Sunday, December 16, 2012

My husband and I are 20,000 in credit card debt. We used to make great money together -?

Q. but his business has slowed (He already works 70 hrs week). My question is how can we get out of debt before our credit gets ruined? We are -1,000.00 per month bringing in the cash. I am trying to find an extra job but already do real estate on the side which has been slow. Please someone help. Every month, something isn't getting paid. We tried trading in our cars for cheaper payments but owe too much.
Thanks for your help.

A. Get all the cards together. Cut them all up. Then work out which one has the highest interest rate, regardless of the amount on it, and pay the minimum on all cards, and the extra on that card. Do not use the cards, because that will get you even more into debt and undo all your good work.

The highest interest rate card is costing you the most interest per dollar owed. So getting rid of this debt first will make your money work more efficiently at paying off the debts.

If you have room in your home, get a renter. Rent out a room and make extra money that way, even if it means putting two kids in the same bedroom. Things are tough, so sometimes you have to do stuff you don't want to do. Getting a boarder to pay you 'rent' and to cover their share of the bills will definitely ease your burden. Put ads up on university notice boards and you'll soon get someone. Charge them a bond of 4 weeks rent and then if they leave you high and dry, you can still pay the bills.

Do you need 2 cars? Really? If you can possibly arrange things with one car, sell the other.

Buy everything in bulk - toilet paper, washing powder, and tinned food for example. This saves you more money per unit and you can spend that extra savings on getting rid of the debt.

Call your telephone, internet, and utility providers and see if you can get a better deal. Shop around on the internet for cheaper rates. If you have broadband, get rid of it and get dial up, or axe the internet completely for the next few months.

All you need is food and shelter, at the end of the day. Cut back on power and gas in your house. Turn off all the lights. Turn off televisions and other appliances at the wall when you're not in the room.

Surely you have stuff lying around the house that you've accumulated. Sell the television in the newspaper classifieds. Sell your furniture. If there's only 2 of you, you can get by without a dining setting, bedside tables, coffee tables, and wall units. If you are that desperate to get out of debt, then selling these non essential things will give you a leg up. You can also sell anything you have like sporting equipment, motorbikes, lawnmowers, kitchen appliances, digital cameras, and stereo equipment. You don't need any of that stuff, really.

Take your own lunch to work. Make some sandwiches and freeze them, and then just get one out in the morning from the freezer. If you spend money on buying your lunch, you're just throwing money away.

It's kind of hard to offer advice when I don't know all the figures (amounts owing, interest rates etc).

Focus on clearing the highest rate debt first, and covering all the bills. Don't make late payments. Contact the credit card companies and tell them you're in financial difficulty, and see if you can negotiate a lower rate, or try to transfer some of the balance to a card with a lower rate. This will save you money long term.

The faster you do this the better.

Best wishes

I am planning a skiing trip to seoul. Where is the best priced and best facilities to bring a large family to?
Q. There's 9 adults and 7 small children so I have to get the best priced accomodation. Are the resorts in Korea very particular about occupancy numbers? I might want to stay one or two nights in the skiing resort so which resort around seoul would be the best? All of us are beginners. The kids have not done any skiing before. Would early December be a good time for us to come?
In addition I am also looking at serviced apartment in Seoul to accomodate our big family. Anyone knows of weekly rentals that have 2 bedrooms apartment ? Since its a big group we prefer to cook. any tips would be appreciated to help me plan our holidays.

A. What Koreans call 'Pensions' are very popular. Right off hand, im not too sure where they are in conjunction with the Ski fields...
However generally they are one or two large rooms, come with basic bedding minus the beds, but in the winter, Korea has heated flooring, which is just a treat for aching ski bones!
Pensions have a kitchen, and all cutlery etc... a bathroom, some come with TV's and other entertainment.
It's just a base cost, generally you dont have to pay per person.

I've only been to Bearstown ski field, there are many board/ski hiring places around that area, and ski instructors too...

One thing I would like to warn you about though is that the fields are over crowded, and can be a bit dangerous.. especially for beginners (more often than not the beginner field is tiny and all the routes merge into one at the bottom). It's fun though, and the kids can build snowmen at the sides if they get bored.
There are also sleds available for hire.

Early December Im not sure how much snow will be around at that time, I wasnt in Seoul that time last year... we did a fair bit of boarding in February and early March.

As for the Seoul Apartments, im not too sure what would be available to you on a weekly basis... generally places are rented out monthly. Perhaps you could approach one of the many guesthouses, and see if they could draw up some sort of plan for you. A friend of mine stayed in a guesthouse called 'Wind road' they were quite happy with it, but then im not sure on whether it's child friendly etc, perhaps you can search for it on the internet.
Most guesthouses would have a small kitchenette, minus the oven. has some planned trips every couple of weeks or so, you could check them out, there is also a notice board etc there...

Why do ppl who are rich but still 'crying' for money more then ppl with ordinary job?
Q. I am a simple personal holding ordinary job but I have all ways noticed ppl who have lots of money complaining and crying 'I have no money"?Most of them are complaining of those things they don't have yet?Why they couldn't think of someone ordinary ppl who are not even lucky enouth to have spend their life with less money?

A. I don't know..maybe it's fear. I know a Physician-he swore he was broke. Maybe he was-malpractice insurance is hideously expensive-and he has an ex-wife.. he may have made some business errors as well-besides keeping a lot of money in a wad in his packet to impress the bartenders and waiters..(how can you keep track of $ in a sloppy wad?) He asked me to mortgage my house--naturally I was hesitant. If he had married me-and filled me in on the how's and why's of OUR fiances-maybe I would have--as his friend/lover/partner--but ultimately-deep down he didn't earn my complete trust due to his behavior I didn't gain his. I was never sure exactly what attributes he was interested a girl. It was never the actual girl-but something else. Obviously not what to base a marriage on. I suppose I am lucky.

Also friends with (but don't date) multi-millionaire--he always shows off his money prowess; his large house,cars, etc...but he grew up poor. I know where he lived as a boy-in the very crappiest part of town-and know his bedroom was just a cot in the hallway. He is very much affected by his childhood...and now besides being wealthy is on several Board's that effectively help others lives in the directions of both heath and education. But--like you noticed--works LONG hours overtime-in the business of Finance. He hasn't enough yet. But More money means bigger bills;..people who work for you need to be paid--you buy your 3 kids homes-they cost $ you are afraid to stop or people who depend on you loose their homes...even if these people are old enough to buy their own home-it has to continue-because they didn't prepare for it. I happen to know my friend is miserable-and feels very much like a prisoner--and he's getting older..

Myself? I am like you. Maybe it's all that the more money you have--the more you need. Like a drug addiction. I suppose that should make us happy, that we are spared.

Personally I hate money--it ruins everything..I'd much rather find my heart.

When should brothers/sisters stop sharing a room? Bathing together?
Q. I have two daughters and a son. Currently they all share the same room, and occasionally bathe together. How old is too old for both of these activities?

A. It's different for every family. If they're all reasonably happy in the same room, then don't switch. Believe me, they'll let you know when it's time to get separate bedrooms.

And as for bathing together, you'll get answers all over the board on this one. My opinion is that of course, they will notice that boys and girls have different parts. But they will get past that, and in all likelihood are alreay past that. If they fit in the tub and/or shower, and seem to enjoy the playtime they have, and aren't doing anything unusual for their ages, then let that be too. A time will come when one of the older ones will want to dress separately and bathe separately. Then it's time for separate bath times.

But as long as they're having fun together, don't separate them. My kids have a blast in the shower together. They are so past the fact that they have different parts. They are more interested in squeegeeing the shower, playing with shaving cream, making beards and funny faces. It's really fun for them. They also share a bedroom. They have been making noises about separate bedrooms and I'm listening carefully, but it's not quite time yet. (I still have to clean out our office so it can be used as a bedroom...)

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Title Post: My husband and I are 20,000 in credit card debt. We used to make great money together -?
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