Tuesday, April 23, 2013

How i can thief or discover mail password?

Q. I need to know mail password of my little boy where i can watching his mail to protect him.

A. You don't say how old your little boy is. But if he's very young, then you should have set up the account for him. Knowing the password isn't the answer. Talking to him and teaching him how to use the internet safely is the way to go. Limiting time on the computer, monitoring, and most importantly, NOT having the computer in his bedroom. Kids, no matter how good or smart they are, can be very trusting, and careless. Knowing the computer is in a more open place where mom or dad might walk by is just one way. They certainly shouldn't be holed up in their rooms spending hours on the computer. Set aside time when he's allowed to use the computer for approved activities. And time when he can use it for school work.

If you feel you have to have his password, you won't gain his respect by being dishonest. So talk to him about what he's doing, and pay attention to his computer use... not by spying.

Is there a way to prevent a child from changing the preferences on Google's SafeSearch?
Q. I have my son's browser set to "strict" for web and images. But all he would need to do (not that he knows this yet) is simply click on the Preferences icon next to the search field and change it from "strict" to "do not filter my searches". Is there a way to lock this down? Suggestions?

A. If the boy has any intelligence at all, there are no filters, blocking software, or monitoring programs he can't get around. I'm not telling you how to raise your kids, but you either trust him or you don't. My kids all grew up with computers, but they weren't allowed online unless I or their mother was in the room watching them. There were no computers in private bedrooms, my wife and I knew what was out there on the net, and so did the kids. The computers were out in the family room. That's how we did it.
Just think where your mind would be or how you might have turned out had you had unlimited access to unimaginable porn when you were 13. I don't know about you, but I would have went straight for it.

Is it psychologically damaging for little girlss to see older brothers or dad naked? Does it depend?
Q. Does it depend on the situation?
We lived in an apartment with one bathroom and once in a while, but mostly my brothers, in their underwear and sometimes naked. We all had to use the bathroom at the same time sometimes.
A gf mine says it sounds shocking to her but i didn't think it was weird or anything, just normal family situations that happen. I think I have a healthy attitude about the human body and of persons of the opposite sex.
And is it any different for little boys who see female family members naked?

A. There are many who claim that the "experts" advise against it and claim harm from kids seeing nudity. Reality is there are no such studies. The closest one comes from a guy called Dr. Spock and his studies on the subject have been discredited as being too narrow and not following proper scientific methods.

There is at least one long term scientific study that shows not only no harm but actually some benefits (see link below). There are also other statistical studies and data that shows many benefits such as lower sexual assaults, rape, pre-teen pregnancy and such in countries where nudity is not so uncommon.

The issues most have today in our culture are purely that: cultural. A lot of the concepts of nudity being bad are generally Anglo-Western cultural issues (meaning British cultures, UK, US, Canada, Australia, etc.) and come through religious perspectives - Puritan and Victorian. These concepts were propagated that nudity was evil and just the sight of skin would illicit lust in people thus you had to be covered from neck to ankle, er, make that you had to cover the ankle too.

Reality was up until just a few decades ago nudity was actually somewhat common in our society. Not on the grand scale of vast public nudity but quite prevalent in family circles. When folks lived in smaller homes and had larger families, most kids often had to share not only the bedroom but also beds. You should also consider that they didn't have the nice porcelain tubs that we have today, but rather often bathed in creeks, ponds, or a big 'wash tub'. Creeks and ponds and such are not al that private. The wash tub was often placed in the kitchen on yard, close to the fire to heat up the water. This meant that you would take your bath where all of the family and sometimes even the neighbors might take notice. Family nudity was not evil, wrong or sinful but rather just part of life.

Now should you go just a bit further back in history, say just prior to the industrial revolution you will find that clothing was difficult to make and rather expensive. Most folks actually could only afford to have one or two sets of clothes and you couldn't replace them so easily. This meant you had to take care of them and make sure they did not get damaged unnecessarily or suffer excessive wear. In this situation young kids often played nude (generally up until puberty when they entered the work force). It was not uncommon for you to see adults in certain occupations (farmers, fishermen, etc.) work naked as well.

So I'd say it's not harmful but rather extremely beneficial and if it were more prevalent a lot of folks would be out of a job; plastic surgeons, cosmetic companies, psychologists (dealing with body image issues), porn industry, just to name a few.

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