Monday, April 22, 2013

How to stop cats from urinating in child's room?

Q. We have cats and they pee in just one room. We maintain the litter box, cleaning it twice a day and they use it. They go into every room in the house. However, in one of the rooms they always urinate in it no matter what. The room's door is open so they could easily jump out and run to the litter box.

What gives?

A. This is difficult because often they will just move to a new place. The area needs to be cleaned like crazy. I would even suggest pulling up the carpet, as well as the padding and painting the floor underneath with Kilz paint. Leave the chunk of padding out while you attempt to remove the odor from the carpet by using Nature's Miracle and a sucking carpet vacuum. Some even suggest using a cleaner with pheromones in it to deter the cat, I had luck with Woolite pet stain remover. I use all these products at the same time! I spray the backside of the carpet as well. Get new carpet pad. I then put a big piece of plastic on top of the area after it dried, they didn't like that. I also considered getting one of those new room refresher sprays that detect motion... that might scare the heck out of the cat each time they go near there? Also, you might consider putting a nice wood screen door on your kids bedroom. that way the room is still open, but the cat can't get in there?

How do you do it? Juggling cleaning, cooking, laundry, and still have time for yourself?
Q. I'm a newlywed, still in college, no kids yet, and I feel overwhelmed. I like to have time with my husband, to relax and yes, have sex but our apartment is suffering. Our dishwasher is backed up, I can't figure out our iron, and worse we're suffering an infestation of ants! I feel like a crap housewife. How do I get back on track so the house is clean and my husband is happy? I know he'd prefer not to have this happen again but I think he'd like that without taking sex out of the equation. I'd like that too.

A. I just wrote this reply to a gla who wanted to know how to keep her room clean but it applies here.
Deadicating time to focus on cleaning, cooking etc. is the key perhaps for an apartment you can start with 20 minutes a day. Husband - can he work with you? He can figure out the iron and deal with the ants. By the way any liquid soap kills them and I leave a stream of it across their trails. If you know where they are coming from you can spread a layer of baby powder around the entrance - they will not cross and no chemicals!

I think what you are looking for is discipline, to clean and maintain your room.
This method works for me in my five bedroom, five bath house.
1. Daily maintenance and pick up and bed making. Set timer for 15 minutes every day.
Starting with the floor, up pick up items and put them where they belong, hang up clothes or put in laundry basket (have one in your closet). Toss out papers, wrappers and other trash in waste paper basket (have one in room). Have a tray, box, hamper or I use a snow disk at the entrance of the door way with my timer on it for all the things that have to be taken out of the room like cups, books etc..
Keep working until the timer rings don't stop to think about items, if you have stuff you are pondering keeping, tossing or giving away put it in a corner for now and deal with it later.
Your 15 minutes is speed cleaning, pick up.
When the timer rings you are done, leave the room, take out your trash, return any times to other rooms.
Do your 15 minutes daily and that might be all you need to keep your room picked up and clean.
Lets say Monday you got your floor picked up but your closet is a mess - set your timer for cleaning the closet. The floor may take your 15 minutes that day, putting your clothes in color and type order my be Tuesday or Wednesday. Another day your 15 minutes might be cleaning your bedside table and a drawer or under the bed. Rotate round the room cleaning the surfaces.

This regularly scheduled roteen pick up for general cleaning and daily putting things up and away would make your room always "company ready".. Yahoo. Let's do on to part 2.
2. At the end of a week your room should be transformed with items picked up so now you have 15 minutes to pick up an already straighten room. Now is the time for deeper cleaning.
Monday: 15 minutes: Working with parent? Strip bed - wash sheets, pillow cases, do your laundry, fold and return. Tuesday: 15 minutes: Soft Scrub cleaning eraser (for plastic and painted surfaces only) on light switches, parts of doors that get grungy from fingerprints, clean window ledge, dust surfaces and window ledge. Wednesday: Vacuum your room including the nosel attachment for corners and don't forget closet. Thursday: Purge closet of stuff/clothing you no longer use to give away or toss or re purpose. Friday: Are we clean yet? How about cleaning out back pack or purse? Saturday: is the floor getting messy - clean it up.
Sunday: Take the day off - you did a great job! Can't be faithful with 15 minutes? Start with ten and work as fast as you can.
I guarantee once you get this plan in place you can apply this to your own home in the future with no problems.

How do I convince my mom's friend to quit buying things and to get rid of the things she has?
Q. I just recently started helping my mom's friend of many years clean her home. She has a very nice home but you can't tell it. She is a shop-aholic in the worst sense. She is a millionaire who lives in a middle class neighborhood. She doesn't live like she has money at all EXCEPT for her shopping habits. She is unable to get around well because of horrible back trouble which has also led to obesity. So... she basically does nothing around her home except collect packages that she buys off the internet or QVC home shopping network. She has a bedroom FULL of unopened boxes & there are boxes lining the walls in all the other rooms in her home. I feel overwhelmed because she doesn't want to let go of anything. I feel I've bit off something bigger than I can chew but I really want to help her. I'm not helping her by letting her keep all the things she is buying. Any kind advice is appreciated. Thanks! I should add that I don't want her things. I just want her to live healthy.
I put this under psychology because I think she has a mental illness. Please help! Thanks and God bless!

A. She is a shopaholic and it is a disease under compulsion disorders when taken to extremes. You have to handle her with kid gloves or very patiently over time. They get agitated need someone in there that can handle the situation like a daughter or a son...A lot of older people are going that route because when they were young they were denied stuff and this is their security net or cover. I have a sister in law that if she goes into a store she has to buy something because the owner has to pay bills. We went into twenty odd number of stores and she bought stuff out of twenty odd number of stores! I was taught to window shop...comparison glad for what you got. Try and find out if she would like to see someone else enjoy a couple of the articles or a yard sale for what she does not need..ebay...local classified listing...How about asking her to support a library by buying books and having them listed in her name instead of HSN...

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