Saturday, January 19, 2013

Is this room cute for a teen girl sharing a bedroom with a younger kid?

Q. I am almost a teen and I have to share a room with an 8 year old. I have to have a bunk bed room because my room is small. Which one of the rooms look better?,r:8,s:9&biw=1020&bih=516

or this one
the girls in the 1st pic is not me lol.

A. i absolutely love the first one. i wish i could have a bunk bed with steps!! luckyyyy!!!!!!! it would look so good!!
hope i helpeddd:)

How can I teach my children not to be so destructive?
Q. My husband and I are both in the process of remodeling our home and there have been times that we have had to tear out entire rooms and start from scratch. Could this be a reason they are playing this way? My daughter is five and my son is three. When they are playing together they usually write on something, break something , or use things in a way they are not intended. They constantly take the mattresses off of their beds, etc... I have two other older children, and they were never like this! I am home during the day. Both of my younger children go to preschool. I work nights and go to school the rest of the week. My husband is home with them in the evening for the time being. I could really use the advice!

A. Since they are pulling the beds apart, take the mattresses off the beds and set them on the floor and remove their bedroom furniture. If they are using something inappropriately it is up to the PARENTS to step in and say "NO you do not use this in that way". If they write on something make them clean it. It is quite obvious that these kids at some point in the day are not being and your husband need to get on the same page concerning their supervision. Just because a parent is at home doesn't mean the children are being supervised. I know from expierence.

How can I convince my mom not to get a dog?
Q. I know that this is a very uncommon question, but for once the kid doesn't want a dog. Nothing I try is working, and she's experienced with ownership so throwing costs and such at her is ineffective.
The dog in question is a Shih-Tzu cross whose name is Pearl. She's our foster dog at the moment, and we're unfortunately close to adopting her. She's not bad for a dog - she's quite small, relatively quiet, and has decent behavior. Everyone else in the family loves her, particularly my mom and younger sister, but I really can't stand her.
She yips and yaps in an incredibly irritating way when I get home, and she has issues with her digestive system (or something like that) so she regularly urinates and/or defecates in the house. She knows that she isn't allowed on furniture or in my room - she gets off the couch or my bed whenever a human comes near, but she persistently breaks these rules. She's supposedly obedient, but she hardly ever listens to real commands, all she can do are tricks like rolling over. She gets underfoot a LOT, and she begs at the table, and she's really annoying in general, to me at least. It's approaching winter, so I feel that there will be a lot of reluctance around walks, and my sister is already forgetting to feed her as the excitement wears down.
I don't understand why mom likes her, and she feels the same way about my dislike. We argue a lot, and we're both really stubborn, but this is one of the few things I feel strongly about. I really don't know what I can do, and I don't want my last four or five years here to be marred by this dog. Please help.
EDIT: My mom is a vet, so she knows about costs and things, she has owned dogs so she really does have experience with these things - she knows how expensive it can be.

A. You're right, this is an uncommon question, lol.

Unfortunately, not much you can do about it. Your mom knows how you you think you can get her to agree that you don't have to do ANY chores for the dog (walks, feeding, brushing etc.)? Of course, if your mom is sick or something, it would be *nice* of you to offer to do those chores. But bottom line, your mom is the one who makes the rules, so as long as you live under her roof, try to make the best of things.

As for your bedroom, keep the door closed. Everyone should respect your privacy. In return, you respect your family's right to have a dog even if you don't like it.

Arguing with your mom won't do any good. All you can do is hope that she gets fed up cleaning up the messes and having the dog be disobedient. And as you said, your sister, being a typical kid, is already realizing dogs are work and just wants to do the fun things.

Though if it were me in your shoes, I'd train the dog myself, and take her to obedience classes to get her to mind better. I'd "practice" her down-stay in the hallway during meals. If anyone piped up that the dog was missing out on treats, I'd just turn it around and rave proudly about how well the dog's training was coming along for her to remain there during meals....

And who knows, you might find that you actually like the dog if she's trained. So keep an open mind.

Do you let your young toddler wander the house or do you confine them to one room?
Q. I have gates and keep my son in the living room (he is 15 months old) but sometimes I feel like he should be able to wander and explore the house.

What do others do?
And if you let them wander, do you follow them around telling them "NO" for all the things they shouldn't touch? I know my son would destroy everything and get into things he shouldn't!

A. My house is pretty much baby proofed. All the kitchen cabinets are locked, we have outlet covers, things they can break are placed out of their reach, etc. I keep my bedroom door closed and the bathroom door closed. My kids are 15 months old and 2 1/2 years old. They like to play in every room of the house (except master bedroom and hall bathroom). Their favorite room is my son's room. They love to play together in there.

Things that are baby proofed in my home (to give you a few ideas):

1. child locks on all the doors that lead outside.
2. bifold door locks for closet doors.
3. outlet covers
4. outlet covers for outlets that are being used.
5. Wire Guard
6. Brackets so furniture won't tip.
7. Cushion guards for the edges of tables.
8. Medicine in a locked cabinet
9. Surge protector cover
10. Toilet lock
11. toilet paper roll lock
12. Keep the bathroom door closed
13. Keep the master bedroom door closed
14. Window wedges so the kids can't open the windows
15. Cord windups for mini blinds
16. Oven door lock
17. Refrigerator door lock
18. Locks on every cabinet
19. Door guards so that fingers aren't pinched
20. Things to make area rug not slip.
21. Sliding glass door lock.

That's all I can think of for now. I'm sure there is a few that I am forgetting to mention.

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Title Post: Is this room cute for a teen girl sharing a bedroom with a younger kid?
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