I need some cool sleepover ideas?
kids bedroom makeover ideas pictures

Rosalie C
Me and my friend are kind of doing a spa thing...avacado masks,foot massages,nails...etc.
but i need some ideas for at night....because it might get boring!!!
Things 2 do;
01)Hide & seek in the dark
02)Freeze tag in the dark w/glow sticks
03)Next top model
06)Head-2-toe makeovers
07)Who could stay up the lastest
08)Prank the first one asleep
09)Truth or Dare
10)Kiss the poster
12)Gutiar Hero
13)American Idol
14)Talent Show
15)Freeze Dance
16)Pillow Fight
17)Foil Make Over
18)Song Maker Game
20)Bobbing 4 apples
21)water baloons
22)can't talk with the letter "S"
23)Scavenger Hunt
24)musical Chairs
25)Monster Chase
26)Prank wars
27)light as a feather stiff as a board
28)Make a music video
29)Scary stories
30)Normal Freeze Tag
31)Dress up
33)Blind fold makeovers
34)Late night swim ;]
35)Cards(go fish,war ect.)
36)Finsh that lyric
37)Pillow forts=]
38)Take Pictures
39)Draw/Drawing contest
40)Dress up your animals..=]
41)Take pictures of people sleeping
42)Make someone laugh w/water in their mouth
43)Hide an object and then the other person has to find it
44)Get really hyper!!
45)See who can go the longest without goingto the bathroom{drink lots of soda!}
46)Gossip talk about boys school...other things that come up=]
47)Play house[[No its not babish]]
48)Play school
49)Pass notes[[I.e like ur in school]]
50)Hold lots of contests w/prizes...
52)Spinning contest
53)Look at magizines
54)Draw on the sidewalk[[or backyard]]With chalk
55)Zombie chase
56)The guess what food i put in ur mouth=]
Movies to watch;
03]Scream 2
04]Scream 3
05]The ring
06]The Ring 2
07]Blades of gloray
08]Prom night
09]Childs Play 2
10]Seed of Chucky
11]Ace Ventura Pet Detactive 1
12]Ace Ventura Pet Detactive 2
14]The Notebook
17]Big Mommas House
18]Hot Chicks
19]John Tucker Must die
20]P.s ily
23]Shes the man
24]House of wax
25]Nightmare on elm street (all)
26]Freddy vs. Jason
27]Friday the 13th
28]Halloween (all)
29]The hichter
30]Scary Movie
31]Scary Movie 2
32]Scary Movie 3
33]Scary Movie 4
34]The Date Movie
35]Talladega Nights:the ballad of Ricky Bobby
37]Snakes on a plane
38]Epic movie
39]White Chicks
40]Resident Evil[[All]]
41]The simpsons movie
42]The messagers
43]House of wax
44]I know what you did last summer
01]Take Control-DJ SPALSH
02]Krazy-Pitbull & lil jon
03]Jailhouse Rock - Elvis Presley
04]Get the Party Started - Pink
05]We Will Rock You - Queen
06]Macarena - Los del Rio
07]Fergalicious - Fergie
08]Hot in Here - Nelly
09]Wannabe - Spice Girls
10]Just Dance - Lady Gaga
11]Candyshop - 50 cent
12]Cha cha Slide - Mr.C
13]Shake it - Metro station
14]Sexi can I -
15]Lollipop - lil wayne
16]Hot'n'Cold - Katy Perry
17]I kissed a girl - Katy Perry
18]Good Good - Ashanti
19]Our Song - Taylor Swift
20]When I grow up - PCD
21]Don't Cha - PCD
22]Diva - Beyonze
23]Girlfirend Remis - Avirl L. Lil Mama
24]Barbie Girl - Aqua
25]Party in your bedroom - CASH CASH
26]Bottle pop - Pcd
27]Kiss me thru the phone - Soulja boy
28]I'm just a kid - simple plan
29]The best damn thing - Avil L.
30]Girfriend Japanese Version - Avril L.
31]Low - Flo' rida
32]Untouched - The Veronicas
33]So what - P!nk
34]Mad - neyo
Homemade Spa Treatments;
Spa Banana Avocado Mask
Nourishing and moisturizing homemade facial mask for dry skin
1/2 overripe banana, mashed
1/2 overripe avocado, mashed
2 tbsp plain yogurt (not nonfat)
1 tsp olive oil
Combine ingredients and mix well. Apply to clean face and neck. Leave on for 20 to 30 min. Rinse with plenty of warm water.
Yogurt Cucumber Parsley Facial Mask
Homemade Spa recipe for a creamy facial mask that leaves your skin soft and refreshed.
1 Tbsp. plain yogurt
1 Tbsp. cucumber
1 Tbsp. parsley
Puree the cucumber and parsley finely and mix with the yogurt until smooth. Clean your face with a gentle Cleanser.
Cover your face with this creamy mask. This will rejuvenate your skin as it moistens. Leave the mask on for
approximately 15-20 minutes for best results.
Rinse with water. Follow with your favorite Moisturizer.
Peach Tightening Facial Mask
Facial mask made from peaches and egg whites that helps tighten your skin.
1 ripe peach - peeled and pitted
1 egg white
Whip peach and egg white together in a blender until smooth. Gently pat mixture over face.
Leave on for 30 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.
Chocolate Facial Mask
Excellent moisturizer that leaves skin baby soft.
1/3 Cup Cocoa Powder
3 Tablespoons Heavy Cream
2 teas
Things 2 do;
01)Hide & seek in the dark
02)Freeze tag in the dark w/glow sticks
03)Next top model
06)Head-2-toe makeovers
07)Who could stay up the lastest
08)Prank the first one asleep
09)Truth or Dare
10)Kiss the poster
12)Gutiar Hero
13)American Idol
14)Talent Show
15)Freeze Dance
16)Pillow Fight
17)Foil Make Over
18)Song Maker Game
20)Bobbing 4 apples
21)water baloons
22)can't talk with the letter "S"
23)Scavenger Hunt
24)musical Chairs
25)Monster Chase
26)Prank wars
27)light as a feather stiff as a board
28)Make a music video
29)Scary stories
30)Normal Freeze Tag
31)Dress up
33)Blind fold makeovers
34)Late night swim ;]
35)Cards(go fish,war ect.)
36)Finsh that lyric
37)Pillow forts=]
38)Take Pictures
39)Draw/Drawing contest
40)Dress up your animals..=]
41)Take pictures of people sleeping
42)Make someone laugh w/water in their mouth
43)Hide an object and then the other person has to find it
44)Get really hyper!!
45)See who can go the longest without goingto the bathroom{drink lots of soda!}
46)Gossip talk about boys school...other things that come up=]
47)Play house[[No its not babish]]
48)Play school
49)Pass notes[[I.e like ur in school]]
50)Hold lots of contests w/prizes...
52)Spinning contest
53)Look at magizines
54)Draw on the sidewalk[[or backyard]]With chalk
55)Zombie chase
56)The guess what food i put in ur mouth=]
Movies to watch;
03]Scream 2
04]Scream 3
05]The ring
06]The Ring 2
07]Blades of gloray
08]Prom night
09]Childs Play 2
10]Seed of Chucky
11]Ace Ventura Pet Detactive 1
12]Ace Ventura Pet Detactive 2
14]The Notebook
17]Big Mommas House
18]Hot Chicks
19]John Tucker Must die
20]P.s ily
23]Shes the man
24]House of wax
25]Nightmare on elm street (all)
26]Freddy vs. Jason
27]Friday the 13th
28]Halloween (all)
29]The hichter
30]Scary Movie
31]Scary Movie 2
32]Scary Movie 3
33]Scary Movie 4
34]The Date Movie
35]Talladega Nights:the ballad of Ricky Bobby
37]Snakes on a plane
38]Epic movie
39]White Chicks
40]Resident Evil[[All]]
41]The simpsons movie
42]The messagers
43]House of wax
44]I know what you did last summer
01]Take Control-DJ SPALSH
02]Krazy-Pitbull & lil jon
03]Jailhouse Rock - Elvis Presley
04]Get the Party Started - Pink
05]We Will Rock You - Queen
06]Macarena - Los del Rio
07]Fergalicious - Fergie
08]Hot in Here - Nelly
09]Wannabe - Spice Girls
10]Just Dance - Lady Gaga
11]Candyshop - 50 cent
12]Cha cha Slide - Mr.C
13]Shake it - Metro station
14]Sexi can I -
15]Lollipop - lil wayne
16]Hot'n'Cold - Katy Perry
17]I kissed a girl - Katy Perry
18]Good Good - Ashanti
19]Our Song - Taylor Swift
20]When I grow up - PCD
21]Don't Cha - PCD
22]Diva - Beyonze
23]Girlfirend Remis - Avirl L. Lil Mama
24]Barbie Girl - Aqua
25]Party in your bedroom - CASH CASH
26]Bottle pop - Pcd
27]Kiss me thru the phone - Soulja boy
28]I'm just a kid - simple plan
29]The best damn thing - Avil L.
30]Girfriend Japanese Version - Avril L.
31]Low - Flo' rida
32]Untouched - The Veronicas
33]So what - P!nk
34]Mad - neyo
Homemade Spa Treatments;
Spa Banana Avocado Mask
Nourishing and moisturizing homemade facial mask for dry skin
1/2 overripe banana, mashed
1/2 overripe avocado, mashed
2 tbsp plain yogurt (not nonfat)
1 tsp olive oil
Combine ingredients and mix well. Apply to clean face and neck. Leave on for 20 to 30 min. Rinse with plenty of warm water.
Yogurt Cucumber Parsley Facial Mask
Homemade Spa recipe for a creamy facial mask that leaves your skin soft and refreshed.
1 Tbsp. plain yogurt
1 Tbsp. cucumber
1 Tbsp. parsley
Puree the cucumber and parsley finely and mix with the yogurt until smooth. Clean your face with a gentle Cleanser.
Cover your face with this creamy mask. This will rejuvenate your skin as it moistens. Leave the mask on for
approximately 15-20 minutes for best results.
Rinse with water. Follow with your favorite Moisturizer.
Peach Tightening Facial Mask
Facial mask made from peaches and egg whites that helps tighten your skin.
1 ripe peach - peeled and pitted
1 egg white
Whip peach and egg white together in a blender until smooth. Gently pat mixture over face.
Leave on for 30 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.
Chocolate Facial Mask
Excellent moisturizer that leaves skin baby soft.
1/3 Cup Cocoa Powder
3 Tablespoons Heavy Cream
2 teas
My life is useless and boring?

every aspect in my life is so boring. i just go to school, hangout with friends, go on the computer, read books, eat, do nothing. once in a while I do something slightly interesting like go somewhere, but my life is just so... average. boring. dull. I want to do things, I want to travel, and learn about things--things I'm actually interested in!! I want to go to New York City and take tours and shop around and see a broadway play, I want to go to Paris and see all the beautiful things and be a tourist everywhere, I want to go to the smithsonian and the museum of natural history, I want to go to amazing places and do amazing things, I want to donate tons of money to a charity, I want to FULFILL MY LIFE!!!!!! but I'm only 14. I'm broke. my family is having money trouble, and nobody's willing to really do anything. sometimes it's just so overwhelming that I'm not living life to it's fullest that I want to kill myself. please help.... how do I live my life and not regret it???
First off, I love reading your plans for the future! They may seem impossible now, but that's just because you're 14 and still unsure about the future (I know I am, and I'm older!). I know how it feels, thinking about others having much more fun than I am. But I found the solution; find new hobbies!
You mentioned reading, have you ever thought of writing a book? Try writing something for fun, or maybe something you pan publish for money. You're wanting to travel the world? Try writing the main character in your book doing that. And don't worry, you'll be able to travel someday. All you need is something to occupy yourself in the meantime.
I understand about life feeling boring. I live in a small town that doesn't even have its own public swimming pool, or a Starbucks, etc! So, I find my own forms of entertainment! :D
Here are some fun (And fairly cheap) activities to do if you're bored:
1: Make a movie! (Who doesn't love movies????)
2: Do a service project (i.e. do all your chores without being asked one day, and see if your parents notice. Or bake cookies for someone you know and leave them on their doorstep.)
3: Just bake! It's really fun! Look up recipes you've never heard of and see if you can bake them.
4: Go on a picnic with your friends (And maybe bring some of those baked goods if you did suggestion #3)
5: Have a movie night, where you order a pizza, maybe have some friends over, and watch a bunch of movies.
6: Make up a song about the weirdest thing you can imagine (I made one up about squished donuts once . . . yeah .. . )
7: Put on a one person play (You know, where you act out a bunch of characters by putting on different costumes. Heck, try making your own play!)
8: Go outside with some paper and art supplies and draw the first thing you see.
9: Spoof a music video (Can you tell I like music and movies? lol)
10: Make and freeze your own ice-cream
11: Start up a travel fund jar, where you put money you'll use to travel to New York or Paris.
12: Join an after school class (Does the school have an art club, or a drama class, or something of the sort? Go for it)
13: Start your own club!
14: Make a picture book for kids
15: Invent a new toy!
16: Go for a daily run around the neighborhood (Or, if you don't have sidewalks like we don't here, jog around your park)
17: Keep a journal. Each day, write about one good thing that happened to you.
18: Volunteer at the library, or maybe an animal shelter (Ask your parents first, though)
19: Give your bedroom a makeover.
20: Halloween's the next holiday coming up, why not prepare now by making homemade decoration? It is SO MUCH FUN! Just use orange, black, green, or purple paper and a bit of imagination. And scissors.
21: Make Play dough. It's really cheap to do, and who doesn't love play dough? (I'm 15 and a half, and I adore it!)
22: melt a bunch of old crayons in molds and make new, fancy crayons (Are these ideas starting to sound baby-ish? Sorry!)
23: Draw comics
24: Invite your friends to play dodge-ball, it's a ball (No pun was intended in that last statement, I swear it!)
25: Learn a new skill, like piano, or babysitting, or health management (I need to learn the last one, waah!)
26: Offer to your mom to make dinner for the family one night. I'm sure they'll appreciate it (Unless you already do that, then this idea is useless)
27: Plant a small indoor garden (I mean SMALL. Like in cups on your windowsill. This should be really cheap, just get the seeds from veggies you eat. Or beans.)
28: Write letters to friends and family members.
29: Have a family night where you and your parents (And siblings, if you have any) go do something low cost and fun for the night.
30: Buy 5 different kool aid packet flavors and mix them all up to create a new weird fruity taste.
GTG, hope I helped
First off, I love reading your plans for the future! They may seem impossible now, but that's just because you're 14 and still unsure about the future (I know I am, and I'm older!). I know how it feels, thinking about others having much more fun than I am. But I found the solution; find new hobbies!
You mentioned reading, have you ever thought of writing a book? Try writing something for fun, or maybe something you pan publish for money. You're wanting to travel the world? Try writing the main character in your book doing that. And don't worry, you'll be able to travel someday. All you need is something to occupy yourself in the meantime.
I understand about life feeling boring. I live in a small town that doesn't even have its own public swimming pool, or a Starbucks, etc! So, I find my own forms of entertainment! :D
Here are some fun (And fairly cheap) activities to do if you're bored:
1: Make a movie! (Who doesn't love movies????)
2: Do a service project (i.e. do all your chores without being asked one day, and see if your parents notice. Or bake cookies for someone you know and leave them on their doorstep.)
3: Just bake! It's really fun! Look up recipes you've never heard of and see if you can bake them.
4: Go on a picnic with your friends (And maybe bring some of those baked goods if you did suggestion #3)
5: Have a movie night, where you order a pizza, maybe have some friends over, and watch a bunch of movies.
6: Make up a song about the weirdest thing you can imagine (I made one up about squished donuts once . . . yeah .. . )
7: Put on a one person play (You know, where you act out a bunch of characters by putting on different costumes. Heck, try making your own play!)
8: Go outside with some paper and art supplies and draw the first thing you see.
9: Spoof a music video (Can you tell I like music and movies? lol)
10: Make and freeze your own ice-cream
11: Start up a travel fund jar, where you put money you'll use to travel to New York or Paris.
12: Join an after school class (Does the school have an art club, or a drama class, or something of the sort? Go for it)
13: Start your own club!
14: Make a picture book for kids
15: Invent a new toy!
16: Go for a daily run around the neighborhood (Or, if you don't have sidewalks like we don't here, jog around your park)
17: Keep a journal. Each day, write about one good thing that happened to you.
18: Volunteer at the library, or maybe an animal shelter (Ask your parents first, though)
19: Give your bedroom a makeover.
20: Halloween's the next holiday coming up, why not prepare now by making homemade decoration? It is SO MUCH FUN! Just use orange, black, green, or purple paper and a bit of imagination. And scissors.
21: Make Play dough. It's really cheap to do, and who doesn't love play dough? (I'm 15 and a half, and I adore it!)
22: melt a bunch of old crayons in molds and make new, fancy crayons (Are these ideas starting to sound baby-ish? Sorry!)
23: Draw comics
24: Invite your friends to play dodge-ball, it's a ball (No pun was intended in that last statement, I swear it!)
25: Learn a new skill, like piano, or babysitting, or health management (I need to learn the last one, waah!)
26: Offer to your mom to make dinner for the family one night. I'm sure they'll appreciate it (Unless you already do that, then this idea is useless)
27: Plant a small indoor garden (I mean SMALL. Like in cups on your windowsill. This should be really cheap, just get the seeds from veggies you eat. Or beans.)
28: Write letters to friends and family members.
29: Have a family night where you and your parents (And siblings, if you have any) go do something low cost and fun for the night.
30: Buy 5 different kool aid packet flavors and mix them all up to create a new weird fruity taste.
GTG, hope I helped
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Title Post: I need some cool sleepover ideas?
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