Sunday, December 9, 2012

Everyone take my survey! :)?

Q. A. Male or Female?
B. Do you like your name?
C. Do you have a natural talent? If so, what is it?
D. How many kids do you want?
E. Favorite restaurant?
F. Do you smoke? Have you ever?
G. Where is your favorite shirt from?
H. What is your religion?
I. One thing you would put or have put on your bucket list?
J. Favorite website to kill boredom?
K. Have you had your first real kiss? What age?
L. If you could have one thing, what would it be?
M. Dream car?
N. Job? If you don't have one, then dream job.
O. How tall are you?
P. Do you think you are considered tall, short or average?
Q. Are you a fan of Justin Beiber?
R. Favorite snack?
S. Best deal you have had at a store?
T. Are you single?
U. If you could change one thing about the world today, what would it be?
V. How much do you spend on a pair of jeans? (average)
W. 3 favorite baby names, boy or girl?
X. What color are your bedroom walls?
Y. What is the most annoying thing someone you know does?
Z. What was your first thought of me after reading all my answers(posted below)?

A. Female
B. Kind of, its unique.
C. I can sing pretty good.
D. 2.
E. Olive Garden.
F. I don't, but I have.
G. DownEast Basics.
H. Christian
I. Skydiving
J. Pinterest
K. Nope.
L. iPhone 4s
N. Photographer
O. 5'3
P. Short for my age.
Q. Nope.
R. Poptarts.
S. $80 worth for 10 bucks
T. Yeah.
U. So many things.
V. 20-30
W. Emma, Cole, Riley.
X. Tan.
Y. People typn lke ths so u cnt evn tell wut thur sayn
Z. Nothing special.

A. A. Male or Female? Female of corce is there really any other sex to be.
B. Do you like your name? of cource but I have another that is my fav
C. Do you have a natural talent? If so, what is it? Oh couce who does not, mine is singing clasicall music, you really should come to one of my shows one time, oh wait they are always sold out.
D. How many kids do you want? I want three. Two boys and one girl. there names will be Amber, Brandon, and chandler. I also want a husband they count as kids right.P
E. Favorite restaurant?Chen'sthey have my favorite food ever chinnes and I cannot live without it it is like air to me you don't even know it is like my life line
F. Do you smoke? Have you ever?NOPE AND NEVER PLAN ON IT, when people smoke around me i cough so much i pass out.
G. Where is your favorite shirt from?It is from Rue 21 <3 it is like the brightest thing in my closet and that is why i like it so much it is like boom i am here look out world or i will run you down.
H. What is your religion?Christian
I. One thing you would put or have put on your bucket list? chew this piece of gum till it disingratesin my moth and taste like my mouth and them feed it to my friend
J. Favorite website to kill boredom? Yahoo Awnsers
K. Have you had your first real kiss? What age?yep and I was 14, not to say that that was the last thing i have done, or last person I have kissed[;
L. If you could have one thing, what would it be?It would be you know who for life [;
M. Dream car? Christler sebring or 200 currently
N. Job? If you don't have one, then dream job. Doctor of cource and right now I a stressed about all the cources I am taking and there exams i think i need to quiet working so hard and just get out of the school I am going and go to some extream party school cause I party weekly
O. How tall are you?5'3" wow we are the same I never thought I would met some one the same short height as me
P. Do you think you are considered tall, short or average?ligit short i am the shortest person that is my age. I will be for life,
Q. Are you a fan of Justin Beiber?Justin who? never herd of him can you tell me more?
R. Favorite snack?Letus Salad, I love that. I only eat letus salad I never eat anything else. it is the bomb.
S. Best deal you have had at a store?umm yeah jeans that weere orginaly 60 for 9 and like I got a bunch and my are the sexy beast they make me look sexy.
T. Are you single?It is a long I will say yeah, If you only knew my life you would understand, I am the only one wo knows what is happening with that sector of my life.
U. If you could change one thing about the world today, what would it be?I would change oceans, get ride of the salt put them all together and yeah it makes since up there.
V. How much do you spend on a pair of jeans? (average) 25 ish
W. 3 favorite baby names, boy or girl?bob joe and suzy
X. What color are your bedroom walls?lime green with sexy polka dots like this [;
Y. What is the most annoying thing someone you know does?telling me to move, you think just because I am not htat big it is okay to tell me to move go around, I don't wanna move just as much as you or do you think i need the exercize are you calling me fat??!!?? GO AROUND ME PLAIN AND SIMPLE.
Z. What was your first thought of me after reading all my answers(posted below)?your a cool cat and I would be proud to be your friend. I hope. that you have a good question too? I love it it is probally my favorite to awnser.

Anyone wanna take a survey?
Q. A. Male or Female?
B. Do you like your name?
C. Do you have a natural talent? If so, what is it?
D. How many kids do you want?
E. Favorite restaurant?
F. Do you smoke? Have you ever?
G. Where is your favorite shirt from?
H. What is your religion?
I. One thing you would put or have put on your bucket list?
J. Favorite website to kill boredom?
K. Have you had your first real kiss? What age?
L. If you could have one thing, what would it be?
M. Dream car?
N. Job? If you don't have one, then dream job.
O. How tall are you?
P. Do you think you are considered tall, short or average?
Q. Are you a fan of Justin Beiber?
R. Favorite snack?
S. Best deal you have had at a store?
T. Are you single?
U. If you could change one thing about the world today, what would it be?
V. How much do you spend on a pair of jeans? (average)
W. 3 favorite baby names, boy or girl?
X. What color are your bedroom walls?
Y. What is the most annoying thing someone you know does?
Z. What was your first thought of me after reading all my answers(posted below)?

A. Female
B. Kind of, its unique.
C. I can sing pretty good.
D. 2.
E. Olive Garden.
F. I don't, but I have.
G. DownEast Basics.
H. Christian
I. Skydiving
J. Pinterest
K. Nope.
L. iPhone 4s
N. Photographer
O. 5'3
P. Short for my age.
Q. Nope.
R. Poptarts.
S. $80 worth for 10 bucks
T. Yeah.
U. So many things.
V. 20-30
W. Emma, Cole, Riley.
X. Tan.
Y. People typn lke ths so u cnt evn tell wut thur sayn
Z. Nothing special.

A. A. Male. Definitely.
B. I like my Yahoo Question name better than my real name.
C. None. I have to work at everything I do. I admire people who have natural talents.
D. One.
E. Golden Coralle.
F. No. My mother did, all the time. So I got a lot of sidestream smoke.
G. T-shirts, personalized. From Spread Shirt.
H. I am a heathen.
I. Love this. I wrote my bucket list at age 13. The last thing on my list; die the day after my 120th birthday.
J. AllExperts (Google it). Search Reyometrics.
K.About age 5.
L. Win Power Ball.
M. Had it, 40 years. Job ceased last may. Sigh. Water Meter Repairman.
N. Back in college. Learning new trade; office administrative support.
O. 6'2"
P. Tall
Q. I think he is ok. I like his music. Think he has a HOT girlfriend. Except now for the short hair...
R. Hagen Dazz chocolate, chocolate chip.
S. VHS player. The store had 2 left, sold one to me for $15.00. Sweeettt.
T. No.
U. Never invent gunpowder.
V. $35. I get my clothes at a outlet store.
W. Angelina, Christopher, Michelle.
X. Medium green.
Y. Brag about how much money they make.
Z. Skydiving. Braver than me. I am afraid of heights.
Wonder what you look like.

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Title Post: Everyone take my survey! :)?
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Author: Unknown

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