Thursday, May 2, 2013

How do you teach your child to be organized?

Q. My 2d grader is very unorganized. At school and at home. It's to the point that he forgets to bring his homework home and he hasn't grasped the idea of putting things away once he's done using thim

A. Some people are a lost cause, I'm half that way. My kitchen and bathrooms are generally very organized, my living room is now that my baby is crawling, but the bedrooms are disaster zones, FEMA would probably be interested in them!

Kids have to be taught how to be organized and it's something you have to work with constantly. It's something you have to have a system for. Places for everything, containers, organization has to be taught literally one thing at a time, from pencils to crayons in a box to backpacks. I take away my son's backpack periodically when I see that he's just shoving papers in it and he has to carry his papers in his hands.

I didn't grow up around organization, so I'm most comfortable in controlled chaos. You should try to set an example in some areas, start small. Have your son help with dishes, a simple chore where everything has a specific place. Every day have him do something to get organized. Get shelves, boxes, tubs, hooks, etc. and teach him step by step where things go. I'm just now starting to get myself organized, and I've got 5 kids to keep up after! Be an example and work WITH your child as you help clean and organize. And be prepared for a long haul, it takes much longer to unlearn a bad habit than to learn a good one from scratch!

Also, give him some space to be totally disorganized. A drawer in a dresser, a toybox, a plastic storage container, somewhere that he can just "dump" stuff of no importance. I know that helps me to have dump areas that I can just put stuff I don't know what to do with.

Ways to organize a small home?
Q. I have a rather small house and no closet space (just a little one in each bedroom.) I am really running out of places to put things and I hate having to throw stuff in my bedroom before company comes. Since I have two kids downsizing isn't really an option. I can't stand a bunch of clutter, but organization just doesn't come naturally to me. I would love any ideas!

A. Take a look at It is a free service that helps you declutter and organize your house. It has worked wonders for me. Even though you say organization doesn't come natural to you, you would be surprised at how organized and clean your house will be with this program. Try it. It is free so you have nothing to lose...except clutter. This program helps you keep your house so it is just 15 minutes away from company. I can say my house is 15 minutes away from company thanks to flylady. By the way I have 3 kids and have only been in the program for 2 months.

What can I do to protect my daughter?
Q. For obvious reasons, I can't tell you our names. In 2007, my daughter was charged with killing a young boy in our old neighborhood. I can tell you that yes, she did it, but I won't reveal her reasons and they're not important. What is important is that while she was being interrogated, one of the police officers hit her so hard in the head it caused a TBI (traumatic brain injury). She was never the same after that, besides her learning, reasoning and other mental abilities becoming greatly diminuished (she even has trouble remembering words sometimes), her personality changed drastically. She used to be outgoing, haughty and provokative, now she's shy and always seems terrified of everything and everyone around her, I'm the only person she's really comfortable with.

Anyways, after that incident, I managed to get the judge to throw out all the evidence the police acquired and my daughter was released. We moved away afterwards and started a new life here, and things were going well, or as well as they could be, until last November, when one of my new neighbors came by, wanting me to sign some stupid petition, and recognized my daughter from the news and, of course, he told everyone else living in the neighborhood. We became pariahs, we've already had two incidents: one where someone wrote "Child Killer" on our wall during the night and another one a week ago: I was watching TV in my bedroom when I heard my daughter screaming in the garden, I came down and found her pinned down by a man who kept asking "Where is he?! Where is he?!", anyways I went to pull him off her, we got into a fight, I broke his nose... it was a mess. It turned it out his son hadn't come home after school and he didn't know where he was, but later that night they found him... the stupid kid had run off with his girlfriend or something. I tried talking to the police, but after they learnt who she was, they were less than eager to help us.

Look, I'm not going to claim my daughter was "just misunderstood" or some cliche like that, I know she wasn't a good person and that what she did was awful, but she stopped being that person after that troglodyte nearly caved her skull in. Now she's just a simple, dim-witted girl who's scared of her own shadow, and even if you don't believe that, if any of you are parents then you know I can't abandon her.

I'm at a loss, I can't be near her all the time, I have to get back to work soon but I'm terrified to leave her alone, I'm scared they might try to kill her. What can I do to protect her? If you have any ideas please share them with me.

A. I'm sorry for that..I think the best thing to do right now is to speak to your neighbors tell them the way you feel about everything happening right now, everyone deserves a second chance tell them clearly that you know your daughter actions were bad but she is a human being allowed to commit mistakes maybe not as easy to forget but after all she is still your baby girl...don't confront them cuz you would become equally as bad as them you giving them motive to not trust you and most importantly your daughter too...don't just sit there make your daughter interact with other people, join a community organization if they don't know tell them right away and if they don't want her, don't push it move on they would eventually forget and forgive....I'm pretty sure that is she was release then there was more than one person in that room that believed she had a chance in life and deserve it...a t the end of the day she was proven innocent and they can't take that from you

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