Thursday, December 20, 2012

What should I buy with my own money?

Q. Ok I know a million other people have asked this question.

What should I get I am going to be 13 soon. I have an iPod nano 3, a cell phone, a gameboy :(, a wii (shareed with my bro) and some other things.

I was thinking I would get a Nintendo DSi, a PSP or and Ipod touch. What do you guys think. Or any other ideas would also be helpful.

Do not say a camera!!

A. i like the ipod touch idea. i got 1 for my b-day in oct and i love it but i would not spend the money on a nintendo DSi because the games arent that good.

my suggestions:

shopping spree
tiffany necklace
a wii for urself
camera (just kidding!)
something ur parents wont get u (lol)
laptop (macs rock)
mall spree (its soooo fun 2 walk into the mall, see somethin in the window and just buy it. not having 2 ask or beg 4 money)
heelys (best shoe on earth only 80$)
jewarlery set
a dog
a cat
pool if u have enough money
bedroom renovation

Just put offer in on house so nervous?
Q. My husband and I just put an offer on a house listed for $336k and we offered 300k. The house was listed for 2 months and already dropped 10k in asking. It is owned by an elderly woman living with her kids after her husband passed away. The home need major renovations. We are looking to put 30k in everything from new kitchen to toilets paint, flooring. Every room and appliance in the house is outdated but the home has great bones in a great neighborhood. Comparables in the area sell for about 350 but that is with them being completely move in ready and an extra bedroom or bath. Does our offer seem reasonable? Home was assessed at 320

A. Go grab a couple of bottles of wine, it is Saturday night after all, and relax. Our opinion of your offer is completely meaningless as we don't know the market you are buying in nor how you determined the comps. The only opinion that matters is the sellers' and you aren't going to find out his/her reaction tonight, so drink up! ... my fingers are crossed for you, but you should expect a counter-offer. Congrats on finding the right house.

Hello everyone. I have a little dilema with the question of 2 bedrooms vs. 3.?
Q. Without any renovations our 2 bedroom's features blow away any other 2 bedroom in the surrounding area (will be 2.5 bath since there originally wasn't one on the 1st floor, 2 fireplaces, breakfast nook, screened in porch and part. finished basement etc.) but the house isn't big enough to put another bedroom on the 1st/2nd floor. Our other option is to put one in the basement that we are going to finish but we hear those don't sell well plus there are certain codes we have to follow. The area is nice, but isn't booming with resale $ so we don't want to overspend on renovations. However, we also don't want to limit what we could get because its nicer than most 3 bedrooms in the area but only has 2. im thinking possibly doing a "study that can be used as a 3rd bedroom" to not have to stick to code but give people the idea they COULD have a 3rd bedroom if they needed it. This sound good or should i go with the actual 3rd bedroom? Or should I just save the money and leave it as 2.

A. Maybe what you might want to take into account also is the KIND of people who live in your area generally. Are there a lot of DINKs? (Dual income, no kids..) They typically need less space so a 2 bedroom would be plenty for them probably if they're nice. Is it mostly younger families? If so, then you probably want to see how much making a 3rd bedroom would cost (including adding an extra door if necessary to meet the fire code) because a young family will be more likely to have young kids and want at least a 3 bedroom house.

With the 3rd bedroom, many communities will have fire codes about the egress you have to have (for obvious safety reasons). We have a walk-out basement so we get a pass but if the only way out is up the basement stairs you'd probably have to add a door to comply with the local fire code.

I think you'd be better off with the study since you say the area "isn't booming with resale $$". If you make a 3rd bedroom and it isn't something you'll use, then you're spending a lot of money on a bet that someone else will want it one day. I tend to believe you should make the house the way YOU want it...unless you plan on putting it on the market soon.

How's your home ?
Q. In and out.

And your neighborhood?

If you can, please, tell me where do you live. ( The country, at least, and, if possible, the city )

And the home where you grew up?

And other(s) that were important in your life?

Thank you for sharing your life with me!:)

A. Home is where the heart is; and my heart has been to three very different places. :)

Let me tell you about the three places I call home, starting from the present one, and I will work my way backwards. My current home has surely got the be the one I love the most, because it is MINE, ALL MINE. It has a red exterior akin to blood red (yes, no kidding!) with potted plants and a mango tree in the yard. My neighbours, family and I have all tasted the fruits of said mango tree, and I must say the taste is divine. Too bad I cannot send some to you, Moon. :)

The interior of my home is as colourful as my life. Bright red for the kitchen, soft pink for the bathrooms, soothing peach for the living room and computer room and upstairs where my bedroom is, it is all apple green. Colourful, yes? I have to tell you that my home is the ONLY ONE with a red exterior in my neighbourhood and you can actually notice it from afar.

I get along well with my neighbours. Only this morning I called up one neighbour to check if my house keys had been left at the door as I had already reached the office. Sure enough, I had left them there!! Very careless, I know. The keys are now in the safe keeping of my neighbour. A lot of good having 2 pet kittens as 'guard cats' will do, for they will probably give any potential robbers their 'couldn't care less' look and continue with their sleep.

You know where I live (the country, at least), so I shall not disclose that information here. The other place I call home is my parents' home which I visit at least once a week. Right now major renovation is being done to the house, and when complete will be a virtual palace (to me anyway, because it will be twice as big as my house). It is good since the whole clan (my other siblings and their family) congregates here.

Now, my childhood home. I grew up in this big, very old-fashioned house belonging to my great great grandfather. It was big enough to house my family, one aunt, and three grandaunts. We have all since moved out of the house, but I have womderful memories there. It was during this time that I learnt how to speak Chinese (Cantonese) as my nearby neighbours were Chinese. Alas, I have forgotten how to speak it now, save for some very simple words.

My childhood home still stands though it is now unoccupied. My aunt goes there once in a while to check on things and do some cleaning up. The house has been in the family for 103 years and if it could speak, what tales it would tell!!

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Title Post: What should I buy with my own money?
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