigger (but now there's 2 big boxes taking up space in the back bedroom!).
Anyone have any tips or links for how to make the place look bigger and better?
I've watched a couple of TV shows on this subject. One one show, the lady wanted to make the home look 'homey'. The people told her that was not a good idea; she needed to make it to where people could picture their own furniture/things/ideas in the house. How can I do that??
I'd also like ideas for the outside of the house too.

A. We too are preparing to sell our home and don't have the money to do a whole lot. After watching numerous shows (By Me, Designed to Sell, Get it Sold etc). I've found two very important things that don't cost a cent but your labor. One is remove all clutter, personal items of decoration like kid's art on fridge, family pictures etc) and the other one is clean, clean, clean. Anything to make the bathroom/kitchen as sparkling as possible will pay off.

Other ideas to get the people in is curb appeal. Make your home as inviting outside as possible, well groomed, flowers etc. Then when people drive by, they will want to come in a see the inside.

Put pictures in your ads. And your email address (you can set up a free one just for responses).

Choose a title insurance company before you sell and they will help you with all the paperwork and frequently have standard forms you can copy.

Is it okay to have 2 kids share the same room?
Q. We are expecting baby #2 here soon. We live in a 2 bedroom house (moving is not an option). My husband and I in 1 room and our two year old daughter in the other room. My question is, would it be "okay" to have our 2 year old and our new baby (even if it is a boy) share the same room? They'll probably be sharing a room for at least the next 6 or 7 years too, as moving is not an option for us for at least that long. Also, how would you decorate a shared room for a boy and girl? Anyone in this same situation? How did you make it work? Did your other child bother the baby? How do nap times work at your house? Thanks in advance everyone and God bless!

A. It should be ok, just make sure you trust your 2 year old not to hurt the new baby. Some small children just don't realize how fragle new babies are and can accidentally hurt them. Make sure she knows not to touch it unless you say it's ok. It's still going to be rough on her....being woken up at night and all. But with work, you can get through it. Try keeping the new one in your room for the first few weeks, or until it's sleeping through the night, that should help a lot.

As for later years, I don't see an issue.I shared my room with my sister for years, and we're cool. As for decorations, just try something neutral of it's a boy. Like yellows and whites.

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Title Post: My children destroyed a life sized tree sticker that was on their bedroom wall, where can I find another?
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