Friday, December 21, 2012

I want to clean my whole house tomorrow ?

Q. Ok Here is a list of all I want to do when I wake up. I am going to bed after this it is 10:56pm and I will rise at 8am
Help with what first. Do's and Don'ts ...
Household cleaning and organizing tips would be great... Thanks

Yahoo answers 1rst of course .
Do Dishes , Organize Kitchen cupboards including junk drawer and also clean in and out of fridge
Vacuum everyroom Have 3 bedroom and living room and dining room
Clean all windows and mirrors.. have 3 children 13,4,and 3. Lots of handprints. Few helping hands
Clean 2 bathrooms
do about 4 loads of laundry
organize bedrrom closet. especially shoes on closet floor need new location or something
clean out car
clean kids room . mostly toys everywhere. well at least where you would like to step.
shop for new curtains for bedroom and maybe hang them.

A. <>Well, that sounds like more than one day, but:
1. Start 1st load laundry. As each finishes, start next one.
2. Clean out fridge and do dishes
3. Put kids to work picking up toys.
4. Clean bathrooms, washing bathroom windows and mirrors.
5. Help kids finish rooms.
6. Vacuum.
7. Remainder of windows/mirrors.
8. Kitchen cupboards.
9. Clean out car.
10. Shop for curtains and shoe organizer.
11. Hang curtains.
12. Bedroom closet.

What do you think about FEED THE CHILDREN?
Q. I turn on my t.v. in my bedroom when I wake up instead of the light. Anyway, FEED THE CHILDREN, was on wanting money for the kids in Africa. My BIG gripe is, none of these organizations talk about donating money for sex education, or somehow stopping these people from breeding, whether it's ignorance or something else, why isn't something done about them producing all these unwanted, homeless, starving children?

A. Like 98% of the organizations that WANT YOUR MONEY... only about $0.03 go to the actual aid and relief. The rest is all administration. With that said, one can only guess the millions of $$$ that go into the pockets of the organisers.

It's true, CRS (Catholic Relief Services) will have nothing to do with teaching people how to quit bringing more mouthes into the world. I'll say their name... what will they do? Sue me?

UNICEF, WFP, CRS... they're all the same and they eat at the same trough.

I spent two years making a hefty sum of bank working sub-contract for these organizations. I walked away with a nice bank account, but with a guilty concious.

Any organization tips please?
Q. Okay, school starts in exactly two weeks and my office and bedroom are both complete disasters. I'm usually an organized person but with all the new text books and clothes everything's beginning to cram. I've already gotten rid of some stuff I don't need and sold it on eBay.
Any other ideas on how to organize it all?? I'd like to start the new year fresh =)

A. What I have been dying to do in my house, is take it one room at a time. Completely empty everything in the room (except large furnature items that you know will be staying in there). Put it all in another room, and pick through the stuff. Only put back the stuff in the room that is necessary in there. What you have left over, decide if it can go somewhere else in your house. If not, then pitch it, sell it, give it away, whatever.

That's if you actually have time to do that. It could take a few days, but it would be worth it in the end.

As far as school organization...

I bought a cubbie hole furniture piece from walmart for only like 35.00. I use it for my kids toys, but it would be great to organize backpacks, books, school supplies, etc...

My cubbie unit comes with 9 cubes in it. Depending on how many kids you have, give them a certain number of cubes to put their things in.

They also sell great closet organizers that have the days of the week marked on them. I am thinking of getting one for my daughter this year when she starts school. This way, on Sunday, I can put each day's outfit in the slot, and cut down on time in the mornings by picking out clothes. If your kids are old enough to pick out their own clothes to put in the slots, that works even better!

If you start with a clean house, it's easier to keep it organized. So give your house a good cleaning, and encourage your kids to put the things in appropriate places so they know where it is for the next day.

people with Closet organizing experience- kids room?
Q. Hello I just bought some cute white boxes from walmart I will decorate them for socks/hair stuff and hats Now the closet where can I get nonikea closet organizers? thanks

A. Look at any large home improvement store - also check out Wal-mart & Meijer.

We re-did one of our Master Bedroom closet this winter. We looked and looked at the stufff in the stores and ran into 2 problems:

1. nothing really fit our needs
2. Everything was soooo expensive.

To solve our problem, we did it ourself. We had a couple of sturdy solid-wood bifold doors we put vertically to section off the closet. We used cleats to hold shelves, and hung a bar in one section. I still need to get a few baskets, but Wal-mart carries some inexpensive canvas ones that will work. We happened to have a lot of wood in our garage and ended up paying about $15 in hardware. More work than money. Buying the wood would be more expensive, but results would be similar.

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