How do I get rid of ants in my kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom?
Q. Okay, so i have an ant problem in my house... But mostly in the kitchen and bedroom. I live in Southern California and of course winter kicked in and I HATE bugs i just can't stand them and I really want to get rid of these ants because it just bugs me. And we cant call the exterminator because my little brother is seven months old and he cant leave the house for 6 hours.. Soo please and Thank you!! :)
A. go to the store buy some poison that you can pour places that you kid cant also clean the kitchen and your bedroom make sure theres no food there thats the main reason why ants go there and heres just and option at night get some old food put it some were you see a lot of ants put poison on the food and they will eat it and die etc
How can I break my dogs from sleeping in bed with me?
Q. I never let my daughter sleep in bed with me! Anyways, I have 2 dogs (German Sheppard/Rottiweiler mix) male and female, they fight over who gets in the bed with me. Not only that, they have their own pet beds, and they still try to get in bed with me. I have put their beds in the hallway and shut my bedroom door, then its whiny time, scratch at the door, and I can't sleep. So then, its bring the beds back in, and then one of them is back in my queen size bed, with me and my 6'8 hubby!
Please any suggestions!
DO NOT ANSWER this question if you DO NOT HAVE DOGS!!!
If you answer this in a rude or inhumane way, I will report you to Yahoo. Serious answers only.
Please any suggestions!
DO NOT ANSWER this question if you DO NOT HAVE DOGS!!!
If you answer this in a rude or inhumane way, I will report you to Yahoo. Serious answers only.
A. My dog used to sleep with me every night and I had to change her mind about that and give her a special bed that was all hers. This actually is the easy one to answer. First of all. Dogs and kids should never be on the bed unless invited. It's just good and polite ways of being in a family. So I will be so happy to help you. You first need to claim the bed. Work with one dog at a time. Actually start with claiming your bedroom. Have them out in the hall. You stand in the doorway. They have to sit quietly until you invite them in. You go in first. Pack leaders are always first. You can lead one at a time by holding a collar if they have one. Stand in front of the bed and say to your dog...NO in a calm voice or shhh or whatever little noise you want to make to get it's attention. Then have them go to their bed...say in a fun voice as something they would want to do...."go in your bed". It may take a few times and they may jump up on the bed. You quietly give them a nudge or again use the collar. Don't pull or push them down. They have to be the ones going down because you told them to go down. Now sit on your bed. Again they will want to come on it. You say NO or shhh or Go or whatever. And then lay on it and keep repeating NO and go to your bed in a firm, calm not frustrated voice. It's just normal they want to sleep with you because in the wild all of the pack sleeps together. So you have to convince them that they sleep in their bed. You can't let them on it one day and then off the next.You have to be very consistent with this. One person can't let them on and then the other says not to at least for awhile. If you see them in your bed. Every single time you have to make them not be on your bed and have them go to their beds. My dog now loves her bed and doesn't even want to sleep with me anymore.
How can I make a small home look and feel larger on a small budget?
Q. I am moving to a 3 bedroom with a dining area, kitchen, and 2 full baths... It sounds okay but the rooms are small... How can I make them appear bigger and not feel cluttered???
A. If you have a garage or storage area, build shelves and store items that are not used everyday out of vision. Likewise, I suggest that you remove closet poles and put shelves in the all closets. If you do not want to do that, try putting dressers in the closets. You can also paint the trim a lighter color than the walls. If you use a very light (white is great) high gloss paint for the trim and a cream or very light beige satin for the walls, you will also make the walls seems bigger and stand out. Don't use coffee tables. If you need a table by your couch, try one that is tall and not very deep. Place that behind the couch and angle the back of the couch so that it faces an open area. If you need night stands, get ones with drawers in them to utilize the space you have with more storage opportunities. Placing things on counter tops and table tops will make the room look smaller. Hidding as much as possible will give the illusion that you have more space to put your stuff. Therefore, try to illiminate the furniture you do not need will using the extra spaces that your furniture provides. Plastic storage boxes that stack are great; you can fit lots of things in them and they can even be used as tables. If you have an older child who needs a desk, try finding a loft bed that has a desk beneath it. Older kids seem to love these kinds of beds and they are truly space-saving! You could also put your own bed on bricks or bed stilts. A long bed ruffle will cover the storage boxes that fit under your slightly elevated bed. If you are very short of storage spaces, cut a piece of plyboard a little larger than the lid of a storage box full of things you do not regularly need (like Christmas decorations). Put the board on top of the box and put a long decorative cloth over the board. Use two as lamp tables beside your couch. If you still have extra money to spare after the move, you might invest in a TV that fits on the wall.
How can I convince my mom to let me go and that this is what I want?
Q. Background Information:
My parents are divorced and have been since the summer of 2011. I live with my 7 year old little sister and my mother at my aunts house in Washington (state). Both of my parents are homeless. My mom lives with her sister and my dad lives in the living room of a 2 bedroom apartment with 2 roommates (also in Washington about a 45 minute drive away). My sister and I see my dad every other weekend and some holidays every other year.
I get along with both of my parents very well in different ways, but lately I've been thinking of moving to (Moscow) Idaho with my dad. My mom said that if my little sister came with me she would be fine because she does not want us to be separated. My dad was of course totally fine with it but he even told me that my mom would not give up both kids. He says that I'm old enough (14 years old) to make my own decisions and that Victoria (my sister) should be able to say where she wants to live. I asked my little sister what she thought about moving and showed her the house (One that we would have to our selves) we would live in and she was up for the idea. She told my mom that she wanted to move with us and although I wasn't there for the whole conversation I over heard a few things.. My mom convinced my sister to stay by making her feel bad. My mother is very 'passive aggressive' (1 reason I would like to get away from her) and told my sister things like,
"You're going to cry every night if you go. Why would you make a stupid decision like that?" "If you go I'm going to be crying all the time, I'm going to miss you so much." "I just want to make everyone happy. If you think you'll be happy then fine I wont stop you." And when my sister gave in my mom said things like "By law you aren't even allowed to go." When you are both 18 you can go do whatever you want, but I'm not letting my kids go anywhere until then."
Hearing all of this makes me want to go even more. I knew Victoria wanted to stay with her mommy anyways and I think its for the best. I know that If I talk to my mom about it, she wont let me go. It's just going to create an argument that I wont win because of how sensitive and empathetic I am. I know it'll hurt her if I go and I wont be able to argue with her when she eventually starts crying. I hate that she uses my feelings against me. How do you think I can come to her senses and convince her that it'll make me happy? Should I write a letter? Or tell her straight up and try to win an argument? Trying to just 'Tell her how I feel' Isn't going to work and I already know that.
Why I want to move:
- My little sister and I fight a lot at home and if we split I feel like we would be closer. 'Distance makes the heart fonder'
- When living with my dad I feel as if I will have more chances to be more independent, learn new things, and be open to new experiences.
- I miss having my own place to live. Somewhere where I can actually call home and be myself at. I'm also at an age where I think I could really use a new room instead of sharing with a 7 year old or sleeping on the living room floor/couch.
- I hate the place I'm living. I want to go to the country side and just get out of the city. I hate the school and the weather and absolutely everything. I want to start over in a new place and at a new school. I want to make new friends and create new memories instead of living a depressed/stressful.
I love my mom very much as well as my sister and dad, but I'm just not happy here. How do I tell my mom this?
Can I really not leave with my dad by law?
I cry every night just thinking about it. I don't want to hurt my mom or my sister, friends family and everyone but I'm just not happy here... What do I do? What do I say?
-Thanks. //LS
My parents are divorced and have been since the summer of 2011. I live with my 7 year old little sister and my mother at my aunts house in Washington (state). Both of my parents are homeless. My mom lives with her sister and my dad lives in the living room of a 2 bedroom apartment with 2 roommates (also in Washington about a 45 minute drive away). My sister and I see my dad every other weekend and some holidays every other year.
I get along with both of my parents very well in different ways, but lately I've been thinking of moving to (Moscow) Idaho with my dad. My mom said that if my little sister came with me she would be fine because she does not want us to be separated. My dad was of course totally fine with it but he even told me that my mom would not give up both kids. He says that I'm old enough (14 years old) to make my own decisions and that Victoria (my sister) should be able to say where she wants to live. I asked my little sister what she thought about moving and showed her the house (One that we would have to our selves) we would live in and she was up for the idea. She told my mom that she wanted to move with us and although I wasn't there for the whole conversation I over heard a few things.. My mom convinced my sister to stay by making her feel bad. My mother is very 'passive aggressive' (1 reason I would like to get away from her) and told my sister things like,
"You're going to cry every night if you go. Why would you make a stupid decision like that?" "If you go I'm going to be crying all the time, I'm going to miss you so much." "I just want to make everyone happy. If you think you'll be happy then fine I wont stop you." And when my sister gave in my mom said things like "By law you aren't even allowed to go." When you are both 18 you can go do whatever you want, but I'm not letting my kids go anywhere until then."
Hearing all of this makes me want to go even more. I knew Victoria wanted to stay with her mommy anyways and I think its for the best. I know that If I talk to my mom about it, she wont let me go. It's just going to create an argument that I wont win because of how sensitive and empathetic I am. I know it'll hurt her if I go and I wont be able to argue with her when she eventually starts crying. I hate that she uses my feelings against me. How do you think I can come to her senses and convince her that it'll make me happy? Should I write a letter? Or tell her straight up and try to win an argument? Trying to just 'Tell her how I feel' Isn't going to work and I already know that.
Why I want to move:
- My little sister and I fight a lot at home and if we split I feel like we would be closer. 'Distance makes the heart fonder'
- When living with my dad I feel as if I will have more chances to be more independent, learn new things, and be open to new experiences.
- I miss having my own place to live. Somewhere where I can actually call home and be myself at. I'm also at an age where I think I could really use a new room instead of sharing with a 7 year old or sleeping on the living room floor/couch.
- I hate the place I'm living. I want to go to the country side and just get out of the city. I hate the school and the weather and absolutely everything. I want to start over in a new place and at a new school. I want to make new friends and create new memories instead of living a depressed/stressful.
I love my mom very much as well as my sister and dad, but I'm just not happy here. How do I tell my mom this?
Can I really not leave with my dad by law?
I cry every night just thinking about it. I don't want to hurt my mom or my sister, friends family and everyone but I'm just not happy here... What do I do? What do I say?
-Thanks. //LS
A. I feel for you.
And you are quite clever it seems!!
Right it's pretty hard to say all these things at once, so I think the letter is a good idea, but hand it directly to your mother and stand there whilst she reads it, what your letter should contain should be exactly:
"Why I want to move:
- My little sister and I fight a lot at home and if we split I feel like we would be closer. 'Distance makes the heart fonder'
- When living with my dad I feel as if I will have more chances to be more independent, learn new things, and be open to new experiences.
- I miss having my own place to live. Somewhere where I can actually call home and be myself at. I'm also at an age where I think I could really use a new room instead of sharing with a 7 year old or sleeping on the living room floor/couch.
- I hate the place I'm living. I want to go to the country side and just get out of the city. I hate the school and the weather and absolutely everything. I want to start over in a new place and at a new school. I want to make new friends and create new memories instead of living a depressed/stressful."
In my opinion.
You make a very strong argument, and no mother wants their daughter to be depressed
and it's not like you're moving to the other side of the world xD
she'll still get to see you and you'll still get to see her and your sister :)
I say go for it with the letter, it's a brilliant idea :)
good luck!!
And you are quite clever it seems!!
Right it's pretty hard to say all these things at once, so I think the letter is a good idea, but hand it directly to your mother and stand there whilst she reads it, what your letter should contain should be exactly:
"Why I want to move:
- My little sister and I fight a lot at home and if we split I feel like we would be closer. 'Distance makes the heart fonder'
- When living with my dad I feel as if I will have more chances to be more independent, learn new things, and be open to new experiences.
- I miss having my own place to live. Somewhere where I can actually call home and be myself at. I'm also at an age where I think I could really use a new room instead of sharing with a 7 year old or sleeping on the living room floor/couch.
- I hate the place I'm living. I want to go to the country side and just get out of the city. I hate the school and the weather and absolutely everything. I want to start over in a new place and at a new school. I want to make new friends and create new memories instead of living a depressed/stressful."
In my opinion.
You make a very strong argument, and no mother wants their daughter to be depressed
and it's not like you're moving to the other side of the world xD
she'll still get to see you and you'll still get to see her and your sister :)
I say go for it with the letter, it's a brilliant idea :)
good luck!!
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Title Post: How do I get rid of ants in my kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom?
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