Saturday, December 8, 2012

How do I better organize?

Q. I have 3 kids in my house, which is only 2 bedrooms and one bath. I am naturally an unorganized person so I need ideas of organization. Containers, storage, etc.

A. Do you have a spare room? put some toys inside and most outside. Put clothes in buckets for each child a different color. Make shelfing on the wall. Get rid of some furniture you dont need, like have a garage sale.

I Need Some Help And Advice?
Q. OK, here is the thing. I have 3 small children and my husband has been deployed 2 months ago. We live in a 1972 trailer with one and a quarter bedroom. My room holds my bed and the baby;s play pen. the kids room holds their bed and a dresser. We have no room at all and i cant find any help. I want to add on before winter so we can be comfortable. I have a tight budget and really need to add on. If any one knows how i should go about doing this or finding the help i would apperciate any ideas. Thanks alot

A. We have an organization that I help out from time to time called operation homefront for military families. They help match up military families that are in need with people who can help them. Check to see if they operate in your area and they will find you the help you need. Thank your husband for his service to our nation and God Bless.

Tell me about a Gemini(male) and Libra(female) couple?
Q. Also, we'll be having a baby virgo very soon. Is there anything you can tell me about how a virgo baby boy responds with gemini father and libra mother?

A. Here is your Virgo baby in general

For better or for worse, the Virgo baby is plenty fussy! How else do you expect these kids to grow up to be perfectionists? Get used to it: the Virgo baby can be quite particular and needs to have a routine. At least having a routine isn't all bad, but don't even think of changing it! This baby will not respond well to a lot of change. The Virgo baby can also be picky about food, so keep it simple at mealtimes. Aside from these peculiarities, this tot doesn't require a lot. A clean bedroom and simple clothing are sure to keep this baby dry-eyed. As well, the Virgo baby is quite good at amusing itself for hours with the most basic of games, feeling very little need for the attention of others. The Virgo child also wants to talk early on, probably earlier than most of the other babies around. There's a lot going on in that mind, so it may as well come out! From an early age, this baby can also be seen as mother's little helper, as the need to serve others is a strong Virgo trait. They also won't make a fuss over their accomplishments, since by nature these kids are a bit shy. To sum up, the Virgo baby is fine on their own but also happy to help others, loves cleanliness, and can easily keep themselves amused. Pretty (albeit picky!) good kid.

Heres mom and baby--

When a Virgo child is born to a Libra parent, it can be like the coming together of two puzzle pieces. When fused together into a family unit, each interlocks into the other and comfortably rests in place in a very familiar way. Both child and parent value a secure relationship with their family, and this duo shares a love of beauty and culture in the home as well as in the community. Practicality and comfort are important to both Signs, and they complement each other in many ways. They both share a love of conversation and have fine taste. Virgo and Libra can work together efficiently and smoothly because they desire similar rewards at the completion of a task. This is not a family prone to explosive emotional outbursts or rising tempers. At times, however, they may find it difficult to understand where the other is coming from. Conflicts can arise between parent and child if Virgo seems too picky or Libra seems manipulative. Both need to learn that they view the world through different filters. The Virgo child and the Libra parent might not understand one another all the time, but it is within their nature to work out their differences reasonably and quietly. The best aspect of the Virgo-Libra family relationship is their mutual appreciation of organization and culture. Both Signs value the aesthetic, and they share a love of the finer things in life. Their similar tastes and interests makes theirs a family of great harmony.

Here's dad and baby
When a Virgo child is born to a Gemini parent, the smooth planes of their relationship may often be speckled with some bumpy terrain. Both think that they are always right, and they may judge one another too quickly. Virgo and Gemini have different approaches to life; Virgo is more sedate and practical and Gemini is intellectual. Represented by the Twins, Gemini can often be of two minds about things. Virgo may find it frustrating to constantly have to appease the dual nature of their parent. On the other hand, Gemini may be baffled by Virgo's simplicity. With a practical approach to life, Virgo may take things a little too earnestly for Gemini's taste. Gemini approaches life more lightly, sometimes too lightly for Virgo. It can be hard for Gemini to accept the down to earth approach of Virgo. It might be hard for Virgo to accept their child's flightiness and occasional lack of practicality. Virgo can help Gemini to be more involved in life and to see the depth of ideas rather than simply the surface. The best aspect of the Gemini-Virgo family relationship is the security they can give each other once they see eye to eye. Both relatives can learn to look at the world through new eyes when they open themselves to each other on a deeper level. As long as they communicate with each other effectively, theirs will be a gratifying family relationship.

I want my son to do something nice for X-mas.Any ideas?He is 4.?
Q. I went to the Children's Mercy hospital's website but it says you cant bring a toy personally to the kids, it has to be through an organization.Any ideas on where I can go with him to give something(toy & cookies) to those in need.
Thank you

A. I also reccomend a retirement home, i wouldn't bring cookies tho as some may be diabetic or have other health problems that don't allow them sweets but maybe he could make some kind of craft to hand out

You could help him to practice random acts of kindness such as leaving holiday treats or small denomination giftcards on people's windsheilds check this out

Even though he can't personally hand out the toys to children you should sit in his room with him and go through his gently used toys. Explain to him that because Christmas is coming he will be getting lots of new toys, but some kids don't get alot so encourage him to donate some of his toys to them. You can drop them off at the hospital and hopefully he understands what you're doing. This will also clear out his bedroom a little and make room for his new gifts so you're really killing two birds with one stone.

Bake cookies together (i reccommend gingerbreak men, they're fun to decorate!) and hand them out to neighbors or family friends.

Volunteer together at a soup kitchen.

Its probably too late this year, as shipping will take alot of time but next year have him decorate cards for soldiers overseas and write messages in them for him.

Do something simple like give him change when you see the salvation army bell ringers, that way he can donate and explain to him that hes done something really good, so hopefully this behavior will carry on as he gets older.

Happy Holidays!

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