Saturday, January 5, 2013

is lazy river rentals legitimate? is there any trouble with bringing 18 kids to a "rental beach house"?

Q. for our afterprom we might rent out a beach house at seaside heights, nj using lazy river rentals. I've seen mixed reviews, but if anyone has actually used "lazy river by the sea," is it safe? do they allow drinking or are the houses actually under surveillance? and we were planning on bringing 18 kids to what is supposedly a four bedroom house. will we get in trouble by police, etc.? and do the neighbors actually report kids in the houses?

A. Don't know whether it's legit or not, but they won't be renting to a bunch of high school kids if it is. No owner is going to want a bunch of out-of-control, drunk kids destroying their property. Such rentals usually have a minimum rental period of one week - or at least an entire weekend - and they also usually have a minimum rental age of 25. And, you can only have as many people there as there are sleeping spots.

I'm sure the neighbors would report rowdy kids to the police.

Ideas for nursery, bathroom, and my bedroom?
Q. My fiancee and i are 19 and have a baby due jan. 30. we just moved into a new home and i am trying to decide on themes for all of the rooms. i find out the sex of the baby next month so thats no help right now. i want the bedroom a sea blue color but im not sure and the bathroom i have no ideas at all so any are welcome

A. Your bedroom a sea blue or the baby's?

Anyway, I like the bathroom as light as possible to be cheary and have a clean and fresh appearance. Anything else you'll get tired of quickly.

You could do light colors in the bathroom, such as white tile, white countertops, etc., a white shower curtain (fabric) with a clear plastic liner.
Do the walls a light green-blue color or aqua or teal.
Have light green, light purlish pink, and light blue towels.

Get a fun garbage can/bucket of a matching color.

Use white rugs/flat towels for the floor. (the towels are more cheap and easy to clean and replace as needed and still look nice and fresh and clean for a bathroom).
Or one big bathroom rug that matches the pain on the walls exactly, or a little bit darker.

Do your bedroom in the most relaxing shades as possible. Having kids is stressful and you'll need your room to help you relax.

Do white, flowing drapes of sheer or cotton that go to the floor and that can "blow in the wind" lol. sounds funny, but it's really relaxing to watch.
Do your bed linens in white and the comfortor in either a blue shade or really light yellow or light green.

Have lots of big accent pillows (go all Martha Stewart! lol)

Do your walls that blue color you're talking about (match the comforter to it, or visa-versa).
do the trim in white or a very soft color of that blue.
Get a big natural weave rug/mat for the floor to go under the bed but big enough to stick out several feet around the foot of it and the sides of it. (like bamboo or something).

Use black as an accent color.

The baby's room will depend on what sex the child is, or do neutrals of light yellow, light blue, light green, white and maybe some light purple.

Pretty much all the ideas I've given you will make all these rooms tie in together. They'll match yet won't be axactly the same. Will make the place feel cleaner, lighter, friendlier, softer and more relaxing. You'll need it after having a baby!!

(be sure to get pedicures and foot massages too!)

good luck and congrats on your house and new little one that's coming!! Babies are the best things ever!

We are traveling for the first time from Ohio to Disney World in December, any tips?
Q. We are staying for 8 days at the Disney All Star Music Resort.

This is our first visit, and also our first plane trip ever!!

Traveling are my husband, myself and our 4 year old son.

Any tips on How to surprise your child, What to pack, What parks to visit first...etc.

Thanks for ANY advice!!

A. This sounds great. I am a big fan of taking kids that age to Disney. The magic is very real there at that time. So, for a few tips.

Check the kid's backpack to make sure that they did not throw in a pair of scissors at the last minute. You don't want any security hassles.

One parent goes through security, then the kid, then the other parent. If the kid goes through first the security will NOT let you run after the child as he wanders off.

I really would not worry too much about the surprise. He really won't grasp what Disney World is until he sees it anyway. And, looking forward to the vacation is part of the fun. So, either order the free DVD so you can show him, or look online at pictures and show him. I like to watch Pirates of the Carribbean and then look at the picutes of the attraction. Or watch Dumbo and then think about that ride. You can watch Peter Pan and look at the pictures of that attraction where you fly through the bedroom and over London.

Many of the attractions are in dark rooms. You know, 3-d movies, and show type stuff. Some kids freak out when the lights to out. So, make sure you at least take him to a movie first so he gets used to sitting in the theatre.

The best time of day in the theme parks is first thing in the morning. Get moving so that you are at the gates a little before they open.

Character Autographs.. OK, some kids love to do these and some kids think Mickey looks like a 6 foot rodent that is missing some fingers. So, you have to roll with the punches on that one. He might love it, he might hate it. You can try some of the human characters like the princesses first. That might get him into the swing of it. Also, you need your own full sized pen to have the characters sign. We like to take a laundry marker and have them sign a Disney t-shirt. You have to put something like a magazine in a bag and insert that inside the shirt to provide a solid surface, and keep the marker from bleeding through. But, a few days later you ave a cool souvineer that you can wear.

Ice Cream can fix most problems at Walt Disney World. Hey, it is vacation so normal rules don't always apply.

The ferry boat to the Magic Kingdom is slower, but the monorail has a longer line. It usually works out about the same when it is busy first thing in the morning. Personally, I like to take the ferry on our first morning, especially in the winter. You can be huddled together with your jackets at the front of the ferry as the park gets slowly bigger. You leave the ferry and since you are a little early you find a place where you can look up and see Main Street Station. There is no need to crowd the gate. You will get in. The music changes and the steam train pulls into the station. All the characters get off the train and put on a little opening show. Then the gates open. You go under the train tracks, grabbing an English language map as you go through. You stroll right down mainstreet that is still wet-clean and smell the bakery. You already know what you want to do first so you stroll right to that attraction and begin the day. Man, I love it.

The closer you get to Christmas, the busier Walt Disney World gets. My guess is that this year starting at about the 23rd, it will be insane busy. Like you line up outside a burger restaurant just to get in and line up at the counter.

Learn how to use fastpass. It is quite simple but it saves you a little line time.

If you will be there for 8 days, you will have time to do just about everything. However, remember that the idea is to have fun for 8 days, not to do everything and stress to the point of breaking. I am looking at a picture of my family right now taken in front of the Living Seas by a cast member. My kids were about 2 and 4 in it. And it is toward the end of our vacation and the kids look beat. They were troopers, but we pushed pretty hard. I hope we were smart enough to take a break right after this and have some churros or something.

If it rains while you are there, put on a poncho and go do the parks. Disney in the rain can be lots of fun.

Take hats and mittens. Florida can get cold snaps. On one trip about that time of year we had to go to Wally World to buy these things before we went to the parks one morning. Money I did not need to spend, and really not a great way to start a day.

Take snacks for your kid.

Know what you want to do in the parks when you get there so you are not wasting time dealing with a map trying to figure out what sounds fun. It gives you a head start on the day and you can look at maps while you are in the first few lines.

Have fun with the planning. Don't stress about it. Once you figure out a few things, it is all fun. Don't let it stress you out. It is really pretty simple and quite fun.

The list goes on and on. Ask some more specific questions and you will get some great answers.

I wish I was going. Have fun.

I am trying to find the name of an old childrens movie?
Q. The movie is about a little girl who has these dolls, and she travels to a magic world were the dolls come to life, and she searches to find these special berries that are suppose to help save her grandparents from dying. something like that I don't know the name of these dolls but they were marketed in the 80's I think, the snuggles or something

A. The Hugga Bunch (1985) (TV)

The Hugga Bunch is a 1985 made for TV film, produced by Filmfair Communications, written by David Swift, and directed by Gus Jekel. It earned a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Visual Effects.

A girl travels through her mirror into HuggaLand to find a way to keep her grandmother young, the only one who knows how to hug.

A typical 2-story house is shown in suburbia. 7-year-old Bridget narrates about suspecting something is going on since she and her 11-year-old brother Andrew are getting presents from their parents for no apparent reason. Bridget's present is a stuffed penguin that she immediately names Sweet William. Bridget describes her relatives: Aunt Ruth, a bossy nurse taking care of grandmother, Grams the hugging grandmother who makes dolls out of socks, and her brother Andrew, who's into electronics and is grumpy. Grams accidentally hangs up on the lieutenant-governor, which indicates she's getting in the way while living with the family. The two children eat breakfast while the adults discuss moving Grams to a retirement home. Bridget makes an awful-looking pancake sandwich containing cereal, eggs, bacon, strawberries, and syrup, as Andrew looks on incredulously. The two kids then discuss Grams, and Andrew says bluntly that Grams is being "put out to pasture." Bridget talks with Grams in the attic, has a play tea party with Sweet William in her bedroom, then a living doll unexpectedly pops out of her bedroom closet mirror.

Bridget and the living doll become acquainted. The curly-haired living female doll is named Huggins and lives in Huggaland. Bridget gives Huggins a baseball cap from Andrew's room. Huggins hides under some laundry when Bridget's mother comes by, then the mother throws the laundry into the washing machine with Huggins in it. Bridget rescues Huggins and dries her off with a hair drier. They discuss the problem with Grams getting old and having to move away, Huggins says Bridget could talk to the bookworm in Huggaland about it, since he knows everything. They step through the mirror to visit Huggaland, but one of Bridget's tennis shoes becomes lodged in the mirror.

Rather than walk around with one shoe, Bridget goes without shoes in Huggaland. They immediately meet Hugsy, a curly-haired living boy doll in Huggaland. Huggins gives Hugsy the baseball cap. They also meet Tickles, Bubbles, Impkins, and Tweaker, and all the dolls sing a song while sitting on a bridge. Hugsy takes Bridget and Huggins in his hugwagon to see the bookworm, who lives atop a stack of giant books. The bookworm consults "the old encyclopedia" and finds that old age can be cured by eating the fruit of the "youngberry tree." However, only one such tree exists, and it's in the country of Shrugs, ruled by the mad queen of quartz. The only way to travel to Shrugs is to jump down a deep hole that is located inside a nearby giant book.

Bridget and the two dolls gulp three times, jump down the hole, and tumble out. Soon they walk down a sideways sidewalk, hear the sea of glass breaking, and fall off the sidewalk when the sideways gravity ends. They encounter "the hairy behemoth," which looks like a mastodon, has four tusks, and breathes fire out its trunk. But Hugsy boldly goes over and hugs the behemoth, who thereby turns into a baby elephant whose name is Hodgepodge. Hodgepodge had been under a spell by the queen, and owes Hugsy a favor, so they all ride on Hodgepodge's back to the castle. They enter the castle, are surrounded by troll-like beings, the queen (Queen Admira) comes, and Bridget asks for a few youngberries. The queen refuses, then eats one for herself, and brags about her own youthful good looks while looking in a hand mirror. Hodgepodge faints when the queen says he should be "digested." The queen is upset when Bridget mentions that wicked witches should have warts, so the queen freezes Bridget and orders the three others to be taken to the dungeon. But the queen carelessly leaves the key to the youngberry tree's dome by the lock to the dome-lifting apparatus.

Hodgepodge wakes up in the dungeon and uses his "noodle" (trunk) to pull the jail's door down, thereby freeing himself and the two dolls with him. They find Bridget standing petrified, the dolls hug her, which causes Bridget to be revived. Before they flee, Bridget finds the left-behind key to the youngberry tree dome, lifts the dome off, and they pick some glowing youngberries and put them in a jar. The queen catches them, but the queen's arm is trapped under the descending dome while reaching for the key that Bridget left on the ground. The queen suddenly turns very old since she is deprived of the youth-giving berries, and appears to die. Soon Bridget steps back through the mirror into her bedroom but trips on the bottom of the mirror, spilling the berries onto her floor, and the berries quickly vanish into smoke, one by one. Her mother calls for her and Andrew to say goodbye to Grams, who is leaving for a retirement home. Andrew drops his usual grumpy, standoffish facade and hugs Grams, telling her he loves her and that he doesn't want her to go away. Their father is moved, and decides to keep Grams there after all, and everybody hugs and cries, including Aunt Ruthie, who had been the main person pressuring Grams to move out.

Andrew asks Bridget for his St. Louis Cardinals cap, Bridget starts to explain how she gave it to Huggins of Huggaland, but Andrew doesn't want to listen to what he believes are her fantasy stories, so he turns around to look for it in her bedroom. One of the dolls secretly hands the cap back through the mirror to Bridget, Bridget puts the cap on Andrew's head, Andrew is mystified, and leaves her bedroom without saying anything. Bridget cheerfully waves at the mirror.

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Title Post: is lazy river rentals legitimate? is there any trouble with bringing 18 kids to a "rental beach house"?
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