can i being landlord owner?
Q. reject a family from being a tenant by having too many kids? example 4 kids plus mother and father and the house consists of 2 10X10 bedrooms and one master bedroom. can i deny them?
A. Instead of saying- I'm sorry you cannot rent from me because you have too many children..why can't you say there is someone else ahead of you looking at the house and if they fall through I will give you a call back.
Ny neighbor is unbearable!!!?
Q. So I live in an apartment and my next door neighbor is SO LOUD. Don't underestimate, he slams cupboards shut and all I hear is the banging, kis kids throw balls against the walls, he has NEVER picked up one pile of dog poo and I take my dog that same way...I counted 22 piles yesterday in a 10x10 radius. What tops it all off is his alarm clock. For a while it was everyday, but not as often now. It will go off from 5AM until 7:30AM against my bedroom wall. I get up at 8. I have asked him nicely about his clock, which is why it stopped for a while. I complained to the fron toffice TWICE about him. I don't know how much more I can take, but I don't want to be the tenant that complains to the front all the time. I wake up at 5AM with the urge to key his car or something awful. I don't know how much more I can take or what else to do. Oh, and he is not technically allowed to have his dogs or his kids (it's an upstairs apt.) WHAT CAN I DO!!
I am a waitress and can't afford a house and my lease is up in September of 07'. He moved in shortly after I signed another lease. so moving is out of the question. And I have tried talking to him. It made no difference.
I am a waitress and can't afford a house and my lease is up in September of 07'. He moved in shortly after I signed another lease. so moving is out of the question. And I have tried talking to him. It made no difference.
A. you should complain again. i don't think there is anything else you can do. if it persists then you could try getting out of your lease. i had a very noisy neighbor at my last complex and i complained several times. nothing was ever done. i eventually got fed up and told the landlord that i had to move as i couldn't live like that. i was allowed to break my lease without penalty as they had all of my complaints on file. you may not get as lucky as i did but it is worth a shot. good luck
My boyfriend spends to much time at parents house, Should i say anything?
Q. Ok. My boyfriend is almost 30 and he is literally at his parents house like 24/7. If hes not at work hes there. We have our own apt so its not like he has no where to go. Im always welcome there but sometimes i want to sit on my own couch and watch tv. Thats the other thing, his fam doesnt hang out in their living room they all sit back in their 10x10 bedroom. We recently had a kid so i know the "grandparents" want to spend time with him but when im at work they babysit so they see the kid all the time. This is really straining our relationship and i dont know whether to say anything or not. If i do hes going to blame me somehow and then im sure tell his parents what i said. Also we have a hard time communicating anyway. What do ya'll think i should do? Go for it or keep my mouth shut
A. wow.....
i have a strange picture in my head of his family being 5 or 6 overweight people sitting in various places in a 10x10 bedroom drinking beer, watching an old tv.. the smell i could imagine is deplorable.
i could understand why you don't wanna go!
aside from that, this guy kinda seems like a wuss. a total and complete mamas boy with extreme separation anxiety.
would you consider him as someone who's moderately selfish?
whatever.. i'm probably way off....
as far as how to approach this, you obviously cant make him ween himself from his mom's titt until his mom is ready to do so....
I've literally heard of people well into their teen years breast feeding from their moms.. they see no problem with it, and either do their parents. but to people outside looking in, it's sick..
your husband probably isn't literally doing that at 30, but he may as well be.. he needs to start his OWN life, with YOU, and move out of the nest..
i almost guarantee if you told him "hey... i found a new job in new york" he'd be like "WOW that sucks... i'll never get to see you or the kid anymore! "
i dunno...... this is a hard one..... he needs to learn to be a man. a REAL man.....
wow........................ well.... i don't think i really offered any advice here, but, i hope you're able to stay strong enough to get through this and somehow change the tides a little..
could you possibly talk to his parents??????????????????? that's probably a bad idea huh????
start doing things at home that require him to be there... like... cook dinner a little later at night so he has less of a chance of dining and dashing....
buy some sexy clothes and lay them out in the morning so he knows what to expect when he gets home.... then make sure to make it wait until right before bed so he has to stay there waiting...
i dunno.. buy a big screen tv...
other than that, see a counselor.... You are going to need some help getting him out of that habit...
i have a strange picture in my head of his family being 5 or 6 overweight people sitting in various places in a 10x10 bedroom drinking beer, watching an old tv.. the smell i could imagine is deplorable.
i could understand why you don't wanna go!
aside from that, this guy kinda seems like a wuss. a total and complete mamas boy with extreme separation anxiety.
would you consider him as someone who's moderately selfish?
whatever.. i'm probably way off....
as far as how to approach this, you obviously cant make him ween himself from his mom's titt until his mom is ready to do so....
I've literally heard of people well into their teen years breast feeding from their moms.. they see no problem with it, and either do their parents. but to people outside looking in, it's sick..
your husband probably isn't literally doing that at 30, but he may as well be.. he needs to start his OWN life, with YOU, and move out of the nest..
i almost guarantee if you told him "hey... i found a new job in new york" he'd be like "WOW that sucks... i'll never get to see you or the kid anymore! "
i dunno...... this is a hard one..... he needs to learn to be a man. a REAL man.....
wow........................ well.... i don't think i really offered any advice here, but, i hope you're able to stay strong enough to get through this and somehow change the tides a little..
could you possibly talk to his parents??????????????????? that's probably a bad idea huh????
start doing things at home that require him to be there... like... cook dinner a little later at night so he has less of a chance of dining and dashing....
buy some sexy clothes and lay them out in the morning so he knows what to expect when he gets home.... then make sure to make it wait until right before bed so he has to stay there waiting...
i dunno.. buy a big screen tv...
other than that, see a counselor.... You are going to need some help getting him out of that habit...
what are the chances we could get custody of my b/f's son?
Q. Currently my boyfriend and I are having a lot of issues being able to see his 7 year old son whom he has joint custody of with his soon to be ex wife. Now, please hear out all of the details and tell me if we stand any chance whatsoever of getting him to come live with us.
My boyfriend and I live in a spacious one bedroom apt together. His ex lives with her new fiance' and their one week old newborn son along with my boyfriend's son in one 3rd of her mother's finished basement. The baby's room is 4X6, her bedroom is the living room, and my boyfriend's son's room is 10X10 with no doors, no windows, and it's actually the center of that whole area. You can't get to the bathroom or the baby's room without going through his room.
Last summer she filed a motion to get full custody because she decided on a whim with no proof and no allegations that my boyfriend was an unfit parent. The court decided to have my boyfriend do supervised visits twice a week with his son with his ex and her fiance' supervising. Now, we've finally established a temporary agreement where he gets him for two hours on wednesday evenings and 5 hours on saturdays. we live 45 minutes away and we have to do all the traveling to get him by the way. His ex does not have a job, does not have a license or a car, and her boyfriend is a cart pusher at walmart. she's on welfare. my boyfriend and I both have fulltime jobs and pay our own bills. he pays her 86 bucks a week in child support.
His son has been extremely upset for weeks now because he wants to spend more time with us and he hates living in that basement. he says that all the grown ups in his house are constantly arguing and fighting and no one gives him any attention. His grandmother tells him bullshit about his father about how he's trying to use him and take advantage of him (she's a huge manipulator, constantly fights with her daughter about how to raise her kids, etc....). Regardless of who he lives with, my boyfriend and I or his mother, we think it's best he moves out of that basement because there is too much dysfunction from his grandparents.
My boyfriend goes back to court next month and they will finally rule on if she should get full custody or not (which isn't a chance I'm sure). They've both had to speak to the department of children and family's and they were both supposed to schedule a home visit. We did our home visit but she still has not done hers.
Also, my boyfriend says that she is a very lazy and messy person. He said when he lived there she never did anything, didn't work, while he worked 2 jobs and cleaned the house and fed their kid. he said he would come home from work and his son would be crying he was hungry and she'd be on the couch watching soaps.
We have no proof whatsoever that is submissive in court to prove that she would be an unfit parent or that he'd be better off with us. The way we see it, since there are 3 people in that house who don't work, there's always someone there, and that looks better in court than 2 people who work 8-5 mon thru fri. I suggested that she be allowed to pick him up from school everyday and my boyfriend pick him up from her house on the way home from work, but she doesn't have a car and we live 45 min away, there's no way she'd do that. I think his son would be a lot happier living with us because we don't argue alot, and anytime we do disagree, we take it in the other room away from the kid. We also would be more flexible with his mother as to when she can see him. This way, he gets to see both his parents as much as possible, whereas right now he's inconsolably crying day in and day out that he misses his dad, and they don't give a crap.
So, what should we do?
we live in CT and we are prepared to make accommodation so he has his own room in our place. The reason for the supervised visits was her mother telling her an untrue story that she "thought" that my boyfriend was hitting his son. He had no marks and he came right out and said that my boyfriend did not hit him, but because that night my b/f dropped him off with his grandmother instead of his mother, and she hates him, she manipulated her daughter into believing it so she took him to court. The judge said just to be extra safe, and so that my boyfriend could still see his son while the case was open, they allowed for supervised visits. they only lasted 2 months before they agreed that was stupid. btw, his son has his own ad litem as well, but he doesn't seem to be doing a good job
First of all, it wasn't because he didn't step up that she is on welfare. They have been separated for quite some time. She is just now going on welfare because she is too lazy to go to work. SHE EVEN SAID THAT. I WAS THERE. 2ndly, I do not go to court with him. I stay out of it. The only reason I am writing this up is because asked me to. 3rdly, I have been with him for a long time, I am not a stranger to his child. I love his child like my own. I am not legally a stepmother but he does see me that way. And one day I will be legally. 4thly, I myself thought the court would not want anything to do with me, but because we live together and I am an influence on his child, they have asked and basically told me that I need to talk with them and give them my side of the story and that my influence on the child is taken into consideration. Sorry I couldn't spell it out for you in the first question, but jesus, I thought I wrote enough. Now, please just give me some answers I can give my b/f
My boyfriend and I live in a spacious one bedroom apt together. His ex lives with her new fiance' and their one week old newborn son along with my boyfriend's son in one 3rd of her mother's finished basement. The baby's room is 4X6, her bedroom is the living room, and my boyfriend's son's room is 10X10 with no doors, no windows, and it's actually the center of that whole area. You can't get to the bathroom or the baby's room without going through his room.
Last summer she filed a motion to get full custody because she decided on a whim with no proof and no allegations that my boyfriend was an unfit parent. The court decided to have my boyfriend do supervised visits twice a week with his son with his ex and her fiance' supervising. Now, we've finally established a temporary agreement where he gets him for two hours on wednesday evenings and 5 hours on saturdays. we live 45 minutes away and we have to do all the traveling to get him by the way. His ex does not have a job, does not have a license or a car, and her boyfriend is a cart pusher at walmart. she's on welfare. my boyfriend and I both have fulltime jobs and pay our own bills. he pays her 86 bucks a week in child support.
His son has been extremely upset for weeks now because he wants to spend more time with us and he hates living in that basement. he says that all the grown ups in his house are constantly arguing and fighting and no one gives him any attention. His grandmother tells him bullshit about his father about how he's trying to use him and take advantage of him (she's a huge manipulator, constantly fights with her daughter about how to raise her kids, etc....). Regardless of who he lives with, my boyfriend and I or his mother, we think it's best he moves out of that basement because there is too much dysfunction from his grandparents.
My boyfriend goes back to court next month and they will finally rule on if she should get full custody or not (which isn't a chance I'm sure). They've both had to speak to the department of children and family's and they were both supposed to schedule a home visit. We did our home visit but she still has not done hers.
Also, my boyfriend says that she is a very lazy and messy person. He said when he lived there she never did anything, didn't work, while he worked 2 jobs and cleaned the house and fed their kid. he said he would come home from work and his son would be crying he was hungry and she'd be on the couch watching soaps.
We have no proof whatsoever that is submissive in court to prove that she would be an unfit parent or that he'd be better off with us. The way we see it, since there are 3 people in that house who don't work, there's always someone there, and that looks better in court than 2 people who work 8-5 mon thru fri. I suggested that she be allowed to pick him up from school everyday and my boyfriend pick him up from her house on the way home from work, but she doesn't have a car and we live 45 min away, there's no way she'd do that. I think his son would be a lot happier living with us because we don't argue alot, and anytime we do disagree, we take it in the other room away from the kid. We also would be more flexible with his mother as to when she can see him. This way, he gets to see both his parents as much as possible, whereas right now he's inconsolably crying day in and day out that he misses his dad, and they don't give a crap.
So, what should we do?
we live in CT and we are prepared to make accommodation so he has his own room in our place. The reason for the supervised visits was her mother telling her an untrue story that she "thought" that my boyfriend was hitting his son. He had no marks and he came right out and said that my boyfriend did not hit him, but because that night my b/f dropped him off with his grandmother instead of his mother, and she hates him, she manipulated her daughter into believing it so she took him to court. The judge said just to be extra safe, and so that my boyfriend could still see his son while the case was open, they allowed for supervised visits. they only lasted 2 months before they agreed that was stupid. btw, his son has his own ad litem as well, but he doesn't seem to be doing a good job
First of all, it wasn't because he didn't step up that she is on welfare. They have been separated for quite some time. She is just now going on welfare because she is too lazy to go to work. SHE EVEN SAID THAT. I WAS THERE. 2ndly, I do not go to court with him. I stay out of it. The only reason I am writing this up is because asked me to. 3rdly, I have been with him for a long time, I am not a stranger to his child. I love his child like my own. I am not legally a stepmother but he does see me that way. And one day I will be legally. 4thly, I myself thought the court would not want anything to do with me, but because we live together and I am an influence on his child, they have asked and basically told me that I need to talk with them and give them my side of the story and that my influence on the child is taken into consideration. Sorry I couldn't spell it out for you in the first question, but jesus, I thought I wrote enough. Now, please just give me some answers I can give my b/f
A. The biggest problem I see from your b/f is you. You have absolutely no rights as a parent (because you are not married) b/f g/f does not have any standing in the courts.
The fact that the wife is collecting Welfare would mean that when the father (your b/f) had the opportunity to step-up as a husband/father he did not; so the mother/wife needed to find other means of support - fast.
Do this math: your b/f Child-support is
$86/week or 7day 7/86=$12.29per/day; now divide that by 3/meals a day without snacks. Now all states require that a child have food/clothing/shelter which includes medical/dental, since your b/f only pays $86 because the county said he has to means that you b/f is earning somewhere in the area of about $345 before taxes. Which also means that the people of your state are picking up the tab for the remainder of the child's needs. Remember your income does not count because you are not married and your income can leave when you do; unless you want welfare to include your money as your b/f income then the state won't have the additional burden.
If your b/f has a problem traveling to see what you call his inconsolably child, because your b/f would not leave his side and that would not be a good thing to say to a judge. Judges just want to know the facts not the drama between your b/f and his wife; and if you really want to do your b/f a favor don't should up to court, just more drama, you are not married to him and he is not divorced yet.
The work schedule 8-5 M/F has not barring on what the court looks at; when visitation is given; it is not to separate parents from their children; so if your b/f can go everyday after work and have dinner with his child the courts will grant it; but on the other hand if he gives a schedule of his choice and does not use it, it will be taken away. Messy Messy Messy.
You are assuming a lot for a g/f when you think a child will be happier with a stranger than their own mother, and I highly suggest you not put that in your b/f head anymore, because you are going to find yourself in a position of trouble maker; you are just his g/f not his wife; he is still married (and it does not matter if she has a b/f because both of the relationships are the same out of wedlock) you do not get brownie points because you really don't know what goes on in the other house. And, for that matter you only know what your b/f wanted you to know what went on in his home when he lived with his wife.
As for unfit parent again, you have NO say, and the courts would not take your opinion or observations anyway. Be careful about the pedestal you are looking down from and pointing out others bad behavior; you only know what your b/f wants you to know.
Your b/f can request another ad litem if the current one is not looking after the minor child's best interest.
And, if there was a question of injury to the child the police should have been called in immediately or rush to the hospital. That poor child give him a break and all of you grow up; you all sound dangerous.
I don't care about a thumb down -
You have an answer, you just don't like it - if your b/f is going to accuse his wife of negligence as a parent HE HAS TO PROVE IT, he wants to take her parental rights away but he has to PROVE IT, you are not the wife, you and your b/f don't make the rules - if the judge could see this hostile response from you, your b/f would truly lose some of his parental right because you are only his g/f. Like the answer hate the answer you have to take the emotion out of your case, this is business, the business of raising a child and dealing with a pending divorce. You are jealous and it shows.
The fact that the wife is collecting Welfare would mean that when the father (your b/f) had the opportunity to step-up as a husband/father he did not; so the mother/wife needed to find other means of support - fast.
Do this math: your b/f Child-support is
$86/week or 7day 7/86=$12.29per/day; now divide that by 3/meals a day without snacks. Now all states require that a child have food/clothing/shelter which includes medical/dental, since your b/f only pays $86 because the county said he has to means that you b/f is earning somewhere in the area of about $345 before taxes. Which also means that the people of your state are picking up the tab for the remainder of the child's needs. Remember your income does not count because you are not married and your income can leave when you do; unless you want welfare to include your money as your b/f income then the state won't have the additional burden.
If your b/f has a problem traveling to see what you call his inconsolably child, because your b/f would not leave his side and that would not be a good thing to say to a judge. Judges just want to know the facts not the drama between your b/f and his wife; and if you really want to do your b/f a favor don't should up to court, just more drama, you are not married to him and he is not divorced yet.
The work schedule 8-5 M/F has not barring on what the court looks at; when visitation is given; it is not to separate parents from their children; so if your b/f can go everyday after work and have dinner with his child the courts will grant it; but on the other hand if he gives a schedule of his choice and does not use it, it will be taken away. Messy Messy Messy.
You are assuming a lot for a g/f when you think a child will be happier with a stranger than their own mother, and I highly suggest you not put that in your b/f head anymore, because you are going to find yourself in a position of trouble maker; you are just his g/f not his wife; he is still married (and it does not matter if she has a b/f because both of the relationships are the same out of wedlock) you do not get brownie points because you really don't know what goes on in the other house. And, for that matter you only know what your b/f wanted you to know what went on in his home when he lived with his wife.
As for unfit parent again, you have NO say, and the courts would not take your opinion or observations anyway. Be careful about the pedestal you are looking down from and pointing out others bad behavior; you only know what your b/f wants you to know.
Your b/f can request another ad litem if the current one is not looking after the minor child's best interest.
And, if there was a question of injury to the child the police should have been called in immediately or rush to the hospital. That poor child give him a break and all of you grow up; you all sound dangerous.
I don't care about a thumb down -
You have an answer, you just don't like it - if your b/f is going to accuse his wife of negligence as a parent HE HAS TO PROVE IT, he wants to take her parental rights away but he has to PROVE IT, you are not the wife, you and your b/f don't make the rules - if the judge could see this hostile response from you, your b/f would truly lose some of his parental right because you are only his g/f. Like the answer hate the answer you have to take the emotion out of your case, this is business, the business of raising a child and dealing with a pending divorce. You are jealous and it shows.
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