Sunday, January 20, 2013

Kid at school is ALWAYS braggin an every one is TIRED of it!?

Q. Their is this kid named Calvin (we all call him Cow Van cause he's REALLY fat) an he is ALWAYS braggin about stuff. He moved hear when we was in sixth grade (four years ago) an his family lives in a old, run down house on Mower Street, an that is the street that all the poor people live on!

Calvin is always braggin about how his dad was like a super star football player or somethin, so we looked him up on the internet an their was no mention of him, but Calvin said his dad had been so famous that he had to change his name when they moved to Maine. He said his dad maid $100 million playing football but they live in a junky house an they are on food stamps an welfare!

Calvin also brags ever year about Christmas. Last year he said he was gettin a new Wii, a Xbox 360 an a PS3 an a 72 inch plasma TV an a new car an a lethar jacket an Air Jordons an a bunch of cool stuff. So after Christmas we all went ovar to Calvin's to see his stuff but he wood not let any one in the house! Then when he came back to school after break, he didn't have his Air Jordons or his lethar coat an Jeremy asked him why an he said for Jeremy to mind his own business that the coat an jacket didn't fit an they had to take them back. Jeremy then asked him why they didn't get a different size that fit an Calvin punched him in the nose! Then he said they was all sold out.

One time Steven went ovar to Calvin's house an said Calvin had a old Sega Master System an a little black an white TV in his bedroom an that was after Christmas so Calvin didn't have any of the stuff he was supposed to have got for Christmas, so every thing he said to us was a big LIE.

Last week Calvin was braggin to every one about how he has a girl friend who lives about 50 miles away an Steven saw the picture Calvin had up in his room of his "girl friend" but its his cousint!

Now today Calvin got paper work to join the Governer's Summer Youth Program which is for kids that is on welfare an food stamps to get like clothing vouchers for school! So Jeremy an Matt asked him if his dad has 100 million dollars why he is doing that an he said it is so the poor kids can see what a nice guy he is that he will do the program with them even though he's rich.

But the reason I am askin the question now is cause about 20 minutes ago some kid named Aaron grabbed Calvins coat out of his locker an ripped the sleeve off of it an Calvin started bawlin an said he only had one coat an couldn't afford another one, an some kid said "I thought you're dad was a million air Calvin?" an Calvin just ran to the guidance counselers office bawlin an has not come out.

So every one is tired of seeing him brag about stuff but he keeps doin it. How do we make him STOP?

A. he has insecurity issues because he's fat. tell him no one likes a liar and to be himself. do not be mean to him. he might bring a gun to school and shoot someone

Spoiled brat wake up call on Christmas - what do you think? (long, sorry)?
Q. First of all, I want to say that my husband and I take full responsibility for this situation. Grandparents may have contributed, but grandparents are supposed to dote and we are supposed to raise her right and we are the ones who failed.
We are pretty well off. We have one daughter who is 6 (just turned 6 in October) and we have spoiled her. We have always bought her pretty much whatever she asked for whether it was a candy in the checkout line or a barbie jeep. We really haven't given her any responsibilities - she doesn't have to clean up after herself or have any chores. We let her watch too much TV and aren't strict enough about making her eat right (we are the parents who will make a second dinner for our daughter if she doesn't want to eat what's for dinner). For a while we've suspected we might be spoiling her but always managed to convince ourselves that kids that age are just strong willed and that we should give her the happiest childhood possible.
Anyway, yesterday at Christmas we had a wake up call. We and her grandparents gave her a bunch of presents, including several very expensive ones and she tore through those like it was nothing. Her babysitter gave her a book (Silverlicious) - she loves Pinkalicious btw - and she literally threw it aside. My SIL who has been having a tough time gave her a set of nail polish which she liked at first until she looked through the rest of the bag and realized that was the entire present. When she was done opening presents - and with everything she had gotten it came out to well over $1000 worth of stuff - she looked at us and said "is that it??" We told her it was and she threw the most horrible fit.
We were horrified and embarrassed. Our kid is not strong willed or spirited she is spoiled and rude and it is our fault. We sent her to her room while we talked about it and we realized we need to make some changes, like no more special meals for her, not getting her everything she asks for, giving her some responsibilities. She is also going to have to write thank you notes (which she never has) for everything she got.
We have some questions:
1. One thing we are considering doing is having her pick out a toy from her collection to give to charity every day until we start seeing a better attitude from her. What do you think of this idea? Good or bad?
2. What would be some good starting chores for a six year old who has never had them before?
3. Any suggestions?

A. I made a chore list for my daughter (she turned 5 in July) and put it on her bedroom door. She has a few chores she does twice a day and some only once. Every time she does a chore she gets a sticker. If she does it without me or her dad asking she gets two stickers.

Chores include:
Put dirty clothes in hamper
Brush teeth (this is a 2x per day chore)
Brush hair
Make bed
Pick up toys
Do homework

If she does all these she gets a sticker. If she doesn't do it, no sticker. When she reaches 25 stickers she gets to pick a voucher/coupon from a list I printed up.
Some of these vouchers are for
Dinner with mom and dad out
Ticket to a movie (her choice)
$5 towards a new item (she does what she wishes, she puts in piggy bank, or buys a new little something with it)

I did this with my daughter since she was 3 and it works perfect. Lets her know she has chores, even though some are things that have to be done, she still knows it has to be done. She does very well with it.

As far as her being spoiled. I can def see that. I have never been the kind of mother to give in to my children as I have seen first hand how badly it affects the child as they grow up. I am 26 and have an 8 yr old brother. He gets EVERYTHING he wants, very similar to your daughter. My mother still has not gotten the wake up call you expressed in your question, but he is horrible..

My daughter and son know that when we go to the store we may go "look" at the toys, but we don't buy toys when we go. We go to get groceries. They can express things they like and may want for a holiday gift but that is it. We do our shopping and SOMETIMES when we leave they may get a gumball, or perhaps a ride on one of the little cars or horse. Sometimes it is a small candy bar. But it is totally sporadic and never everytime we go.

As far as your Christmas, well, that is horrible. My 5 yr old got a total of $100 dollars worth of gifts from us as well as our nearly 2 yr old. I am sorry, but it is not about how much a child can get and she def should have learned that by now. My daughter had several things to open and none were HUGE expensive gifts. But she was perfectly content with what she received. My daughter loved the $3 doll she got more than any other gift.

I think that having her pick out a toy to take to a charity is a good idea. I would not let her pick items that are memorable to her like favorite blanket or stuffed animal, not that you will have that prob, but you may. It may be good for her to see that she has a LOT of stuff she prob never plays with where other kids have NOTHING at all. I had my daughter go through all of her toys a week before Christmas and pick out a garbage bag full to take to our local mission. I explained to her that some kids had nothing for Christmas and they would love to have even one small thing. She did great. She knew Christmas was coming for her and she did have presents under our tree.

I would def nip this in the butt now or you will have major problems later on. Best of luck.

Im relocating to Monterey County whats the nicest city near Soledad?
Q. I will be relocating to Monterey County in February 2011 as I will be starting a new job at Salinas Valley State Prison. I will be an MTA/ nurse peace officer and will be making a very nice salary so I will want to buy a home. I'm not sure if I should buy a home as soon as I start working or get a 2 bedroom apartment for me and my son while I repair my credit, save for a down payment or apply to the first time homebuyers program? I am of mixed african-american heritage with strong hispanic features and I do not want to be in a predominately black or hispanic city as the cities may be run down and gettho. What city in monterey county is close to my new job in soledad that has newer apartments/townhomes for rent as well as new communities and homes? Also because I have a little boy who is nine years old I will need to be in a nice non-gang area with nice elementary schools, skate parks etc... And shopping malls, barber shops for african-american hair as well as hair salons, nail salons, non-denominational churches with excellent music and dance ministries for young kids. I am kind of scared because I will be relocating to this city which is 5 1/2 hours from home and I don't know anyone here. Is there a website where I can meet people and make friends especially a church website as I love church and I am very spirtual. I would like to like to meet women who have the same intrests as me in Monterey County. Hopefully I can find someone who could rent out a room to me when I first go out there are a church to assist me with housing as I won't have a whole lot of money to pay for room and board. I was thinking about going to a shelter for domestic violence victims as I am also relocating to get away from my husband who beat me up he is not the father of my son. If I could get motel voucher assistance for about 30 days that would be awesome! Thanks in advance yahoo answers!

A. Gonzales and Greenfield would be the nearest towns, but I don't know how close they come to meeting your needs. Salinas is the nearest big city, and that should have all the routine shopping you'd want. It has a fair population mix, as I recall, but I haven't been there in 30 years.
Congratulations on, and good luck with, the new job.

How to tell if section 8 is charging too much rent?
Q. I have a co-worker who recently moved into a one-bedroom section 8 apt. from a single (also section 8). While living in the single, he was paying $387 (Fair-market rent was $990). For the one bedroom, he is now paying $687 (Fair-market is $895). We work for a group home, and do Ok (before taxes). He is single, and pay's for health-care $144 a month. After each paycheck we have around 820-900 after taxes and health-care (approx. 1129-1149 before taxes). We do get overtime and double time every paycheck, because we have to work a mandatory 52 hour work week for full time. If he were to work part-time, he would literally be on-call, and most of the time full-time staff fills in for those who don't make it in to work (there's two shifts).

Knowing this, he's really stressing over section 8 raising his rent so much. Looking through the section 8 website, we seen that the max in his situation could be charged 30-40%. He is single and his apartment was below his voucher amount ($1,139). He has repeatedly asked his worker for a breakdown on how they were charging him (in which she has refused). He understands that because he works so much and gets the double-time and overtime it would naturally be somehow included in the rent, but to raise it so much seems a little bit off. He has talked to legal-aid all the way down to consumer affair, and no one can help him, they just kept referring him, but they seem to agree that something isn't right.

He's more than appreciative of having the section 8, but it's really stretching his budget. After paying for bills and medication, he may have a little less than $100 left. and that has to cover food, gas and utilities. Since he doesn't have a refrigerator yet. He' s actually had to cash-out his retirement fund to try and catch up (which was $1800, before taxes being taken out)

It just sucks because if he gets a part-time job, he's going to be penalized again. He's already paying his $687 for rent plus the $50 late payment to the landlord because he has to break his bills into half.

He just wants to be able to fulfill the program, save a little so he can be self-sufficient and get off section 8 so someone else may be eligible. but, it's becoming harder and harder.

Any help appreciated
He had already moved into the 1 bedroom before he was given his rent price. His previous apartment had already been pre-rented.

A. You did not say how often he was paid. They take his gross pay for a year, determine monthly pay from that, and then what his rent is. It sounds like they had made an error before, he was under paying his rent. His rent should have remained the same, it looks like they took another look at his income.

If he goes part time he loses his section 8, that is not a solution. What he needs to do is figure out where is spending his money. When you remove my morgage from my expenses I spend less supporting myself and my 2 at home kids.

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