Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Would it be a good or bad idea to rent a house to college students?

Q. I was thinking about buying a 3-bedroom house in Livonia, Michigan to rent out to college students. They would probably be going to Schoolcraft College, a 2-year college with no dorms. I figure I would charge $1200 a month (the typical rent rate), and each student would pay $400. What kind of problems or headaches would I be looking at?

A. Totally depends on the students.

Rentals were a huge success where i went to school (by BYU) so the kids were all religious, recently returned missionaries. Not destructive or immature. Wish I coulda got a rental there to rent out. And this may sound rude but, usually if you stick to renting to girls, they are cleaner and more mature around that age. Im just sayin.....

How do you not go into rescue mode when you read stories of kids if foster care?
Q. Everytime I read about kids spending their entire childhood in foster care, I find it hard to not go into resuce mode.

I want so bad to do something, but there is no way I could handle another child rght now. I only have a 3 bedroom house and work full time.

What can I do to help these kids currently in foster care? Without being a foster parent?

A. I was a foster kid from age 7 until I aged out of the system at 18.

Here are some suggestions for what you can do:

1) Buy some luggage and backpacks and donate them to a group home or CPS. Kids in foster care usually carry their stuff around in bags or old suitcases. I never had a backpack for school stuff.

2) Donate things like toothbrushes, razors, shampoo, and other tioletries to group homes or CPS. These are things that foster parents need all the time.

3) When christmas comes, PLEASE donate some "fun" gifts, like toys and games and balls. All the gifts on the "Angel Tree" are usually things kids need like coats and PJs. Kids need fun things too.

4) Become a CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) for a foster child. It requires you meeting with the kid once a week and forming a relationship with the child. BUT IT ALSO is your job to speak for the child and what it is in the best interest of the child. For example, you might recommend that the child get therapy if you discover the child is depressed. You would goto the judge and report this.

6) Donate books for kids of all levels. Kids in foster care are usually behind in schooling. Having boxes of books in group homes let the kids pick books that they feel comfortable trying to read.

There are lots of things people can do, which can really help.
Thanks for asking.

Ii have 6 kids what is the best way to get organized ?
Q. we live in a 3 bedroom house there seems to be stuff eveywhere want to cut down on the clutter
i have 4boys 2 girls boys are 15, 13, 8, 2 girls are 6 and 5 months old

A. IKEA! It's inexpensive and they have lots of great organizational furniture and items. They sell plenty of various kids things too, especially for storing books, toys and project supplies. Under-bed storage is a great place to store lots of clothes or bedding.

With that many kids, things will never be perfect, but the best way to be organized is to make sure that everything has a place. That way it can always be returned once it is used.

Additionally, teach your children from a young age to pick up after themselves and to clean up before they switch from one thing to another. Never go to bed with a messy home and it will become a habit.

Lastly, unless an item has sentimental or monetary value, if you haven't used it in a year, throw it away or donate it. Unused items can take up so much space in a home that can otherwise be used for storing and putting away items that you use each day.

How do you feel about the woman who had octuplets?
Q. From what I read she has 6 other kids, is single, doesn't work, and lives in a 3 bedroom house with her parents.

Should she be able to have that many kids, or do you think the doctor that helped her lose his job?

A. I am totally disgusted. How in the world is she affording this??? And plastic surgery to boot. Did you see her pictures on dateline tonight? Her face was entirely different two years ago. Where is the money coming from? Is disability that generous? She doesn't look disabled to me. She says she had a back injury, but how, then, did she carry all those babies??? There's something sickly fishy about her. That fertility doctor shares the blame. I'm sure he just wanted to become famous. Something's really, really weird. I'm sure the media will blow it wide open... Well if it was fame she was after ((trying to be Angelina)), she's getting it. But she's gross. Just gross.

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Title Post: Would it be a good or bad idea to rent a house to college students?
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