Friday, December 21, 2012

What should I do for Christmas this year?

Q. My kids already have to many toys and clothes. I was thinking of getting them a laptop but hubby veto that idea.

How does new bedroom furniture sound? I could fix up their rooms (which would most likely be a better idea as I plan to sell the house next year)
We did just take a trip to Louisiana but I could take them to my Dad's Lake house.

My kids play ball and catch but not to good at sports they are only 4 yrs, 2 yrs and 5 months old

A. So you have an infant to a 4 year old and aren't going to do Christmas for them because "they have enough all ready". I'm sorry but I think it's a bad idea all the way around.
Taking a trip or redoing their rooms at that age is not going to be appreciated. Kids want things they can unwrap and play with not furniture they have to "keep nice" or a trip that they may never remember taking years later. Besides, if you're moving anyway, why sink all the money into redoing any room when you won't be living there and the new owner is likely to change it anyway after they move in.

Your best bit is to go through all the toys they don't play with anymore and donate them long before Christmas. If they are broke or have critical missing pieces, throw them away. Clothing, if you can't reuse it as hand me downs for your younger children and it has no sentimental value to you then donate it as well if it is free of severe wear and stains.

Buy them some new books. New clothing or PJ's for Christmas. Get some toys like an art center, something for outside rather than inside if you are over run in the house. How about new toy boxes with their names on them for their rooms to keep their personal things in? get some board games for kids that are in their age range to play together.
My son has oodles of indoor things to play with but for his birthday in March instead of telling people "don't buy him toys he has too much all ready" we just told them "outdoor toys, swim items for summer or books". Kids like things they can have and open. When they are this young it is more important to them. As for stockings you could always put in some treats, new crayons, coloring books, tub toys (throw out worn out ones that you have at home), things that can go in the car to amuse them with a tote with their name on them to keep in the car with their car toys.

A laptop at their age is a bad idea. It would end up broken and would be a waste for them at their age.

How do I stop my 8 year old daughter from being afraid of her bedroom?
Q. My 8 year old daughter refuses to sleep in her room at night alone. She's complained of hearing scratching noises from the ceiling and having a feeling of something watching her. I've explained the scratching noise is our cat playing the in the other room, with the sound traveling through the connected air vents.

Here's the kicker. I've lived in this 4 bedroom house alone for over ten years and never had a problem. I bought the house new, and there's no creaking floors or knocking pipes or anything like that. When I was first married, the room in question was my wife and my bedroom. She got an occasional "odd" feeling, but she wasn't scared. When the kids came to live with us, we moved into the master bedroom, made my office a bedroom for our son, and gave our old bedroom to our daughter. Of course, both rooms were repainted and decorated accordingly.

Initially, neither of them liked having their own room, because they had spent their entire lives sharing a bedroom. Eventually our son (6) got excited about sleeping alone in his own room, but our daughter refuses to sleep in her bedroom. At first, she at least tried to sleep in her room. Normally around 3 am she'd come and wake us up. Now she'd rather sleep on the floor in the hallway to her bedroom than to sleep in her bedroom. I've left every light on, read to her, left music playing, nothing has had any affect. She's still terrified of sleeping in her room alone.

Here's another kicker, when we have family stay with us, our daughter sleeps with her brother in his room, and our guest sleeps in our daughter's room. The three females we've had stay have all said they felt uncomfortable in her bedroom. The two males we've had stay had no complaints. I don't know if our guests mentioned being uncomfortable before or after being told about our daughter's refusal to sleep in there.

I've analyzed the room as much as I can. The only things I can think of is to remove the mirror, rearrange the furniture, and maybe get rid of some of her dolls (she has probably 30 or 40 plastic eyes watching her go to bed.)

My wife has sprinkled holy water and burned "evil-away" incense though out the house,

Does anyone have any suggestions that might help? I'm afraid she's too old for "monster away" spray, but too young for logical reasoning.

A. Not to freak you out or anything but ghost are in homes. Old or new. Children at that age normally can't make up the things she is saying.

You (alone) try sleeping in the room and see if you (alone) have the same feeling.

If you don't then I would try something that I tried on my 7 year old daughter. I had a chart and everytime she stayed in her room she would get a sticker when the chart was filled, I would buy/take her anywhere she wanted (it was listed on the top of the chart, so she knew what she was aiming for) and then I would fulfill my end of the bargin. She now has no chart and stays in her own room.

On a different note, I know for a fact that my middle child's room had ghosts. When she was 8 years ago we moved to this house and she all of a sudden started complaining about seeing things and hear things. I was like go back to bed. And I would be like there is nothing in your room but you. And then I decided to sleep in the room. OMG...She wasn't lying there was something unhuman in that room. It would touch you, make itself seen to you (in the dark) and just be there (it sat on the bed and I felt the bed go down, turned on the light and nothing was there).

About two months later, I gave that house back to the bank!! My daughter still have problems to this day and I wish I would have believed her sooner (we lived in that house 8 years).

Is this room cute for a teen girl sharing a bedroom with a younger kid?
Q. I am almost a teen and I have to share a room with an 8 year old. I have to have a bunk bed room because my room is small. Which one of the rooms look better?,r:8,s:9&biw=1020&bih=516

or this one
the girls in the 1st pic is not me lol.

A. i absolutely love the first one. i wish i could have a bunk bed with steps!! luckyyyy!!!!!!! it would look so good!!
hope i helpeddd:)

How can I teach my children not to be so destructive?
Q. My husband and I are both in the process of remodeling our home and there have been times that we have had to tear out entire rooms and start from scratch. Could this be a reason they are playing this way? My daughter is five and my son is three. When they are playing together they usually write on something, break something , or use things in a way they are not intended. They constantly take the mattresses off of their beds, etc... I have two other older children, and they were never like this! I am home during the day. Both of my younger children go to preschool. I work nights and go to school the rest of the week. My husband is home with them in the evening for the time being. I could really use the advice!

A. Since they are pulling the beds apart, take the mattresses off the beds and set them on the floor and remove their bedroom furniture. If they are using something inappropriately it is up to the PARENTS to step in and say "NO you do not use this in that way". If they write on something make them clean it. It is quite obvious that these kids at some point in the day are not being and your husband need to get on the same page concerning their supervision. Just because a parent is at home doesn't mean the children are being supervised. I know from expierence.

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Title Post: What should I do for Christmas this year?
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