Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Where Should I move? in the US or anywhere.?

Q. us: 2 kids, 2 adults, 2 dogs

we'd like something that is mild, with some snow in winter, but not like several feets worth in a day like you get around the great lakes and colorado. more like a couple inches every once in a while and an occasional 2-3 feet.

summers cannot exceed 85 degrees, unles its like a heat wave, but the average high should be like 65-85 for summer months.

we would like 4 seasons, even if the winter is mild. leaves changing isn't necessary. (coniferous forests would do.)

smaller town, 5,000-25,000 people

we would like a house that costs under $650,000 where we can have 4-6 bedrooms, 3-5 bathrooms, with 2-10 acres on it.

places it can't be:
Florida, Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, South Dakota, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Missouri, Kansas,Colorado, Montana, south america.

oh ya by the way, it doesn't have to be in the United States. I am open to other countries that are safe, like around vancouver, canada.
also in North Island, New Zealand, or Southern Sweden, Denmark, and around Bergen, Norway.

am very open to places all over western europe that don't recieve extreme snowfall, like in the scottish highlands or the Austrian Alps.

thanks for helping.

also language is not an issue.

prefer low crime, and high quality of living, with good air quality,( not like los angeles, miami, pittsburgh, new york, detroit or philadelphia)


A. I would recommend around Lexington Kentucky.

(miley fans) why do you like her?
Q. -why do you like her?

can you explain these to me. . .

-why do you like her if she posts nasty pictures constantly. Yup she posted more if you want to see check on google.
Your answer would probably be she's fifteen, she's not the only one who does it, but she's a role model and she's acting like this. I have no problem with her music but the way she acts i think is very unacceptable for little kids.

-why do you like her if she gets everyone so obssessed over her. I mean do you think it's good for kids to ask their parents for everything that comes out with miley's face on there. They're getting so obssessed.

-everytime she screws up a preformance or do something wrong she always say sorry and yal just forgive her like that. Maybe she's saying sorry cause she wants her stardom. i mean who woulnd't want to keep their stardom.

-people is crazy over miley i mean even if she does a little good deed she's like a superhero towards everyone.
-well i'm not sure if she posts them but you know people act differently than they do in public. Plus come on little kids go online and type in miley cyrus those could have pull up. I saw these girls who worship miley and they started acting like a slut when they're like in first grade.
-plus i wasn't obssess with anything cause that's just it. They make you waste money and your time on stupid things like liking some celebraty that will one day go to waste. plus what about important things like global warming and ect. everyone is so warped up about this miley issue no one is caring about anything anymore (i'm not saying all do)
-plus your magazine of course it has GOOD pictures of miley. She's at a photoshoot people make her pretty. Plus if it's a miley edition of course they would put good "natrual" pictures

A. Hey!
well...first off. i love miley and totally support her!
-how do you know she posts those pictures? and whats so bad about them? yeah, i one she's showing the world her green bra but um....look around you! yes she's a role model to little kids too, but how are those little kids going to see those pictures? they don't check celeb sites that gossip all the time. and i lov eher music too :)
-when you were young, i'm sure you were obsessed with someone too, even if it was barney :) lets say you liked hello kitty or tinkerbell. your bedroom was porbably filled with hello kitty, barney, or tinkerbell stuff. just like people and miley. plus, hannah isn't doing the so called "bad" stuff. miley is. and most little kids like Hannah Montana wya more that Miley Cyrus/Stewart.
-yeah she says sorry after everything, but thats how she was raised. if people dont approve of whta you did, apologize and get on with your life. thats exactly what she's doing!

about that last point. i got a special edition magazine full of miley cyrus. in there were so many NICE GOOD NATURAL pictures of her and like 6 posters. did anything about that get mentioned? NO!!!! but when 1 stupid picture of her having fun with friends gets leaked onto the internet, the press is all over her! and they dont make her out to be a superhero they make her seem like a bad person, which she isn't!!!!!!!

Christmas list?
Q. Do you think this is a reasonable Christmas list?

4 year old girl-
1. $25 Build-A-Bear Workshop gift card
2. Beauty Salon Vanity Set- Was about $33.00
3. Molly American Girl doll- $87.00
4. 1 Outfit- $20
5. Cute Hair Accessories- $15.00

5 year old boy-
1. $25 Build-A-Bear Workshop gift card
2. Remote Control Car- $20.00
3. Pirates of the Caribbean Action figure set- $38.00
4. Color Explosion Drawing Board- $18.00
5. Lego Building Set- $25
6. 1 Outfit- $20

6 year old girl-
1. Color Explosion Glowboard- $18
2. Hannah Montana Doll- $19
3. Ivy American Girl Doll- $68
4. $25 Build-A-Bear Workshop Giftcard
5. 1 Outfit- $20
6. Cute Hair Accesssories- $15

8 year old boy-
1. Basketball and Hoop- $110
2. Remote Control Car- $20
3. 1 Outift- $20
4. Glow-In-The-Dark Stars to Put on Bedroom Ceiling- $17
5. $25 Build-A-Bear Workshop Gift card

They are each getting a bike. And they will get a trampoline to share. Is it too much? What'd you get your kids?

A. I think your list sounds quite complete & very reasonable. I generally shop year-round & stash the stuff away until the silly-season. Here's my list for the kids:

4 year old girl-
1. A Barbie-sized (for 12" dolls) 3-story doll house with a manual elevator & furniture (made by KidKraft).
2. A Barbie Doll as Rapunzel (Bride), with a Ken as (Groom) Prince Stefan, the 3 little Kelly flower girls & little boy (I think they're Prince Stefan's younger siblings?), in addition to Botticelli the Horse & a Wedding Carriage.
3. A Baby Doll w/carrier.
4. Preparation for Kindergarten work book.
5. Disney Princesses bedsheets & Quilted Cotton Comforter.

5 year old boy-
1. Boy's Firehouse Bookcase (by KidKraft) to fit 12" dolls & a GI Joe Firefighter & Barbie (Career Series) Firefighter doll
2. GI Joe Fire Truck/Ambulance that fits the 12" dolls & firefighting equipment
3. Preparation for 1st Grade work book.
4. Cars Racetrack
5. Disney Pirates of Caribbean bedsheets & Comforter

Both of them:
Pj's, socks & underwear
Numerous DVD's & Activity Books
Kid Concoctions Set (super fun!)
Crayola Washable Markers & Crayons
Princess Hopper & Spiderman Hopper (big blow-up balls you sit on w/handle & bounce along)
IMAGINEXT T-REX Mountain with additional accessories
Games: Yatzee Jr., Mouse Trap, Operation
Disney Camp Chairs (1-Princesses & 1-Mickey Mouse)
Disney "Moon" Chairs (1-Princesses & 1-Cars)
Baseball gloves that light up like lighty shoes when the ball hits the glove (a boys & a girl's version)
Ugly Stick fishing poles & new tackle boxes
Outdoor games like Badmitton, Croket, Frisbee, etc.

In addition to my 2 children, I have a wonderful new man in my life with a 21-year old daughter:
Dresden Dolls Companion Book (will be a sure hit)
Dresden Dolls T-Shirt (will be a sure hit)
Cold weather wear: new hat, gloves, ski-suit & Ugg Boots
Costco Cash Card

My man's taking us on a trip in the new (to him, it's a 2001) Coach (motorhome) to some nearby (6-8 hour drive) National Parks for the week between Christmas & New Year's. So, Santa will find us there, & at home when we get back home since all the stuff I got for Christmas won't fit in the Coach!

Merry Christmas to ALL!!

Any note things on face book or myspace like thiss one...?
Q. Now it's your turn!

Dear (someone you recently talked to)
I don't really know how to tell you this, but (1). I think I realized it (2)(3) and I saw you (4) (5). I'm sure you're (6) enough to understand (7). I'm returning (8) to you, but I'll keep (9) as a memory. You should also know that I (10) and (11).
(Your name)

1) What's the color of your shirt?
Blue - I'm in love with your cat
Red - our affair is over
White - I�m joining the Convent
Black -our romance is over
Green- our socks don't match
Grey - you're a leprechaun
Yellow - I'm selling myself for candy
Pink - your nostrils are insulting
Brown - the mafia wants you
No shirt - you're mean
Other -I dislike your eyelashes

2) Which is your birth month?
January - that night you picked your nose
February -when I quoted Forest Gump
March - when your dwarf bit me
April - when I tripped on peanut butter
May - when I threw up in your sock drawer
June - when you put cuffs on me
July � when you smacked my ass
August - when I saw the purple monkey
September - last year when you peed your pants
October - when we skinny dipped in the bathtub
November - when your dog humped my leg
December - when I finally changed my underwear

3) Which food do you prefer?
Tacos - in your apartment
Chicken- in your car
Pasta - outside of your office
Hamburgers - under the bus
Salad � as you were eating Kraft Dinner
Lasagna - in your closet
Kebab - with Jean Chrétien
Fish - in a clown suit
Sandwiches - at the Elton John concert
Pizza - at the mental hospital
Hot dog - under a street light
Annat- with George Bush and Stephen Harper

4) What's the color of your socks?
Yellow - ignore
Red - put whipped cream on
Black - hit on
Blue - knock out
Purple - pour syrup on
White - carve your initials into
Grey - pull the clothes off
Brown - bit of
Orange - castrate
Pink - pull the pants off of
Barefoot - sit on
Other - drive over

5) What's the color of your underwear?
Black - my boyfriend
White - my father
Grey � the Catholic Priest
Brown � the Montreal Canadian�s goalie
Purple - my corned beef hash
Red � my knee caps
Blue - my salt-beef bucket
Yellow - my illegitimate child in Ghana
Orange - my Blink 182 cd
Pink � your �My Little Pony� collection
Other --the elephant in the corner

6) What do you prefer to watch on TV?
One Tree Hill - senile
Heroes- frostbitten
Lost - high
Simpsons- cowardly
The news - scarred
American Idol - masochistic
Family Guy - open
Top Model - middle-class
Annat -shamed

7) Your mood right now?
Happy - how awful you are
Sad - how boring you are
Bored - that I get turned on only by garbage men
Angry - that your smell makes me vomit
Depressed � that we�re related
Excited - that I may pee my pants
Nervous - the middle-east is planning their revenge on you
Worried - that your Ford sucks
Apathetic - that you need a sex-change
Silly - that I'm allergic to your earlobes
Cuddly - that Santa doesn't exsist
Ashamed - that there is no solution to you being a dumb kid
Other - that your driving sucks

8) What's the color of your walls in your bedroom?
White - your toe ring
Yellow - your love letters to me
Red - the pictures from Vegas
Black - your pet rock
Blue - the couch cushions
Green - your car
Orange - your false teeth
Brown - your nose hair clippers
Grey - our matching snoopy underwear
Purple - your old New Kids on the Block blanket
Pink - the cut toenails
Other - your Hannah Montana underwear

9) The first letter of your first name?
A/B - my virginity
C/D - your photo with the moustache drawn on it
E/F - your neighbors dog
G/H - the oil tank from your car
I/J - your left ear
K/L - the results of that blood-sample
M/N - your glass eye
O/P - my common sense
Q/R - your mom
S/T - your collection of butterflies
U/V - your criminal record
W/X � your sucide note
Y/Z - your credit cards

10) The last letter in your last name?
A/B - love your sweet, sweet ass
C/D - always will remember the pep talks
E/F -never will forget that night
G/H � will not tell the authorities you stole the whale from the back yard.
I/J � mocked you behind your back constantly
K/L - hate your cooking
M/N - told in my confession today about the moose poaching
O/P - told my psychiatrist about the bruises
Q/R - always wanted to break your legs
S/T - get sick when I think of your feet
U/V - will try to forget that you broke my heart
W/X - haven�t showered in a month
Y/Z � am better off without you

11) What do you prefer to drink?
Wine- our friendship is ruined
Soft drink � I�m off to lead a new life as a lemon
Soda � I will haunt you when I�m reincarnated as an Eskimo
Milk - the apartment building is on fire
Water � I'm scratching my ass as you read this
Cider� I have a passionate interest for mice
Juice � you ruined my attempts at another world war
Mineral/Vitamin water/propel � you should get that embarrassing rash checked
Hot chocolate � your Cucumb

A. Dear oODropDeadKallieOo,
I don't really know how to tell you this, but I�m joining the Convent. I think I realized it when I threw up in your sock drawer at the mental hospital and I saw you bit of my father. I'm sure you're open enough to understand that I get turned on only by garbage men. I'm returning your toe ring to you, but I'll keep the results of that blood-sample as a memory. You should also know that I told in my confession today about the moose poaching and I'm scratching my *** as you read this
(Your name)

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Title Post: Where Should I move? in the US or anywhere.?
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