Friday, December 28, 2012

How can I decorate a bedroom that is used for a boy and a girl?

Q. I have a little boy and a little girl that are a year apart. Right now they are 1 and 2. I dont know how to decorate their room. I am trying to find a theme and colors. Any organization tips are welcome to. They have so many toys and their bedroom always looks cluttered even when I clean it. I am a first time mom and a first time house buyer. I have no idea how to decorate their room. Please help!!! Thank you!!!

A. great bedroom ideas for kids sharing bedrooms

Great theme bedroom decorating ideas, pictures and fun decor

What is the best way to stay organized in a small space with 3 kids ages 3,2,and 1?
Q. They all have different personalities and all make messes. I feel like all I do is clean and it gets trashed five minutes later. Im a stay at home mom and my husband thinks I stick to schedules too much and I am always cleaning but it doesnt seem to help. Any ideas how to keep everything tidy.

A. Three under three is certainly going to put you in the position of cleaning all the time. While organization is a good goal, applying it will be very different at home than in an office -- or a home without children.

Keeping everything tidy is not a reasonable goal and you'd do well not to put that kind of pressure on yourself. With three toddlers, you'll maintain more of your sanity if your goal is to keep up with them.

I had three under three. Now I have three in college. The "mess" doesn't go away, it just changes shape.

Keeping a schedule (this happens at this time, that happens at that time) can be daunting with three little ones. A routine (this happens after this -- regardless of the time -- and then we do that) might be more accomodating for everyone, especially you.

Mornings can start when everyone wakes, not necessarily at 8AM. We eat, we clean up, we watch a program, we play outside, we snack, we play outside some more, we eat luch. This doesn't have to happen by the clock to go smoothly and successfully.

Do remember, "Stay at home Mom" doesn't mean you have to stay at home. Check into your local resources for playgroups and parks. Network with other moms about scheduling playgroups and exchanging babysitting.

Children cannot mess up what they can't reach, see, or know is there.

Keep breakables and other valuables up and away. If necessary, put them out of sight completely. While it may seem like you'll never see your things again, the reality is that the days are long and the years are short. This means you'll be bringing your things down and back into view before you know it.

Safety devices work in theory. In practice, small children are geniuses. Block outlets, unused radiators and cords with furniture. All lower kitchen cabinets should be child proofed with one exception. Here you would keep plastics the children can play with. Cooking around kids is dangerous. Cook in advance (when they're sleeping) and reheat later; tell your husband to keep the kids occupied; create meals out of raw fruit, raw vegetables and sandwiches. Puddings are great -- and much fun in the tub (see below).

Keep a minimum of toys available. A child with too many choices (more than 5 toys) can be become an overwhelmed child. A child with a toy that contains more than 5 pieces can also become overwhelmed. Simple blocks go a lot further than a box of action figures.

My rule of thumb was that if a toy couldn't go in the dishwasher or clothes washer, it wasn't a toy for my kids. This helped immensely on many levels, the least of which was cleanup.

If your kids have more than 5 toys each, stick the rest in storage. When you bring out all those "new" toys, put the other toys in storage. Change them out about every three months.

Messes will be made no matter what. To consolidate messes, never dismiss the wonders of the bathroom.

If you have a hand-held shower nozzle, explore the possibilities. During the colder months and during rainy days, I fed my baby during the day by putting her in her high chair and the high chair in the bathroom while the two older enjoyed their lunch on the tray that fit between the sides of the empty tub. When my baby was done eating I washed the older two and let them dress themselves. I then put the baby (still in the high chair) in the tub and washed her up along with the high chair. I'd take her out and let the high chair dry.

On warm days I used an empty inflatable kids' pool instead of the tub. After eating, I'd fill the pool with water and bath bubble mixture. If you have a sprayer on the end of the hose, you can get some rockin' bubble mountains going.

The beauty of inflatable pools and pool toys is that they can go inside in a bedroom (without water, of course). The inflatable toys that have slides and palm trees are great, but if all you can afford is a moderately sized inflatable pool, this can double as a napping place (with pillows, blankets, stuffed animals) and as a place to play or look at books. Very small pools can hold books or toys and make it easier for small children to learn organizational skills (books go in the pink pool and toys go in the blue pool).

The important thing is your peace of mind. Three small children are exhausting no matter what you do. Don't put extra (and unnecessary) pressure on yourself to do more, more, more. Keep it simple. The simpler things are for all of you, the more fondly you'll remember them at the end of the day, the more accomplished you'll feel, and trust me -- they'll remember the time you spent with them, not how tidy everything was.

My aunt needs to know what all you need to become a foster parent?
Q. Since I have no idea on this subject, I knew someone here would. Any suggestions or answers?

A. my husband and I have been foster parents for several years. she can research on the internet some agencies pay better than others but are harder to work for others like the state don't pay as well but they have less restrictions. We were foster parents with the state for a long time but we got tired of needing to speak to a worker that we couldn'g get in touch with. So we switched to Benchmark and they were pretty good it took awhile to get a placement but once we did they were all about helping us with the kids they would call several times a week and ask if we were haivng any problems and ask if we needed anything. My mom is a foster parent right now too and she just switched from Benchmark to Safy? and she really likes them.

as far as what you need you have to go through several weeks of in class training to help you understand certain behaviors.

you need to have a job that pays your bills

you need to have a safe stable home w/ no holes in the walls, ceilings or floors

credit references, and personal references so they know you are an upstanding citizen

you can get more info from the organization that you decise to go with they don't all require the same things. so she needs to set up a meeting with 2 or 3 different ones and go with the one that she thinks will work best for her family.

here in Kentucky we can keep up to 4 children in 1 bedroom but...they cannot sleep in the same beds (unless they are your own kids)

How do you teach your child to be organized?
Q. My 2d grader is very unorganized. At school and at home. It's to the point that he forgets to bring his homework home and he hasn't grasped the idea of putting things away once he's done using thim

A. Some people are a lost cause, I'm half that way. My kitchen and bathrooms are generally very organized, my living room is now that my baby is crawling, but the bedrooms are disaster zones, FEMA would probably be interested in them!

Kids have to be taught how to be organized and it's something you have to work with constantly. It's something you have to have a system for. Places for everything, containers, organization has to be taught literally one thing at a time, from pencils to crayons in a box to backpacks. I take away my son's backpack periodically when I see that he's just shoving papers in it and he has to carry his papers in his hands.

I didn't grow up around organization, so I'm most comfortable in controlled chaos. You should try to set an example in some areas, start small. Have your son help with dishes, a simple chore where everything has a specific place. Every day have him do something to get organized. Get shelves, boxes, tubs, hooks, etc. and teach him step by step where things go. I'm just now starting to get myself organized, and I've got 5 kids to keep up after! Be an example and work WITH your child as you help clean and organize. And be prepared for a long haul, it takes much longer to unlearn a bad habit than to learn a good one from scratch!

Also, give him some space to be totally disorganized. A drawer in a dresser, a toybox, a plastic storage container, somewhere that he can just "dump" stuff of no importance. I know that helps me to have dump areas that I can just put stuff I don't know what to do with.

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