Saturday, December 8, 2012

when it comes to parenting what really pisses you off?

Q. I can't stand people who keep having kids just for the sake of having them. Even if they know they are not being as good of parent as they can/should be.

Example ~ I know this couple (not married) who have 5 kids & they live in a 2 bedroom converted into a 3 bedroom house. They have to older ones babysit a majority of the time & they really never do anything as a family "unit" They will leave the kids home & go out to dinner etc... They make the older 2 ages 15 & 13 work odd jobs with other family members to buy clothes etc. Money shouldn't be a problem for them they both work & have good jobs. They just like to spend it on dumb stuff for themselves. Now they want another baby??? WTF?

A. I admit I'm not the best parent I can be, but I try. I guess what pisses me off the most about parenting is when you're standards of parenting and rules are different than everyone elses in your family who watches the kids from time to time and so there is no sability or whatever. I will say no to something and then someone else will say that its fine. It's hard to get your kids to know right and wrong when they have other people they trust and look up to telling them different than what you are saying.

I also hate that when there is lack of discipline in other children that come over and then totally disrespect you when you tell them no they can't do something because it's just not something you do at your house or whatever.

(I also kinda know the situation you were refering to all to well.. (curtosy of extended family))

Can I call social services on my girlfriends family anonymously?
Q. Their lifestyles gives me the creeps! Their bathroom smells like mold and rust. There is about 5 different families that live in that 3 bedroom house.

Also I don't think it's suited for children. There is a mess everywhere!!

The kids eat nothing but FRIED FOOD and FAST FOOD.

What do I do about calling? What procedures do I take? Can I do this anonymously?

A. You can report them anonymously;y ...but if you take pictures to cps and have actual proof f the living conditions, CPS will intervene more rapidly and the results will be better. CPS will not tell them who has reported them...but CPS will need to know how to discreetly communicate with you.

What creatively can I do with my whicker shelf?
Q. I have a 5 1/2 foot whicker shelf with 5 shelves on it. I have a small house and had it in my room to hold baskets of bathroom products. Now I got rid of all that stuff to make more room. I don't want to get rid of my whicker shelf. I want to utilize it SOMEHOW. I have 4 kids, only 3 bedrooms, all small rooms. Our garage is now the play room. I have a living room and an eating area that's a part of my kitchen. Does anybody out there have any creative suggestions?
I'm looking for Out-of-the-box creative

A. wow you had three guys and a dog answer this question you wanted out of the box you got it! Kidding
If the shelves are removeable maybe you can take one out and use it to store a basket of toys and you can also buy shelf brackets to put it higher up.
Maybe make it hold your can goods either as an extra pantry or for the garge stuff or the laundry stuff.

How is it that parents on "makeover, house edition" never get cps called on them when they have kids living...
Q. I have seen parents come on that show, and admit on national and live tv to having 5 kids, and they live in a 2 or 3 bedroom house with no plumbing, hot water, and one couple had mold throughout their house! How is it that child protective services is not called on them? Is it a part of the show's agreement before guest come on?

A. I don't know the answer to your question, but it's a great question, so I'm giving you a star!

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Title Post: when it comes to parenting what really pisses you off?
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