Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Do I need to keep my kids three female guinea pigs in individual cages or can they live together in one ?

Q. My kids got three guinea pigs for Christmas. The have been very good at taking care of them. I did not realize they were such social pets. When we bought them at the pet store they were in one cage, but the attendant told us they have to be alone or they will fight and kill each other. Then he said it was possible to keep them together since we got them so young and they would be growing up together and all three female. The first few nights were fine, but tonight my girls were screaming. The largest guinea pig was attacking and biting the other two; the other two were cowering and passively hiding from the aggressive guinea pig. We took the large one out and put her in her own cage And while doing this as I was holding her she nibbled o me (not sure I would call it a bite). The smallest one belongs to my youngest and he plays with his pig often and carries her around in his clothing and lets her wonder around in his bedroom. She is by far the most sociable. I am assuming it is because he spends so much time with her and she is used to human. I need advice.
1. Do I keep them all together? Is it possible they are play fighting? or perhaps one is marking her territory? Or is it unsafe to keep them together. I have read conflicting articles, some say guinea pigs are loners and some say they like the company of other guinea pigs
2. Is is safe for the aggressive one to play with the ids? what if she really bites them, they are very gentle with her. they are not toddlers, they are 8, 13 and 13
My girls want to know if their guinea pigs can sleep with them in their bed?
We have read that they can be litter box trained? anyone had success with this
what about other training? To walk on a leash?
How often and how do you bath them?
What is the ideal temp. we were told they cannot get cold at all but I cannot sleep with the heat on at night
should we cover their cages at night with a towel to give them privacy?will it make it easier for them to sleep?
How much sun light so they need
what is the best way to give water? water bottle or bowl?
why do they seem to like hay more than oranges and other treat?
Pet co has guinea pig clothing, anyoone dress theirs
any advice on training, raising and creating a comfortable safe home for guinea pigs greatly appreciated
I appreciate all the trouble both number two and three went to to provide answers and links to invaluable sites. I do not however appreciate number three flat out telling me that I am not properly caring for the guinea pigs. I certainlly am; I am caring for them the best i know based on the info provided to me. I admit I am a dog person and guinea pigs are new to me. I am not stupid. I asked the question about sleeping with them, because the kids were in here as I wrote my question and they kept asking. I thought for their sake i should include all of their questions so that the answers they read were not just coming from me but from sources with experience. I waited til they were fast asleep to add this, because it was idiotic of you to insult me as you should have known I was sharing your answer with kids. thank you however for all of the other helpful info you provided

A. Guinea pigs are very social animals. No matter where you have read otherwise, this is true.

The pet stores are almost all the time wrong about what they say. Any guinea pigs can live together, if properly introduced and bonded. Here's more information on bonding: http://www.cavyspirit.com/sociallife.htm
If you follow the instructions on that link, your guinea pigs will most likely not play-fight. Guinea pigs don't really do that.

The aggresive one was only being aggressive towards the guinea pigs, so chances are the aggressive one is not truly aggressive, except towards other guinea pigs. Your kids are probably safe. I would be supervising ALL interactions with the guinea pigs, not just the aggressive one. Guinea pigs are not meant to be child's toys. They are living, breathing animals. I would NOT be letting my 8 year old carry around a guinea pig. They're not meant to be carried around as if they are disposable stuffed animals - because they're not! They are very skittish animals and should sit on your lap while you are being calm and gentle, not while you're walking around. It's just asking for a disaster. PLEASE - supervise all the interactions with the guinea pigs! The 13 year old are probably fine, but you must be aware.

No, the guinea pigs CANNOT sleep with them in their bed. It's not rocket science! They'll go to the bathroom in the bed, the kid will smash him, he'll fall of the bed. Something's bound to go wrong. I don't think you understand - guinea pigs are not stuffed animals! If you were properly taking care of them, you'd understand.

Guinea pigs can be litter-trained, but it's VERY challenging. I tried it with mine and it just never caught on.

Guinea pigs have very sensitive backs and bones and therefore should NOT be walked on a leash. What do you think they are - DOGS? They are rodents!

You don't need to bathe them unless they truly smell bad. Guinea pigs normally groom themselves and baths are very stressful on them. Don't do it. Mine had a heart attack and died from fear while he had a bath.

Guinea pigs are diurnal animals, meaning they sleep 4-6 hours every night. They don't need a towel on their cage. As far as sun-light amounts, as long as the cage isn't directly beating down on the whole cage for the whole day, it's fine.

Water bottles are the best way to give water to guinea pigs. water bowls will easily be tipped over and thus a big mess created.

I STRONGLY encourage you to build a C&C cage for your guinea pigs. It's honestly the best thing you can do for them. Here's a picture of one you could make: http://www.guineapigcages.com/photos/showphoto.php/photo/18886
Here's how to make one: http://www.guineapigcages.com/howto.htm
For three pigs, you should have at least a 2x5, but you should go as big as you can.

The correct diet that you should have is as follows:
High quality pellets like Oxbow or Kleenmama's. I suggest Oxbow Cavy Cuisine if the pigs are over 1 year of age, Oxbow Cavy Performance for pigs under 1 year: http://www.oxbowanimalhealth.com/products/type/detail;jsessionid=1BB96DB061D98D07EAE9890404CBA72D.vipa-08a?object=1622 OR http://www.oxbowanimalhealth.com/products/type/detail?object=1546

Unlimited Timothy hay (or Alfalfa for pigs under 1 year) from a local hay store or pet feed store. Most pet store hays are unhealthy and low-quality. That goes for pellets, too.

Fresh water daily.

2 cups of mixed veggies from this list for all the pigs to share: http://www.guineapigcages.com/forum/diet-nutrition/22156-read-me-guinea-pig-nutrition-charts-poisonous-plants-list.html
Here's some sample menus: http://www.guineapigcages.com/forum/diet-nutrition/24770-sample-veggie-menus.html

Do not use anything Petco sells or tells you. It's all junk.

Join this website...http://www.guineapigcages.com/forum/ It's great with lots of nice members and helpful info.

Email me at cass234@live.com if you have any moer questions.

good luck!

Treasure Hunt Clues???Please??
Q. Things around the house, and garden for 10 - 12 yr olds.
Things like: Pool, bedroom,living room,dresser,table,kitchen...ect...

A. the only time I organised a treasure like hunt.. it was for my sons birthday - I had a scary theme, decorated the house in webs and plastic skeletons etc.. and themed it "freaky friday" - I did face paint for the kids then gave them a bag of treats which included a torch. When it got dark they had to follow me (in a line) and try and find the objects I had hidden in the garden etc.. using their torches they finally found all of the objects... I had another adult hide behind a bush and jump out to gve them a bit of a fright ... was good and they all laughed and had great fun

why is my cat scared of my bedroom?
Q. i was walking into my bedroom and my cat was in their with the door closed so when i opened the door her tail was puffed up and her eyes where wide with fear so she dashed out of the room the light was on when i walked in i really don't see why she was scared.

about 3 weeks later i was taking her in my room and she clawed onto me and tried to hide her face and eyes from the room as we walked further in she mewed and clawed me harder i heard a slight growl in her mew and her eyes were wide and her tail was puffed up i left the room freaked out. she also keeps hiding under the bed, that happened 3 days ago and i havnt been ableto sleep since!

can any one help me? why is she scared?
she was watching my every movment she hasnt been scared of my room i have had her about 4-6 weeks and she was never scared of my room til like 3 weeks ago andmy floor is clean maby afew art tools and puff balls dolls our toys her toys scatterd hear and their but she has never been scared til now whats wrong? any other info i should include?
nothing in my room makes noises and nothing in their should scare her she had been under my uncles porch for weeks so shouldnt she be less scared she had seen snakes and giant spiders she had been chased by horses and even bull dogs and i know nothing of what she should be afraid of! are ghosts as real as everyone says they are? is thats whats happening?

A. there is lots of reasons a cat could be scared of a room. Yes maybe it is because you scared it
but it could also be because something in the room scares it or scared it earlier. For example my cat is scared of green pool noodles. its only scared of green noodles. maybe there is a sound that scares it like a clock ticking. if there is something that makes noise in there i would try taking it out of the room and see how the cat reacts to the object. and the room when the object is not in the room with the cat. Or maybe it is still shaky and scared because of when you scared it. kid of like when your little and you think you hear the boogieman or you see bigFoot on TV or in a book. The cat should eventually overcome its fear.

Big marriage problem related to religion?
Q. Hi you all...I'm sure some of you know that I post such questions regularly but back to the main point.

Today was one of the worst days ever. I know that whatever I did may not be right but I sneaked my Christian girlfriend into my house so that we could share a few hugs and kisses together. Not that my parents object to it but the thing is they don't allow her to be upstairs in my bedroom. I lied about my college having a function yesterday so that I could go on a date with her and we took this risk today but unfortunately my dad called my institute and found out the truth. We were just in the middle of listening to some music and hugging (I love her a lot) when my mom knocked on the door and demanded that I open it. I've done this quite a few times before and I told her that I'll be coming in a minute but I had to hide my girl somehow. Unfortunately, it didn't work out and she came in yelling at me. My girl hid in the washroom in the meantime.

I really feel sorry for what I did but I planned on making amends with my mum for lying to her and dad. Now the main problem is they told me to finalize a decision. They're allowing marriage on the condition that either my girl converts to Islam or her kids do. Of course, her parents don't know about her affair yet so she can't take this matter to them whereas my parents are demanding an answer within an hour.

I've been with her for almost half a year now and I don't want to leave her. Please don't discourage or degrade me; I realize that whatever I have done was wrong but right now I'm really worried and concerned about my future. What if her extremely strict and conservative mom denies marriage? Even if she does, how will we solve our kids' religion's issue? Earlier we decided that it would be up to the children but they pointed out that the kids should be raised as Muslims in a Christian/Muslim marriage.

I'm a very sincere guy and I don't want to lose my girl. We're serious about each other and our lives will be ruined if things don't go our way. Could you please suggest what to do? How should we convince both our parents? Thanks a lot and appreciate it!
@ The Bobster love is what keeps our hopes alive. :)

@ Monica the thing is we've gone a long way and it'll be a waste of time if we turn back. Plus, feelings are important too...it'll be haunting if you remember a person you once loved/the times you spent with them and now you're not with them anymore.

@ M O thanks for your encouragement bro...I broke down into tears today when my parents told me this and I already have panic attacks. I'm from Pakistan (please don't worry, I'm a university student and not a terrorist) but we're scared of her mom.....she's trying to force my girl to go for arranged marriage. :(

A. I see a number of problems here.

1. It's great that you're a college student and furthering your education, but you still live under your parents' roof so you should respect their rules even if you disagree with them. You have broken their trust, and they're coming down hard on you.

2. If you want to have more freedom with this girl now, you may have to sacrifice your college education, get a job and support yourself, (and possibly her, too).

3. A person forced to convert is not a true convert. She can follow Muslim rules, but that would be adhering to legalism and not a true religion. in short, your parents can't change her heart or force her to adopt their beliefs.

4. The Christian and Muslim religions are not compatible at all. There are very basic doctrines that are diametrically opposed.

5. It doesn't sound like either of you truly practice a religion. If she is a true, God-fearing Christian and can recall the time when accepted Jesus Christ as her Savior, she would not be sneaking around with you, giving you reasons to lie to your parents, and going along with disobeying your parents. Also, she would recognize that a marriage between a Christian and Muslim would mean she would be "unequally yoked" to you. For our own protection and happiness, God tells us through His Word not to do that.

6. Children are not learned nor are they capable of choosing which religious road to follow. There are far too many false religions out there, I'm sorry to say. They need parents who have studied and know the truth to guide them on the right path as parents would in any other aspect of life. Once a child is of an age of accountability, yes, he may question what he believes. At that point, he should be encouraged to study and seek Truth on his own.

Your parents seem very, very strict, and although I cannot identify with them I can see why they are reacting this way. You still have an immature view of life, love, and religion.

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Title Post: Do I need to keep my kids three female guinea pigs in individual cages or can they live together in one ?
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