Saturday, December 8, 2012

What are the rules in Michigan for being a foster parent?

Q. I'm just starting the process to become a foster parent, I've done orientation and now I'm just waiting until the start of the year for training classes to start. Questions if anyone knows? I only have one open room and I wanted to care for one or two kids, but thought if a sibling group of three needed a place I would foster them if they let me. Would one large bedroom be enough for 3 young kids? Or could I only take in up to two children?

The SW that did the orientation said we could tell them what age ranges we where open to fostering but someone said even if you do the SW doesn't pay much attention to it. I wanted to foster ages 1-6 will that be possible or am I just dreaming to think that?

Side note* I'm only in my early 20's and I don't think it would be best for me to foster kids who where born when I wasn't even old enough to drive.

Also is it better to work with DHS or a private non-profit agency? Someone told me DHS places more children and thus you are more likely to get placed with "legal risk" placements and younger children then if you go through the private agency. Is that true?

Thanks in advance for your help!

A. *Hey Arabella! (love your name btw) First of all I just wanted to say it is awesome that you are thinking about doing this at such a young age, esp. since Michigan needs foster parents so badly.*

About your questions, I'm kind of worried about the fact that all of them where not answered in the orientation by the social worker. That, in my opinion, is a sign that the agency might not be the best one for you as you should always have that information up front. My advice is to look for another agency first and go to their orientation to see if it looks like a better fit.

Now to answer a few of your questions! If all three children are the same gender or they are all under the age of five then yes you might be licensed for up to three children but it is more likely that you will be licensed for two. Their is a myth floating around somewhere that agencies are only looking for foster parents to foster large sibling groups and that is not true. I know some agencies that will only let you foster one child for your first year and then if they think you can handle more will let you foster two. If an agency claims other wise, this is Michigan specific, run to another one and don't waste time with them. New foster parents, single ones esp., should never feel pressured into taking on more than they are experienced to handle. Personally I suggest you start fostering one child and after you have your feet under you then open home to a second child.

It is true that you will probably get calls for children that are not in the age range you requested from time to time more so if you use DHS than a non-profit agency. This is because it is the social workers job to find a good stable home for EVERY child that gets taken out of their home and it is harder to find foster parents for older children than younger ones. So yes you may get called to foster an older child than you requested but you are never obligated to foster any child. But my suggestion is not to automatically say no to a child slightly older than what you originally thought you would, if the social worker is calling you to ask you to foster them she probably has a good reason to think you would be a good parent to that child. Just hear the social worker out before you say no.

Michigan does do "legal risk" placements but that doesn't mean that child will 100% become adoptable. A mother who signed over her first five children may decide with her sixth child that she is ready to make big changes in her life and might work her plan to the T to get him or her back. Or a relative from out of state might decide at the "last minute" that they want to adopt. On the flip side you might think a child is for sure going home soon because his father is right on track with his plan then you get a call saying he messed up big or is in jail and his rights will be terminated at the end of the month and your foster child will become adoptable. Your best bet is to become dual licensed and with every foster child assume they will be able to be reunified with their parents or a family member and hope that one day if that doesn't happen you will be able to adopt them and continue to provide a loving home.

Good luck and I wish you the best!

As Socrates argues for censorship he describes form and content. What is this distinction?
Q. What is the distinction? I'm confused on his discription. Can this be interpreted in contemporary terms of culture?

A. Don't you own a dictionary? Rhetorical question. Just kidding.

Everyone, including yourself, already knows the distinction between form and content. You probably have drawers in your house --- whether those drawers are in your kitchen cupboards, or in your bathroom "vanity", or in chests or wardrobes in your bedroom. All drawers have the same "form" --- meaning shape in the cases of drawers --- and similar functions from which the name "drawer" is derived. People "draw" them out of; or "withdraw" them from; some sort of surrounding enclosure or cabinet. So almost every drawer has a similar "form"/(shape in this example). But the CONTENTS of kitchen drawers, bathroom drawers and bedroom drawers are (usually) different items which never have the "form" of a drawer. No sweater, underwear item, kitchen utensil, or bottle of pills --- all which may be found in the different drawers of different cabinets in different rooms of any house --- ever has the "form" of a drawer. But such "contents" are contained in [or the contents of] drawers. So form and content are basic distinctions in almost everything, including the drawers of people's homes.

Most cars have similar forms, but the contents "under the hood", or in the passenger seats of a car, may be very different, in different cars, while never having the "form" of a car. e.g. the driver.

Similarly most business letters have a standard "form" [location addresses of the sender and recipient; a formal address such as "To whom this may concern:" or "Dear Sir:", a body of the letter, a closing such as "Yours truly," or "Yours sincerely" and a signature] but the contents in the body of a business letter can be extraordinarily varied --- anything from Advertizing a product to the transport of a Zoo animal from location-x to location-y, as will other "contents" differ --- e.g. who signs the business letter and to whom it is addressed.

Breakfast is one form of meal, snacks are another form (of eating) and dinner is another form of meal. But the CONTENTS of one's breakfast, snack or evening meal, are an entirely different thing, for different persons, in different cultures. Exercize is a "form" of activity. The "contents" of your exercize regime may be very different if you are a swimmer or a tennis player. Warfare is a "form" of human behaviour. But the weapons "contents" of an ancient army, at war, were quite different from the weapons "contents" of WW II combatants. There are various forms of music, such as jazz, rock, classical, opera, pop, hip-hop, r&b etc. But the "contents" --- lyrics and/or melody --- of various "forms" of music differ greatly.

So you actually know such distinctions, given the distinction between a purse and its contents or a backpack and its contents, a refrigerator and its contents, or a letter and its contents. So too there are different forms of censorship and different "contents" which may or may not be censored.

e.g. People practice "self censorship" all the time. That "form" of censorhip is usually called "politeness" or "manners", where people censor the widely varied "contents" of their own minds from those whom they know they'd offend if they actually stated their actual mental "content" [othewise known as thoughts or opinions]. Then there is exterior censorship by others, which is a different censorship "form" [involuntary] from self-censorship [voluntary]. But, once again, the censored CONTENTS can be widely different. News content may be censored. Religious content may be censored. Antireligious content may be censored. Political content may be censored. Advertizing may be censored. Movies, books, comedy, music, etc. etc. --- all having distinct and distinguisable "contents", as well as "forms" --- may be censored.

So the next time you are "confused on his discription(/description)", it would be good to actually provide your answerers with the actual words of Socrates which have confused you. Plato is quite good at providing the context of Socrates's stated contents. Plato would never censor the contents (statements) of a pythian priestess at Delphi [no matter how arguably irrational, or obscure were the contents of the oracle], but would censor any poet who ridiculed Delphi, whether the "form" of ridicule was a play, a poem or a song --- no matter how "artistic/competent" the ridicule. Plato was that sort of "censorer" --- arguably because of the irreverence of much Athenian comedy/tragedy which was seldom (if ever) censored. One such irreverent comedy, by Aristophanes [The Clouds featuring a ridiculed/ridiculous Socrates] played a role, according to Socrates/Plato, in Socrates's trial, conviction and death sentence [Plato's Apology 18d re. Socrates's "invisible opponents" whom he cannot even name, quote:- "...unless one of them happens to be a playwright."].


My mom wants to redo her room, but idk how to start it?
Q. She has a lot of clutter because she likes to buy a lot of stuff.
She is weird about getting rid of stuff
I almost want to sign her up for clean house:P but its just one room.
What should I do? HELP?

A. WOW,,, are you my daughter????

Actually, I have the same problem but I am the mom here...My daughter and husband always bugging me to get rid of my clutter...I like my stuff and I would be very upset if they called clean house...I just might move out for good if they ever did that!!!! I know for a fact ... It is an addiction or more or less a sickness that is sometimes heredity...My dad and my grandmother did the same thing...I help my dad and I think I am the only one that can...I just organise his stuff an put it in boxes nice and neat with his permission of course.. ( and he knows I won't throw out anything unless it is totally useless and a health hazard for some reason and even than he has to ok it with my help)....By helping him and seeing how much he is out of tune with others ,I see myself...
I really was out of control and learned to stop shopping.. I think that is why we are in a recession now ,LOL !
I actually had to PRAY because I didn't know what to do about it and I knew it was bothering others...I got better in the last 2 yrs about putting everything on the 3rd floor out of the way...I had my stuff and it wasn't in others way....I would suggest letting her have a special room to put her stuff in and not in any everyday living space.. I still have lots in my closets etc but nobody can see it with the door closed...I am gradually getting it under control ... I started volunteering and I saw how many people were in need and I find myself giving lots away ...I have had yard sales with things that I know I will never use or get around to using anymore...I actually made lots of money and I can't even remember what I sold...There was so much stuff I didn't even price it . I told people it was lets make a deal and they named a price and I almost always said ok...I figured I won't miss it and they wanted it...I made lots of friends that day...Made me feel good. and my house has less junk in it... I plan on doing it again this yr.

The condition is called hording,,,look it up on computer. I was told to by my sister and she offered to help me.. I need to do it myself but she helped sort it with me one day.. That was a help.. We didn't throw anything away , just started getting ready for another Yard Sale. I recently bought a CD on how to use EBAY...for. The things too good for yard sale... antiques and paintings .

It took me yrs to get in this mood, but I had to think about it.I didn't want my kids to have to deal with it all if something happened to me.. I am doing it more for them than myself. I still have lots to do and should be at it now...
My husband promised to redo the bedrooms totally with new carpet, paint , curtains etc if I clean it out... I did but now its all packed in boxes in a spare bedroom on the 3rd floor out of the way... Each day I do a few boxes at a time and the Salvation Army is going to have a field day...I can write it off and my husband is giving me the saving to buy new things I want for the new room or vacation....It is incentive..

I think the BEST THING TO DO ,,IS NOT NAG,,,talk to her and DO ONE BOX at a time and PROMISE you won't throw anything out, or give it away,Let her do that and the best thing is to PRAY!!!!!! that was how I got started..

GOOD LUCK!!! let me know how it goes...If she isn't ready ...just help her reorginize in nice boxes and put them in the basement or a closet..She will be upset if you NAG her. Believe me ,,,the horders know they have to do it,,but they find it hard and sometimes impossible.

Do you know any government agencies that can help people discriminated and evicted to their apartment?
Q. I have a cousin doesnt speak very well english, he is living in two bedroom apartment. Because of the high rent, he share it with her another cousin with family. But the apartment office find out that there is unauthorized occupants. So they sent notice to get them out. His cousin has a little kids. So they ask the apt. to add their names in the contract but they refuse it and afterward they filed for eviction. Is that right?

A. Go to a HOUSING lawyer in your area, I believe a apartment complex has written leases with the occupants names on it.. I think you should have had their names added before they showed up, or when you got the apartment....There may be a clause in the contract stating visitors OK for 2-3 day's only....Only you & or roomate can reside there....Depend's on your state law's on this subject.......Good Luck & God Bless.....If they are un-authorized & the contract was SIGNED by you, I think everyone has to move...........It is not RIGHT, but it is the LAW....2 bedroom for at least 4 people? you said kids & not kid...(not boyfriend & girlfriend or husband & wife) to many people for 2 bedroom.

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