Monday, December 24, 2012

Ideas on how to turn a basement into a little place for kids?

Q. I was thinking on creating different spaces for them. A kitchen/dining room, living room, office, and possibly a bedroom area. I was thinking of dividing the "rooms" with king size sheets, hung in a neat manner. Our basement isn't finished or anything (drywall/paint, etc) but is in good enough shape to have a little fun with it. I don't know if I am allowed to paint or put anything on the floor (except carpet...not tacked down) And ideas, thoughts, tips? It doesn't have to be little ones are just happy to have a place to play. Budget is small~creativity is limitless. THANKS!

A. A table or old desk for a craft area. Then hang baskets or an old shoe organizer to put craft materials in:glue, paint, brushes, crayons, markers, scissors, glitter, stickers,etc.

Old file cabinet painted a funky color to hold materails like paper and finished projects. you can also hang a clothes line for them to clip paintings on to dry and to display finished works of art!

Maybe in one area, you could put a bunch of thick blankets and floor pillows down for a cozy pallet/nest to nap on.

Not sure how old your kids are or if they are boys/girls, but you could have an area with books, and puzzles, another make believe area with dress up stuff and "props" (umbrella, old high heels, old halloween wigs, feather boa, purses)... I loved to play "kitchen" when I was littel. If they have a play kitchen then when you run out of food, save the boxes/jars/containers for them to play "kitchen" with. Any old plastic dishes you don't use anymore... or if they don't have a kitchen, 2 chairs and table will work! A big box or set of shelves can hold the "food".

Lots of mirrors since I doubt the basement has many windows...Let the kids create the art and frame it in an old frame and decorate with those! You can even create with them and hang your work on the wall too!

Can you tell me some ways to organize a kid's room in a pretty way?
Q. Can you tell me some ways to organize a kid's room in a pretty way?

A. Creating a jungle theme kids bedroom is an opportunity to use really fun colors and prints. Consider painting the room a fresh green or a bright yellow to provide a warm and exotic backdrop for the rest of the room's elements.

Instead of typical window treatments, think about getting some silk vines and foliage from the craft store and draping them around the windows as you would with a scarf curtain. Then perch stuffed parrots or monkeys nearby to round out the jungle canopy effect.

You can use jungle themed bedding, or simply use bright solids and stripes, and accent the room with throw pillows in animal-print fabrics. There are several sources for wall stickers in a jungle theme to add even more visual interest.

Fairy Tale Princess Themes

Many elements of décor for little girls' rooms lend themselves to dreaming of once upon a time and far, far away. From canopy beds to eyelet and lace and pale pink, you may already have many of the elements in place to make your daughter's room a real Princess's room. To bring the fantasy one or two step closer to reality, rely on some paint techniques and a few choice accessories.

Paint the ceiling a sky blue and sponge paint on some clouds; turn the walls of your girl's room into castle walls with faux painting techniques, and embellish them with stenciled runners of ivy � you can even add some silk ivy from the craft store for additional dimension. Swath tulle or silk flowers where you'd otherwise put a valance and curtains, and be sure to add a stuffed frog prince someplace in the room � just for a bit of whimsy!

How can I decorate my kids bedroom? They will share the room.?
Q. I will move and my kids need to share the bedroom. The problem is that the boy is 10 years old and my daugther is 4. I want some ideas on how decorate it.

A. I completely agree with dlmrgnk. But you do have to give them some guidelines because as you know, children change their mind a lot. Also, if it's a kinda large room, you can get a divider to separate their sides to give them more of a private space for themselves, as your bedroom is supposed to be. You can always get those little wall stickers that come off easily so when your kids are over with say the barbie stage they can graduate to clouds or something. That's always a good idea and it gives them a sense of uniqueness. Good luck and have fun!

What are some good ways to discipline your kids?
Q. My son is out of control! I know that children are a reflection of you but my daughter does not act as bad a my son. He does not do time out. He tell's me no, spanking only makes him cry. He say I will not do it again etc.... What is some way that will help me regain some control? Please no bad comments because I am looking for some serious help Thanks.

A. Is this behavior new or has it been long going? Have there been any recent changes in his life? Is your family under stress? Does he have reason to feel so angry? If so, he may need a little extra love and support. He may be acting out to feel powerful and gain attention. I know you love him dearly and want him to be happy, but many parents make the mistake of wanting their child to �like� them. If this sounds like you, it will be difficult for him to learn to respect you as a parent. When children do not respect their parents, the parents have no control of them and the child feels they do not have a "safety net" (strong parents who can set and stick by a limit provide a safety net). Children scream for limits! It sounds like he is pushing for a limit when he says �No� to you.

The best way to discipline children is to use logical consequences whenever possible. Taking away a toy or privileges when your son misbehaves is not a logical consequence. Taking away a toy if he throws it or is destructive with it is logical. Spanking is a punishment and does not teach self control. Time outs are punishments as well and, therefore, do not work. These are some other examples of logical consequences. If he draws on the wall, he cleans it. If he breaks a toy, he puts in the trash. If he chooses not to listen to you, you can choose not to listen to him. If he doesn�t want to eat, he gets hungry. If he doesn�t want to wear his coat, he gets cold outside (natural consequence) or he cannot go outdoors until he is ready to wear it (logical consequence). Get creative! Let the �punishment� fit the crime

Do your best and insist that he comply the first time you request something. If you do not, he will learn that �No� doest not mean it when you say it the first time. Another thing you can try when he is misbehaving is this. As soon as he misbehaves, get down to his level and say "I don't like when you (explain what and why)." Take him gently by the hand and put him in a quiet spot in your home (bedroom, the couch.) Say "When you're ready to (control yourself, stop hitting, listen, behave, calm down�) then you can come back with me." This is not a time out because you are not giving a time limit (you controlling him). He can return when he is ready to control himself. You may have to take him back to the spot a few times before he gets the message. Thank him when he behaves. Keep it up!

Empathize with him when he is calm. Say things like �I can tell that you are feeling very (angry, upset, hurt, mad, frustrated). What can we do about that?� It will help him to better express himself. Let him know what you thought of his misbehaviors. When he sees how you feel, he will be able to empathize with you and then feel sorry and be able to tell you and mean it.

Notice your son when he is not misbehaving!!! Say things like "You worked on that for a long time! You ran super fast! Look how high you can climb! You used so many colors on that picture!" These are intrinsic motivators rather than extrinsic rewards ("Good job," stickers, candy). These phrases are great confidence builders, wonderful ways to show your positive attention, and will help him to feel powerful in a positive way.

Set limits, follow through, and offer choices, not chances. Pick you battles! You can say �Do you want to do that by yourself or do you want some help?� "No" should mean "No" the first time you say it. Say "Yes" as much as possible so that the �No�s� have more meaning. Do your best to stay patient and consistent and to keep your hubby on the same page!

Hope this helps and that you can find a little peace!

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Title Post: Ideas on how to turn a basement into a little place for kids?
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