Saturday, May 4, 2013

Much ado about old paneling?

Q. We just moved to a very old house with paneling from (probably) the '70's. Should we rip it out? What's underneath? The house is probably 100 years old. The previous owners painted over some of it and it looks bad.

A. Who knows whats behind the paneling. Our house was ;ile that also. One room we removed the paneling and put up drywall, then painted. My kids bedrooms were painted with white paint over the brown paneling by using a base coat first, then white paint with blue trim as accents.
Good Luck.

Can anyone tell me something about the 70's in Canada?
Q. I need to do a project on the society in the 70's (like, the values, social life, customs, etc) and any information would help! Just like, stuff on the feminist movement, environmentalism, civil rights, and anti-war protests! Or even if you have any useful websites I could use, it would be greatly appreciated :)

A. In October 1970, the FLP (front de libération du Québec - Quebec Liberation Front) kidnapped the commercial attaché from Great-Britain, James Richard Cross and the Québec Minister, Pierre Laporte. The Law of War Measures was invoqued for the very first time and James Cross was saved but the Minister was found dead in the trunk of a car. (there is a bridge now next to the Québec Bridge that is called the Pierre Laporte Bridge).

If you read French, go to If you cannot, you can google, Octobeer 1970 crisis in Canada and you will have a lot of pages and tons of information. I remember working at the British Government Office at the time. There was security everywhere. Armed security. You could not open any packages and you had to wear ID. What I find most awful in this is that some of the terrorists (because that's what they were) were exiled, some to Cuba and some other places and some of them later on became members of the Parti Québécois for the separation of Québec and became Ministers when that party was elected. Everyone seemed to have forgotten. There were bombs and threats and misery for a lot of people. The army was on the streets and over 400 persons were arrested.

That was the HUGE event of that decenny. After that, there as peace. There were changes made in the immigration policies. Pierre Elliot Trudeau was our Prime Minister and he told everyone that Canada was not going to be the ''bedroom police'' so gays are not discriminated against as other places.

So many things happened on so many fronts - on my front, I was busy raising kids! lol -

You will find tons of info if you google: the 1970s in Canada.

I hope I helped a little. Have a great day.

Have you (if you do or have smoke weed) ever wonder what your parents would be like if they got stoned?
Q. I mean, I know a long time ago mine did, I mean it was the 60's-70's.

I would love to see them like that. Now. (At their age. 60 and 55)

Haha, call me weird, but I wish I could get stoned with my parents. That'd be so fun.

Of course that will never happen.

Anyone else?

A. Hey girl,

Smart question. I have never smoked weed with my mom because she left us to become a lesbian when I was in 5th grade. I have never smoked weed with my old man because he is a high-powered corporate attorney and randomly searches my bedroom for contraband.

Also, my probation requires drug testing. This summer, I got busted for smuggling a bag of meerkats and 300 capsules of Australian HGH onto Long Island.

I am sharing that so you know that I am not some dirt bag criminal who deals crystal at group homes, like the guy who married my ex. I only sell supplements that help people get huge or live longer, which makes me a healer, but the cops in Nassau County agreed to disagree with me, and here I am - on house arrest again and answering questions like yours to stay busy.

I smoked weed once with my Uncle Dean, for medicinal purposes. Uncle Dean is not one of those blind crybabies who says that getting baked makes his vision clear up; nor is he one of those cancer guys who says, "Oh, I can't keep my food down, but smoking a blunt will help me eat." I say more power to anyone getting high, but some of these people just invent whack shi* to get baked.

Uncle Dean smoked weed for a legitimate chronic pain issue that occurred after I threw a ninja star at him and it lodged in his upper back. I removed the throwing star with pliers, which caused a blood infection that spread from his shoulder into his collarbone and required some weird surgery where they hammered out chunks of rotting bone and filled in the gaps with titanium.

Uncle Dean cried like a pansy before the operation, but then I told him, "Titanium is so strong your collarbone will never break. You will be like Robocop with all that shiny metal inside you." Now Uncle Dean dares guys at the pub to punch him, because he thinks it'd be funny to see a drunk break his hand on his collarbone.

When me and Uncle Dean got high he talked about how bummed he is that Aunt Carol is going senile, not so much because she forgets him, but because she has lost her sex drive and says creepy racist stuff all the time.

I would never get high with Uncle Dean again. The only thing I learned from that experience is that Uncle Dean still wants to bang Aunt Carol, even though they've been married 35 years and nowadays she looks like Simon Cowell in a dress.

The only other family weed story I know about involves my workout buddy Tyler. He gets high all the time with his Uncle Burt. Sometimes I get stoned with the two of them. It's pretty sweet. Uncle Burt used to be a helicopter pilot in `Nam, so he tells killer stories about dumping gallons of napalm on villages or wiping out an entire family with his flamethrower or giving a schoolkid a grenade and telling him, "Go play catch with your little friends."

Tyler said Uncle Burt steals most of his war stories from the movies, but Uncle Burt denies that and says he really did ice a bunch of kids. I don't know what's true and what's false. But when Uncle Burt does bong hits, he stares at the wall and mutters to himself, and drools. One time, he started crying and said, "I have children in that disgusting country of rice and whores, children I will never meet!" That was intense shi* to see when you're getting stoned, because usually, Tyler and I smoke a fatty, watch some porno, and then go lift weights. We don't get deep or emotional.

Maybe smoking weed with old people like your parents is a bad idea, because they might have the weight of experience and failure resting on their minds. And since they're old and can't lift weights or do MMA or dance with hot bitc*es, they have no way to vent all that frustration.

Let me ask you a question - Is your dad successful? Or is he like Uncle Burt? Because unless your dad's got a mad fortune, he might pull some theatrical nonsense and tell you that he regrets boning your mom and having you. I think you deserve better than that when you get high.

I only made that comment about your dad regretting knocking up your mom because my dad told me that once. When I reminded him that I'm the adopted kid and that my sister Anastasia is the real kid, my dad put down his Scotch and said, "Wherever you came from, big fuc*ing mistake." That was before he started going to AA meetings.

Don't smoke weed with your parents.

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