How can i kitten proof my bedroom?
Q. I am going to adopt a kitten this week. She is going to have to stay in my bedroom until she can be de-clawed so she wont scratch all the nice furniture else were. How can i make my bedroom a fun, safe, and comfortable place for her while i am attending school? Please answer asap.
A. How to Kitten Proof Your Home
Kittens home safety tips should be considered almost before you bring home the new kitten. Learn how to kitten proof your home to keep her safe during the first baby-bumbling weeks together.
Think of the fur-kid as trouble waiting to happen. Normal kitten behavior gets these babies in trouble. Kittens poke with paws and knock breakables off tables. They bite and taste toys, toes, and other pets� tails. They dig potted plants, drink from toilets, crawl up the chimney, climb high�and fall far�from dangerous perches. How amazing kittens survive babyhood!
How to Kitten Proof Your Home
Ideally, confine the kitten to a single �safe� room you�ve inspected and stocked with all necessary kitty paraphernalia. But don�t neglect the rest of the house. Invest in kneepads and crawl around to view things at kitten eye-level, to predict and prevent problems, which might entice your furry dynamo.
Stop The Motion
Moving objects lure kittens to bite and play, and chomping a swaying electrical cord or even a telephone cord can kill. Get as many cords out of reach as possible, and immobilize the rest with tape or thread through a length of PVC pipe. Look for other dangerous temptations, such as the cords on Venetian blinds that can tangle or choke kittens.
A great training tool to keep kittens at bay is the nasty tasting bitter apple product available from pet supply stores. Vicks Vapo Rub also works because it smells very off-putting to most pets. Paint bitter apple or Vicks on forbidden objects to keep mouthy pets away.
Bang for Safety
Make a habit of banging on tops of appliances and checking inside before turning on washers, dryers, ovens or dishwashers. Kittens and many adult cats love warm hidey-holes and appliances can become deathtraps. The smell or taste of food left on dishes may lure a youngster inside the dishwasher, and you might close the door without realizing the kitty's inside. A new pet should be confined in a safe room whenever you can�t keep an eagle eye on her antics.
Put Away Plants
Plants and kittens don�t mix. If she can�t climb it, she may shred it, eat it, or empty it onto the floor and either the plant, the kitten, or both may die. Kitten-safe houseplants like coleus, piggyback, jade plant or others should be placed out of reach on high shelves, or hung from hooks. Sticky Paws, a type of double-sided tape product, works well to train kittens and adult cats to keep a respectful distance from forbidden plants. There's one specifically for plants.
Inspect Toys
Check all cat toys before giving them to the new baby. String-type objects and feathers provide lots of chasing fun, but if swallowed, can be lethal. Only play with string, yarn, and other swallow-able toys in supervised games and lock them away when you�re not around. Keep sewing supplies and fishing tackle boxes in secure cupboards. If you have a genius kitten able to open cupboards, invest in some child-proof locks to keep cleaning supplies out of reach. And be sure favorite yarn, ribbon, and fishing pole-type toys are kept out of reach when you can�t be there.
Countertop Cruisers
Make countertops near stoves off-limits, and enforce this rule even when you aren�t cooking. That�s not only a hygienic issue for you; it�s a safety issue for paw pads that easily burn. Physically remove the cat when you catch her in the act. You can cover the counter around the stove with tin foil�cats hate walking on this stuff, and it keeps most cats away. Or, place Sticky Paws on placemats that can be moved around to make it a less attractive perch. An innovative training product called the Ssscat� aerosol gives off a HISSSS of air that trains the cat to scat, when a motion detector triggered by the cat�s presence sets it off. You don�t even have to be present for it to work.
With the right preparation you can ensure your kitten remains angelic and turns away from the dark side that's filled with danger. You'll both be happier.
Kittens home safety tips should be considered almost before you bring home the new kitten. Learn how to kitten proof your home to keep her safe during the first baby-bumbling weeks together.
Think of the fur-kid as trouble waiting to happen. Normal kitten behavior gets these babies in trouble. Kittens poke with paws and knock breakables off tables. They bite and taste toys, toes, and other pets� tails. They dig potted plants, drink from toilets, crawl up the chimney, climb high�and fall far�from dangerous perches. How amazing kittens survive babyhood!
How to Kitten Proof Your Home
Ideally, confine the kitten to a single �safe� room you�ve inspected and stocked with all necessary kitty paraphernalia. But don�t neglect the rest of the house. Invest in kneepads and crawl around to view things at kitten eye-level, to predict and prevent problems, which might entice your furry dynamo.
Stop The Motion
Moving objects lure kittens to bite and play, and chomping a swaying electrical cord or even a telephone cord can kill. Get as many cords out of reach as possible, and immobilize the rest with tape or thread through a length of PVC pipe. Look for other dangerous temptations, such as the cords on Venetian blinds that can tangle or choke kittens.
A great training tool to keep kittens at bay is the nasty tasting bitter apple product available from pet supply stores. Vicks Vapo Rub also works because it smells very off-putting to most pets. Paint bitter apple or Vicks on forbidden objects to keep mouthy pets away.
Bang for Safety
Make a habit of banging on tops of appliances and checking inside before turning on washers, dryers, ovens or dishwashers. Kittens and many adult cats love warm hidey-holes and appliances can become deathtraps. The smell or taste of food left on dishes may lure a youngster inside the dishwasher, and you might close the door without realizing the kitty's inside. A new pet should be confined in a safe room whenever you can�t keep an eagle eye on her antics.
Put Away Plants
Plants and kittens don�t mix. If she can�t climb it, she may shred it, eat it, or empty it onto the floor and either the plant, the kitten, or both may die. Kitten-safe houseplants like coleus, piggyback, jade plant or others should be placed out of reach on high shelves, or hung from hooks. Sticky Paws, a type of double-sided tape product, works well to train kittens and adult cats to keep a respectful distance from forbidden plants. There's one specifically for plants.
Inspect Toys
Check all cat toys before giving them to the new baby. String-type objects and feathers provide lots of chasing fun, but if swallowed, can be lethal. Only play with string, yarn, and other swallow-able toys in supervised games and lock them away when you�re not around. Keep sewing supplies and fishing tackle boxes in secure cupboards. If you have a genius kitten able to open cupboards, invest in some child-proof locks to keep cleaning supplies out of reach. And be sure favorite yarn, ribbon, and fishing pole-type toys are kept out of reach when you can�t be there.
Countertop Cruisers
Make countertops near stoves off-limits, and enforce this rule even when you aren�t cooking. That�s not only a hygienic issue for you; it�s a safety issue for paw pads that easily burn. Physically remove the cat when you catch her in the act. You can cover the counter around the stove with tin foil�cats hate walking on this stuff, and it keeps most cats away. Or, place Sticky Paws on placemats that can be moved around to make it a less attractive perch. An innovative training product called the Ssscat� aerosol gives off a HISSSS of air that trains the cat to scat, when a motion detector triggered by the cat�s presence sets it off. You don�t even have to be present for it to work.
With the right preparation you can ensure your kitten remains angelic and turns away from the dark side that's filled with danger. You'll both be happier.
Need to get my tv signal from my upstairs bedroom to my down stairs computer?
Q. How do I get the tv signal from my bed room tv down to the computer in my kids bed room down stairs? What hardware software do I need to do this? I understand that I can get a free program called Orb and then I need some kind of hardware too? What do I need? What is the least over all least costly way of doing this? Will this include DVR programming?
The computer is a fairly old desk top but at least has USB ports if that matters.
The computer is a fairly old desk top but at least has USB ports if that matters.
A. If you want to run the Coax cable through your dry wall to the computer in your kids room you can go with this option
If not and would like to run a coax and wireless is your option I would go with the Slingbox Solo provided its not a basic COAX cable you want to hook up.
If not and would like to run a coax and wireless is your option I would go with the Slingbox Solo provided its not a basic COAX cable you want to hook up.
What are some good ways to commit suicide?
Q. I am 16 and has never had a boyfriend. Guys only seek me as a potential hook up. I do not have my permit or my license. I hate my body. I am 5'5 and I weight 140. I dont believe in god so I do not see the purpose of life. School is so stressful. I am depressed and I want to die. I hate my life and I want to kill myself without feeling pain. What are some ways. And no this is not a joke.
A. Try not to get so caught in the competitive lifestyles all American's are born into, sure you look around and see happy people, and cute couples, nice cars, and nice houses. Imagine that kid in Africa with aids suffering through his entire life waiting for death, with no food, or clothes let alone a boyfriend, I just got my first girlfriend I am nineteen. Sure there were times I was more depressed than you'll ever, where my body aches with physical pain everyday, I know your not there. But the truth is little lady, you only get what you give and your not giving a whole lot from the sounds of it. Be fun, be outgoing, be confident, these are all very hard traits, at the time for you I am sure, but face these fears slowly, and you'll make good steps forward, life's not easy.But your so blessed to be healthy and alive, my sister is 16 and very pretty she has never had a bf either. Do you even ask guys out, have you tried to love, guys aren't attracted to that girl moping in the corner, they usually like the one's that can look them in the eyes, and hold a conversation, seems like you need some hobbies, your probably just the typical high school girl who sits one face book all goddamn day. Maybe you have already given up, do you even keep active; do you play sports, play an instrument, make art, write poetry, in ways to express your bottled up negative energy. Do you ever step outside your body, and look at yourself and analyze what you like about yourself, and what you don't like, and how you can change it, or are you just another silly teenage girl, being over dramatic about your problems. If you want to kill yourself that's enough reason why you wouldn't have a bf, that's fuckin disgusting, you have this incredible gift as a living human being, something that has the potential to be the greatest being on the planet, and you wont kill it. Imagine your mother or brother or friend going into your bedroom and seeing your dead, cold body laying on your bed with a bottle of pills, and a chesey note, saying you have never had a boyfriend, your clueless kido, you got a lot growing up, to do. I hope this message from me to you opened up your about life a little, life is nothing, your that ant in your backyard. Anyone can give up when life throws um a punch, you got to be strong and confident in everything you do, be passionate about your acts, don't do anything halfhearted. Like you said before there is no God, but you have one part skewed, you put the purpose in your life, help the poor, help people going through the same things as you, people suffer just like, in every town, of every state, in every country, your not alone, Love is the secret, love all you see, love all you do, love your family friends, feel for their pain, love everyday as a blessing and a gift to be alive. Now does hanging yourself from a tree, seem like a good option, cmon fight.
Can a Wii display to 2 monitors simultaneously?
Q. We are planning to use a wii for an afterparty playing of guitar hero.
I would like to hook up a projector behind the players and a monitor in front of them so they are facing "the crowd"
Can the wii built in video support 2 monitors showing the same thing? One s-video, one composite?
I would like to hook up a projector behind the players and a monitor in front of them so they are facing "the crowd"
Can the wii built in video support 2 monitors showing the same thing? One s-video, one composite?
A. Not really, The Wii's cables only have the composite option right now. You would have to visit radio shack or your electronics dept for 3 splitters- ( I did this on a setup for a friend of mine so his kid could play in living room/bedroom) They're about 2-3 bucks apeice so It's about 9$ that you'll spend. They look like little Y's.
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